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Confused, Angry, Anxious?

Confused, Angry, Anxious?

Bo Hejlskov Elvén | Charlotte Agger | Iben Ljungmann


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Working with older people in care can be challenging and frustrating, especially when they behave in ways that seem irrational, aggressive, or unreasonably repetitive, and nothing you can do seems to help. The authors of this useful and practical book explain how to understand the difficult and annoying ways in which older people in care can behave, (especially people with dementia), how to stay calm and kind, and how to solve the problems they can create. With many examples of everyday challenges and how to deal with them, this book has the potential to change your working life.
I have admired the best dementia care practice in Denmark for many years. They use an inclusive approach that does not blame or stigmatise but that uses positive action to make a real difference. Within this book you will find an intensely practical approach focussing on some of the most challenging situations we face in everyday care. Highly recommended!
Professor Dawn Brooker, PhD CPsychol (clin) AFBPsS, Director of the Association for Dementia Studies, University of Worcester
Bo Hejlskov Elvén is a Clinical Psychologist based in Sweden. He is an independent consultant and lecturer on autism and challenging behaviour, and an accredited Studio III trainer. Charlotte Agger is a nurse and the managing director of a dementia centre. Iben Ljungmann is a psychologist who works as an independent consultant in dementia care.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Confused, Angry, Anxious? by Bo Hejlskov Elvén, Charlotte Agger and Iben Ljungmann 3
Introduction 7
Part 1 - Principles 19
1. Always Identify the One With the Problem 21
2. People Behave Well If They Can 25
3. People Always Do What Makes Sense 39
4. Those Who Take Responsibility Can Make a Difference 48
5. People With Dementia No Longer Learn 58
6. You Need Self-control to Cooperate with Others 69
7. Everyone Does What They Can to Maintain Self-control 74
8. Affect Is Contagious 78
9. Conflicts Consist of Solutions and Failures Require an Action Plan 83
10. Pedagogy and Care Involve Making the Right Demands in a Way that Works 88
11. To Lead Is to Cooperate 97
Part 2 - Cases and Action Plans 109
12. We Work in a Garage 111
13. An Example from Everyday Life 115
14. People With Great Social Needs 130
15. Inappropriate Behaviour 136
16. Relatives Are People Too 139
17. Always Exclude the Possibility that It Could Be Somatic 145
Part 3 - Extra Material 153
Types of Dementia 155
Person-centred Care 163
Study Materials 169
References 177
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