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Disruptive, Stubborn, Out of Control?

Disruptive, Stubborn, Out of Control?

Bo Hejlskov Elvén


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Book Details


One of the biggest challenges in the classroom is trying to teach when students act in unexpected and annoying ways. Based on the psychology of how children and people act, this book offers practical strategies for understanding why your students are behaving in the way they are, and how to react in a way that restores peace and harmony in the classroom. With many examples of typical confrontational behaviours and clues for how to understand and resolve the underlying issues, this book will be every stressed teacher's best friend.
Bo Hejlskov Elvén is a Clinical Psychologist based in Sweden. He is an independent consultant and lecturer on autism and challenging behaviour, and an accredited Studio III trainer. In 2009, he was awarded the Puzzle Piece of the Year prize by the Swedish Autism Society for his lecturing and counselling on challenging behaviour.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Disruptive, Stubborn, Out of Control? by Bo Hejlskov Elvén 3
Introduction 7
Part 1 - Principles 11
1. Always Identify the One With the Problem 13
2. Kids Do Well If They Can 17
3. People Always Do What Makes Sense 28
4. Those Who Take Responsibility Can Make a Difference 37
5. Children Learn Nothing from Failure 52
6. You Need Self-control to Cooperate with Others 57
7. Everyone Does What They Can to Maintain Self-control 62
8. Affect Is Contagious 66
9. Conflicts Consist of Solutions and Failures Require an Action Plan 72
10. Teaching Is Making Demands that the Pupils Would Not Have Made on Themselves – In a Way that Works 79
11. You Become a Leader When Someone Follows You 88
Part 2 - Cases and Action Plans 99
12. It’s the School’s Responsibility to Ensure that the Pupils Achieve the Learning Goals 101
13. Example Situations and Action Plans 106
14. Go For the Ball, Not the Player! 134
Part 3 - Extra Materials 137
Study Materials 139
Further Reading 147
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