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Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins

Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins

Maxim Ryadnov | Ferenc Hudecz


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Book Details


Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins comprises a comprehensive and critical review of significant developments at the biology and chemistry interface. Compiled by leading researchers in their subject, this volume incorporates current trends and emerging areas for example discovery and validation of novel protein/peptide biomarkers, proteins and peptides for the diagnosis and therapy of a parasite infection and surface and interface analysis of functional proteins and peptides. Appealing broadly to researchers in academia and industry, it will be of great benefit to any researcher wanting a succinct reference to developments now and looking to the future.
Max obtained his PhD from Lomonosov Moscow State University and Russian Academy of Sciences in 2000. After a postdoctorate in Sussex, he pursued independent academic research in Bristol and Leicester before joining NPL as a principal research scientist in 2010 where he is currently a science area leader for Biotechnology.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents vii
Preface v
Peptide-derived mid-sized anti-HIV agents 1
1 Introduction 1
2 HIV vaccines based on an N36 derivative 3
3 HIV fusion inhibitors based on an C34 derivative 4
4 Chemokine receptor CXCR4 antagonists 8
5 Chemokine receptor CCR5 antagonists 12
6 HIV integrase inhibitors 15
7 HIV entry inhibitors based on CD4 mimics 18
8 Summary and future perspectives 19
Abbreviations 21
Acknowledgments 22
References 23
The discovery and validation of novel protein and peptide biomarkers 30
1 Introduction 30
2 The biomarker discovery phase 31
3 The biomarker validation phase 39
4 In silico analysis 41
5 The omics pipeline 42
6 Personalised medicine 42
7 Biomarker exemplars 43
8 The big data problem 46
9 Conclusions 47
Abbreviations 47
References 48
Site-selective peptide and protein labelling & crosslinking 53
1 Introduction 53
2 Site-selective labelling of peptides and proteins 57
3 Site-selective crosslinking of proteins to peptides and proteins 70
4 Conclusions 88
Abbreviations 89
Acknowledgments 91
References 91
Metal complexes of amino acids and peptides 100
1 Introduction 100
2 Amino acid complexes 101
3 Peptide complexes 119
4 Future perspectives 136
Abbreviations 137
Acknowledgments 138
References 138
Mechanism of drug transport by ABC multidrug proteins in structural perspectives 152
1 Introduction 152
2 Structure of ABC transporters 157
3 Models for the transport mechanism of ABC exporters 164
4 In silico studies on the structure and mechanism of ABCB exporters 169
5 Rescuing misfolding and functionally impaired variants of disease associated ABC proteins 177
6 Conclusion 178
Abbreviations 179
Acknowledgments 179
References 180
Biophysical modulation of peptide–membrane interactions 188
1 Introduction 188
2 Current trends 189
3 Case studies of biologically relevant peptide-membrane interactions 201
4 Future perspectives 216
References 217
Surface and interface analysis of functional proteins and peptides 225
1 Introduction 225
2 Analytical techniques 226
3 Performance and comparability of techniques 262
4 Conclusion and future perspective 263
Acknowledgments 264
References 264