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Validation of Chromatography Data Systems

Validation of Chromatography Data Systems

Robert McDowall


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Book Details


Guiding chromatographers working in regulated industries and helping them to validate their chromatography data systems to meet data integrity, business and regulatory needs. This book is a detailed look at the life cycle and documented evidence required to ensure a system is fit for purpose throughout the lifecycle. Initially providing the regulatory, data integrity and system life cycle requirements for computerised system validation, the book then develops into a guide on planning, specifying, managing risk, configuring and testing a chromatography data system before release. This is followed by operational aspects such as training, integration and IT support and finally retirement. All areas are discussed in detail with case studies and practical examples provided as appropriate.

The book has been carefully written and is right up to date including recently released FDA data integrity guidance. It provides detailed guidance on good practice and expands on the first edition making it an invaluable addition to a chromatographer’s book shelf.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Validation of Chromatography Data Systems: Ensuring Data Integrity, Meeting Business and Regulatory Requirements 2nd Edition i
Preface to the First Edition v
Preface to the Second Edition vii
Biography ix
Acknowledgements xi
Contents xiii
Chapter 1 - How to Use this Book 1
1.1 Purpose and Scope 1
1.2 The Way It Was… 2
1.3 The Way It Should Be… 3
1.4 Book Structure: Life to Death of a CDS 3
1.4.1 Chapter Structure 4
1.4.2 Part 1: Understanding the Basics 6
1.4.3 Part 2: Planning the Work 7
1.4.4 Part 3: Selecting the System 8
1.4.5 Part 4: Risk, Traceability, Configuration, Installation and Integration 9
1.4.6 Part 5: User Acceptance Testing 10
1.4.7 Part 6: Supporting Documentation and System Release 10
1.4.8 Part 7: Maintaining the Validation Status 11
1.4.9 Part 8: Records Retention and System Retirement 12
1.4.10 Part 9: When All Else Fails: Retrospective Validation of a CDS 12
1.4.11 Ensuring Data Integrity 12
1.4.12 Importance of the Second Person Review in Ensuring Data Integrity 13
1.5 Use Your Organisation’s Computer Validation Procedures 13
1.5.1 Terminology Used in this Book 14
1.6 Why Does it Take so Long to Validate a CDS 14
1.6.1 CDS Validation: The Way It Is 14
1.6.2 CDS Validation: The Way It Should Be 14
1.6.3 The Core System 15
1.7 Ten Critical Success Factors for Fast CDS Validation 16
1.7.1 Management Involvement and Backing 16
1.7.2 Dedicated Key Project Team Members 17
1.7.3 Use an Appropriate Life Cycle Model 17
1.7.4 Knowledge of the CDS Application 18
1.7.5 Active and Flexible Quality Assurance Involvement 18
1.7.6 Effective and Compliant IT Participation 18
1.7.7 Use the Supplier Effectively 19
1.7.8 Planning, Planning and Planning 20
1.7.9 Focus on the Core System 20
1.7.10 Get More from Less Testing 21
1.8 Assumptions, Exclusions and Limitations 21
Chapter 2 - What is a CDS The Past, Present and Future 22
2.1 Introduction to Chromatography Data Systems 22
2.2 What is a Chromatography Data System 22
2.2.1 Types of Chromatography Data System 23
2.2.2 Naming Conventions 25
2.2.3 Data Acquisition Files 25
2.2.4 Instrument Control Files 26
2.2.5 Sequence File 27
2.2.6 Acquisition of Chromatographic Data 27
2.2.7 Management of Data: Database or Files 28
2.2.8 Interpretation of Chromatographic Data 28
2.2.9 System Suitability Test (SST) Calculations 30
2.2.10 Calibration 30
2.2.11 User Defined Analytical Run Parameters 31
2.2.12 Collation of Results and Reports 32
2.2.13 Architecture of a Networked CDS 32
2.3 Evolution of Chromatography Data Systems 33
2.3.1 CDS: Where Have We Come From 33
2.3.2 The Evolutionary Ages of CDS 34
2.4 Stone Age: Paper Based Peak Measurement Techniques 35
2.4.1 Cut and Weigh 36
2.4.2 Ruler and Pencil 36
2.4.3 Disk Integrator 37
2.4.4 Summary of Stone Age CDS 37
2.5 Bronze Age: Electronic Peak Measurement 38
2.5.1 Central Data Systems 38
2.5.2 Computing Integrators 38
2.5.3 Summary of Bronze Age CDS 39
2.6 Iron Age: Expansion to Include Instrument Control 40
2.6.1 Standalone PCs: Extension to Instrument Control 40
2.6.2 PC Client–Server Networks 40
2.6.3 Summary of Iron Age CDS 41
2.7 Technology Age: Electronic Working and Regulatory Compliance 41
2.7.1 Migrating from Paper to Electronic Records 41
2.7.2 Part 11 Regulatory Compliance Features 42
2.7.3 Compliant Electronic Working Practices 42
2.7.4 Summary of Technology Age CDS 42
2.8 Think When You Use a CDS 43
2.9 Quo Vadis CDS 43
2.9.1 Networked CDS Architecture 44
2.9.2 Data Management via a Database 45
2.9.3 Independent IT Support 46
2.9.4 Interfaces to Instruments and Systems 47
2.9.5 Open Data File Formats 47
2.9.6 Method Development Function 47
2.9.7 Analytical Procedure Validation 48
2.9.8 Trending Analytical Data 48
2.9.9 Additional Functions for Electronic Working 50
2.9.10 Laboratory Investigation Module 51
2.9.11 Documenting Configuration Settings 51
2.9.12 Automated Instrument Qualification 52
2.9.13 Securing Metadata for Ensuring Data Integrity 53
2.9.14 Improved Audit Trail Review 53
2.9.15 Compliance Control in Unattended Analysis 54
References 55
Chapter 3 - Laboratory Informatics and the Role of a CDS 57
3.1 Laboratory Informatics Applications 57
3.1.1 Instrument Data Systems 58
3.1.2 Electronic Laboratory Notebooks (ELN) 58
3.1.3 Scientific Data Management Systems (SDMS) 59
3.1.4 Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) 59
3.1.5 Application Convergence 60
3.1.6 Data Analysis Applications 60
3.2 Islands of Automation in an Ocean of Paper 61
3.2.1 The Current Situation 61
3.2.2 Interfacing Laboratory Informatics Applications 61
3.2.3 Why Interface Laboratory Informatics Applications 62
3.2.4 Interfacing in Detail 62
3.2.5 Overview of Interfacing a CDS to a LIMS 63
3.3 The Role of a CDS in Laboratory Informatics 65
3.3.1 The Laboratory Jig-Saw 65
3.4 The Operating Principles of an Electronic Laboratory 65
3.4.1 Standalone Data Systems Cannot be Integrated into an Electronic Laboratory 66
3.5 Developing a Strategy for an Electronic Laboratory 67
3.6 Strategic Planning for an Electronic Laboratory 67
3.7 Systems and the Operating Principles of the Electronic Laboratory 68
3.8 Phased Implementation of Systems 70
3.9 Justification of Individual Systems 72
References 73
Chapter 4 - Applicable GXP Regulations and Guidance for CSV 74
4.1 When All Else Fails Read and Understand the Regulations 74
4.1.1 Why Read the Regulations 74
4.1.2 Approach to Regulations in this Book 75
4.2 Regulations and Guidance Impacting Computerised Systems 76
4.2.1 Scope of Regulations and Guidance 76
4.2.2 Computerised Systems are Often Equated to Equipment or Apparatus 76
4.3 Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Regulations and Guidance 78
4.3.1 FDA Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) 21 CFR 211 78
4.3.2 Update of 21 CFR 211: 2007–2008 81
4.3.3 Inspection of Pharmaceutical Quality Control Laboratories 82
4.3.4 Compliance Program Guidance 7346.832 for Pre-Approval Inspections (PAI) 83
4.3.5 FDA Guidance for Industry: Circumstances that Constitute Delaying, Denying, Limiting, or Refusing a Drug Inspection 84
4.3.6 European Union GMP Regulations 84
4.3.7 EU GMP Part 2 & ICH Q7: GMP for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients 85
4.3.8 Japanese GMP Regulations 86
4.3.9 Japanese GMP Guidance for Computerised Systems 88
4.3.10 PIC/S Guidance on Computerised Systems in GXP Environments 89
4.3.11 PIC/S Guidance for Validation Master Plans 90
4.3.12 WHO GMP Recommendations 90
4.3.13 FDA Level 2 GMP Guidance Records and Reports 91
4.3.14 Good Automated Manufacturing Practice (GAMP) Guidelines 92
4.3.15 GAMP Good Practice Guide for Validation of Laboratory Computerised Systems 93
4.4 Medical Device Good Manufacturing Practice 93
4.4.1 An Overview of Medical Device Regulations 93
4.4.2 Quality System Regulation for Medical Devices: 21 CFR 820 94
4.4.3 FDA Guidance: General Principles of Software Validation 95
4.4.4 ISO 13485 and EN 62304 96
4.5 Good Laboratory Practice Regulations and Guidance 96
4.5.1 Overview of GLP 96
4.5.2 Aims of GLP 97
4.5.3 GLP Regulations and Guidance Reviewed 98
4.5.4 US Good Laboratory Practice Regulations for Non-Clinical Studies (21 CFR 58) 98
4.5.5 Japanese Good Laboratory Practice Regulations 99
4.5.6 OECD Good Laboratory Practice Regulations 99
4.5.7 OECD GLP Guidance Document Number 10 100
4.5.8 OECD GLP Guidance Document Number 17 102
4.5.9 WHO GLP Handbook Second Edition 2009 103
4.5.10 Drug Information Association (DIA) Red Apple Guidance 1988 and 2008 104
4.5.11 Swiss AGIT GLP Guidance Documents 105
4.6 Good Clinical Practice Regulations 107
4.6.1 ICH Good Clinical Practice 107
4.6.2 Good Clinical Laboratory Practice 108
4.6.3 FDA Guidance Computerised Systems in Clinical Investigations 109
4.7 21 CFR 11 – Electronic Records and Electronic Signatures Regulation 112
4.7.1 21 CFR 11 is an Integrated Regulation 112
4.7.2 Interpret 21 CFR 11 by the Applicable Predicate Rule 113
4.7.3 The Need for 21 CFR Part 11 Assessment of Software 114
4.7.4 Current FDA Activities on 21 CFR 11 115
4.8 European Union GMP Annex 11 and Chapter 4 115
4.8.1 Introduction 115
4.8.2 EU GMP Overview 116
4.8.3 Increased Scope of Annex 11 116
4.8.4 Risk Management Throughout the Life Cycle 117
4.8.5 New Roles and Responsibilities 117
4.8.6 Suppliers and Service Providers 118
4.8.7 Validation 119
4.8.8 Annex 11 Controls for Ensuring Data Integrity 120
4.8.9 Electronic Signatures 121
4.8.10 IT Support of Validated Computer Systems 121
4.8.11 Maintaining Validation 122
4.8.12 What has been Omitted in the New Annex 11 122
4.8.13 EU GMP Chapter 4: Major Changes 123
4.8.14 Principle: Define Raw Data 123
4.8.15 Generation and Control of Documentation 124
4.8.16 Dead as a Dodo: My Raw Data are Paper 125
4.8.17 Retention of Documents 125
4.9 United States Pharmacopoeia ၘ on Analytical Instrument Qualification 126
4.9.1 Overview of USP General Chapters 126
4.9.2 Origins of USP ၘ on Analytical Instrument Qualification 127
4.9.3 AIQ Life Cycle 128
4.9.4 The Data Quality Triangle 129
4.9.5 Classification of Apparatus, Instruments and Systems 133
4.9.6 Problems with the Current USP ၘ 134
4.9.7 Progress Updating USP ၘ 136
4.9.8 What has Changed in the In-Process Revisions of USP ၘ 137
4.9.9 Is the Proposed USP ၘ Better 137
4.9.10 Definition of Qualification 137
4.10 GXP Regulations and Guidance Summary for Computerised Systems 141
References 141
Chapter 5 - Concepts of Computer Validation 147
5.1 Why Bother to Validate Your Software 147
5.1.1 Investment Protection 147
5.1.2 Consistent Product Quality 148
5.1.3 Compliance with Regulations 148
5.1.4 Ensure Data Integrity 148
5.1.5 Protection of Intellectual Property 148
5.2 What is Computerised System Validation (CSV) 148
5.2.1 Definitions of Computerised System Validation 148
5.2.2 Key Concepts of Computer Validation 149
5.3 What is a Computerised System 150
5.4 What Computer Validation is and is not 152
5.4.1 Principles of Computer Validation 152
5.4.2 Computer Validation Assumptions and Misconceptions 152
5.4.3 Problems with Computer Validation 152
5.5 Corporate Computer Validation Policy 157
5.6 Changing Approaches to CSV Due to Data Integrity Issues 159
5.6.1 Traditional Computerised System Validation 159
5.6.2 Process, Process, Process 160
5.6.3 A Validated System with Vulnerable Records Means Data Integrity Problems 162
5.6.4 Back to the Future 162
5.6.5 Brave New CSV World 163
5.6.6 Turning principles into practice 164
References 165
Chapter 6 - Understanding Software Categories and System Life Cycles 167
6.1 What Do the Regulators Want 167
6.1.1 EU GMP Annex 11 167
6.1.2 FDA Guidance on General Principles of Software Validation 168
6.1.3 Regulatory Summary 168
6.2 Business Rationale 168
6.3 GAMP Software Categories 169
6.3.1 Origins of the GAMP Guide 169
6.3.2 GAMP 5 Software Classification Categories 169
6.3.3 Why Classify Software 171
6.4 Software Classification Changes and their Laboratory Impact 171
6.4.1 Category 1: Greatly Expanded Scope – Infrastructure Software 171
6.4.2 Category 2: Ignore the Discontinuation of Firmware Classification – but with Care 173
6.4.3 Software Silos or Software Continuum 176
6.4.4 Category 3 Software: What’s in a Name 176
6.4.5 Category 4: Configured Products Refined 177
6.4.6 Category 4 and 5 Software: Configure Versus Customise – Where is the Line 177
6.4.7 Category 5: Custom Applications, Macros and Modules 178
6.4.8 Users and the Software Screw-Up Factor 179
6.4.9 A Modified Software Classification 181
6.4.10 Do Not Use the Term COTS Software 182
6.5 Why is a System Life Cycle Model Important 182
6.5.1 Overview 182
6.5.2 Using V Life Cycle Models 183
6.5.3 Do Not Forget Validation Control 184
6.5.4 Category 3 Life Cycle Model 185
6.5.5 Category 4 Life Cycle Model – Complex Version 185
6.5.6 Category 4 Life Cycle Model – Simple Version 187
6.5.7 System Life Cycle Summary 188
6.6 Defining the Documentation for a CDS Validation 188
6.6.1 A CDS is GAMP Category 4 Software 188
6.6.2 Compliance Health Warning 190
6.6.3 Interpreting the System Life Cycle Deliverables for a CDS 190
6.6.4 Document Controls 190
References 193
Chapter 7 - Ensuring Data Integrity for Chromatography Data Systems 194
7.1 What the Regulators Want 194
7.1.1 EU Good Manufacturing Practice 194
7.1.2 EU GMP Chapter 4 on Documentation 195
7.1.3 Overview of Regulatory Guidance for Data Integrity 195
7.1.4 FDA Compliance Program Guide 7346.832 on Pre Approval Inspections 197
7.1.5 PIC/S Guidance Documents 198
7.1.6 FDA Level 2 Guidance 198
7.1.7 Delaying, Denying, Limiting or Refusing an FDA Inspection 199
7.1.8 MHRA GMP Data Integrity Guidance 199
7.1.9 WHO Guidance on Good Data and Records Management Practices 200
7.1.10 FDA Guidance on Data Integrity and Compliance with cGMP 201
7.1.11 Regulations and Regulatory Guidance Summary 202
7.2 What is Data Integrity 202
7.2.1 A Plethora of Definitions 202
7.2.2 What do the Definitions Mean 202
7.2.3 Criteria for Integrity of Laboratory Data 203
7.3 Chromatography Data Systems in Falsification and Fraud 204
7.3.1 A Brief History of Data Falsification and Testing into Compliance 204
7.3.2 Able Laboratories Fraud Case 2005 204
7.3.3 Overview of Regulatory Citations for CDS in FDA Warning Letters 206
7.3.4 Quality Management System Failures 207
7.3.5 Equipment Citations 208
7.3.6 Citations for Lack of Laboratory Controls 209
7.3.7 Failure to Have Complete Laboratory Records 210
7.4 A Data Integrity Model 211
7.4.1 The Concept of Data Governance 211
7.4.2 Layers of Data Integrity 212
7.4.3 Focus on the Laboratory Levels of the Data Integrity Model 213
7.4.4 Foundation Layer: Right Corporate Culture for Data Integrity 213
7.4.5 Layer 1: Right Instrument and System for the Job 216
7.4.6 Layer 2: Right Analytical Procedure for the Job 216
7.4.7 Layer 3: Right Analysis for the Right Reportable Result 217
7.4.8 Linking the Data Integrity Model to the Analytical Process 217
7.4.9 Quality No Longer Owns Quality 219
7.5 Environmental Analysis and an Approach to Data Integrity 219
7.5.1 Background to EPA and Data Integrity 219
7.5.2 NELAC and Laboratory Accreditation 220
7.5.3 NELAC Quality System 220
7.5.4 NELAC Data Integrity Training 222
7.6 Data Integrity Foundation: Data Governance 223
7.6.1 Management Leadership and Oversight 226
7.6.2 Data Integrity Policy 226
7.6.3 Regulatory Requirements for GMP Training 227
7.6.4 Data Integrity Policy Training 229
7.6.5 Open Culture 231
7.6.6 Good Documentation Practice Training 231
7.6.7 Data Integrity Training for a Chromatography Data System: Operational SOPs 232
7.6.8 Data Integrity Audits and Investigations 232
7.7 Establishing Data Criticality and Inherent Integrity Risk 234
7.7.1 Regulatory Background 234
7.7.2 Spectrum of Laboratory Processes and Systems 235
7.7.3 The Data Life Cycle 237
7.7.4 Managing the CDS Data: Data Owners and Data Stewards 239
7.7.5 System Assessment and Remediation 240
7.8 CDS Compliance Commandments 242
7.8.1 Management are Responsible 243
7.8.2 Understand the Applicable Regulations for Laboratory Records 243
7.8.3 Use a CDS that is Networked and Uses a Database 246
7.8.4 Document the CDS Application Configuration Settings 246
7.8.5 Work Electronically 246
7.8.6 Identify Each User Uniquely and have Adequate Password Controls 246
7.8.7 Separate Roles with Different Access Privileges 247
7.8.8 Define Methods that Can and Cannot be Modified 248
7.8.9 An SOP for Chromatographic Integration 248
7.8.10 Control Changes to the System 248
7.8.11 Only Trained Staff Must Operate the System 249
7.8.12 Define and Document Electronic Records for the System 249
7.8.13 Review the Audit Trail Entries for Each Batch 251
7.8.14 Backup the System Regularly 251
7.8.15 Conduct Data Integrity Audits 252
7.8.16 Control Blank Forms 252
7.9 Audit Trails and an Introduction to Second Person Review 254
7.9.1 EU GMP Annex 11 254
7.9.2 FDA Guidance on Data Integrity and cGMP Compliance 254
7.9.3 Which Audit Trail Should Be Reviewed 255
7.9.4 How Regular is a Regular Review of Audit Trail Entries 256
7.10 Is The Chromatographic System Ready to Run 259
7.10.1 “Test” or “Prep” Injections Using Samples 259
7.10.2 FDA Guidance for Using Actual Samples for SST Injections 259
7.10.3 Role of System Evaluation Injections 260
References 261
Chapter 8 - CDS Validation: Managing System Risk 266
8.1 What Do the Regulators Want 266
8.1.1 EU GMP Annex 11 266
8.1.2 FDA Guidance on Part 11 Scope and Application 267
8.1.3 FDA General Principles of Software Validation 267
8.1.4 PIC/S Guidance on Computerised Systems in GXP Environments 267
8.1.5 OECD Guidance 17 on Application of GLP Principles to Computerised Systems 267
8.1.6 Regulatory Summary 268
8.2 Risk Management: Balancing Compliance and Non-Compliance 269
8.3 Overview of a System Risk Assessment 270
8.3.1 Overview of the Laboratory Risk Assessment 270
8.3.2 USP ၘ Based Integrated AIQ and CSV Risk Assessment 271
8.3.3 Risk Assessment Flow Chart 273
8.3.4 Define the Item and the Intended Use 274
8.3.5 Does the Item Carry Out Any GXP Work 274
8.3.6 Identification of Software, Apparatus, Instrument or System 276
8.3.7 Separating Instruments from Systems 277
8.3.8 Group C Systems – Documenting the GAMP Software Category 277
8.3.9 Group C Systems: Determining the Record Impact 280
8.3.10 Group C System Sub-Classification 280
References 282
Chapter 9 - Working Electronically and Using Electronic Signatures 284
9.1 What Do the Regulators Want 285
9.1.1 EU GMP Annex 11 285
9.1.2 21 CFR 11 Main Electronic Signature Requirements 285
9.1.3 Signature Requirements in GXP Regulations 286
9.1.4 21 CFR 11 is an Integrated Regulation 286
9.1.5 FDA GMP Regulations: Number of Signatures and Order of Signing 286
9.1.6 Regulations Summary 287
9.2 Process Redesign is Essential for Working Electronically 287
9.2.1 Rationale for Using Electronic Signatures 287
9.2.2 Understand the Current Process 288
9.3 Process Mapping and Analysis 288
9.3.1 Importance of Understanding the Process 288
9.3.2 Map the Current Process 289
9.3.3 Other Benefits from Redesigning the Process 289
9.3.4 Leverage Benefits from Other Laboratory Applications 293
9.4 Case Study Descriptions 293
9.4.1 Case Study 1 293
9.4.2 Case Study 2 296
9.5 Optimising the Workflow for Electronic Signatures – Case Study 1 296
9.5.1 The Current Process 296
9.5.2 Basic Process Improvement Ideas 297
9.5.3 The Redesigned Process 297
9.6 Optimising the Workflow for Electronic Signatures – Case Study 2 298
9.6.1 The Current Process 298
9.6.2 The Redesigned Process 299
9.7 Using the CDS for Automated Compliance 300
9.8 Implementing Electronic Signatures Successfully 300
9.8.1 Understand the Process 300
9.8.2 Electronic Signatures Components 301
References 302
Chapter 10 - Writing the User and System Requirements 303
10.1 What Do the Regulators Want 303
10.1.1 FDA GMP and GLP Predicate Rules 303
10.1.2 EU GMP Annex 11 303
10.1.3 PIC/S Guide Computerised Systems in GXP Environments 304
10.1.4 General Principles of Software Validation 304
10.1.5 Regulatory Summary 304
10.2 Business Rationale for Writing a URS 304
10.3 Contents of a Chromatography Data System URS 305
10.3.1 Writing a URS to Select a CDS and Supplier 305
10.3.2 Link the URS to a Specific Software Version 306
10.3.3 Sections of the URS 306
10.4 Guidance for Writing the Requirements 309
10.4.1 Sub-Divide the Major URS Sections 309
10.4.2 General Guidance for Requirements 309
10.4.3 URS Issues to Consider 310
10.4.4 Making the Requirements Traceable 311
10.4.5 Reviewing the URS 312
10.5 Writing Testable or Verifiable Requirements 312
10.5.1 How Not To Do It 312
10.5.2 Writing Well-Formed Requirements 313
10.5.3 Orphan Requirements 315
10.5.4 Key Criteria for User Requirements 315
10.6 Updating the URS 316
10.6.1 A URS is a Living Document 316
10.6.2 Maintaining Traceability with URS Updates 316
10.6.3 Helping the Reviewers of the Updated URS 316
10.7 Configuration Specification 317
10.7.1 Areas for Application Configuration in a CDS 317
References 318
Chapter 11 - Controlling the Validation 319
11.1 What Do The Regulators Want 319
11.1.1 EU GMP Annex 11 319
11.1.2 EU GMP Annex 15 – Qualification and Validation 320
11.1.3 General Principles of Software Validation 320
11.1.4 PIC/S Guidance Document 320
11.1.5 Regulatory Requirements Summary 320
11.2 Validation Plan or Validation Master Plan 321
11.2.1 What’s in a Name 321
11.2.2 Relationship Between a Validation Master Plan and Validation Plan 321
11.3 Content of the Validation Plan 322
11.3.1 Title of the Validation Plan: Include the Name and Version of the Application 323
11.3.2 Purpose of the Plan and Scope of the System 324
11.3.3 When to Write the Validation Plan 324
11.3.4 Do not Include a System Description 325
11.3.5 Project Plan and Overall Timescales 325
11.3.6 One Validation Plan for the System Life or one for Each Software Version 326
11.3.7 Roles and Responsibilities 326
11.3.8 Validation Team Considerations 328
11.3.9 Defining Life Cycle Tasks 329
11.4 Defining a Validation Strategy for Some CDS Systems 330
11.4.1 Validation Strategy for Four Instances of a CDS 331
References 332
Chapter 12 - System Selection 333
12.1 What Do the Regulators Want 333
12.1.1 EU GMP Annex 11 333
12.1.2 PIC/S Guidance PI-011 334
12.1.3 Regulations Summary 334
12.2 Investment Protection Versus Seduction by Technology 334
12.3 The System Selection Process 335
12.3.1 Write an Initial URS for Selecting the System 335
12.3.2 Generate a List of Potential Suppliers 335
12.3.3 Determine Selection Criteria and Evaluation Tests Now 335
12.3.4 Prepare the Invitation to Tender/Request for Proposal 337
12.3.5 Evaluate the Supplier ITT Responses 338
12.3.6 Testing Systems Against Your Requirements 338
12.3.7 Consider User Training Now! 339
12.3.8 Visit or Talk with Existing Users 339
12.3.9 System Selection and Report 339
References 340
Chapter 13 - Assessing the CDS Supplier 341
13.1 What Do the Regulators Want 341
13.1.1 EU GMP Annex 11 341
13.1.2 Preamble to 21 CFR 11 Final Rule 342
13.1.3 PIC/S Guide on Computerised Systems in GXP Environments 342
13.1.4 Regulatory Requirements Summary 342
13.2 Software Quality and Business Risk 343
13.3 Rationale for a Supplier Assessment 343
13.3.1 ISO 9000: Saint or Sinner 343
13.3.2 ISO 9001 and ISO 90003 344
13.3.3 Supplier Certificates of Validation 345
13.3.4 Marketing Literature and Contracts 346
13.4 When Do I Assess the CDS Supplier 346
13.4.1 First, Second or Third Party Assessment or Audit 347
13.4.2 On-Site Audit or Remote Assessment 347
13.4.3 Remote Supplier Audit 347
13.4.4 Remote Assessment with Follow-Up Conference Call 348
13.5 On-Site Supplier Audits 349
13.5.1 Preparation for an Audit 349
13.5.2 The Scope of an On-Site Audit 351
13.5.3 The Role of an Audit Checklist 353
13.5.4 Software Development – The Move to Agile 354
13.5.5 Writing the Audit Report 355
13.6 Using the Supplier Audit to Reduce PQ Testing 356
References 357
Chapter 14 - Negotiating the Contract and Purchasing the System 358
14.1 What Do the Regulators Want 358
14.1.1 EU GMP Annex 11 358
14.1.2 Regulatory Requirements Summary 359
14.2 The Contract and Protection of Rights 359
14.2.1 Rationale for Negotiating the Contract 359
14.2.2 Overview of the Contract 359
14.2.3 Some Key Clauses of a Contract 360
14.3 Purchase Order: Defining the Initial Configuration 363
References 363
Chapter 15 - Planning the Installation of the System 364
15.1 What Do the Regulators Want 364
15.1.1 US GMP 21 CFR 211: Subpart D – Equipment 364
15.1.2 EU GMP Chapter 3: Premises and Equipment 364
15.1.3 Regulatory Summary 365
15.2 Business Rationale for an Installation Plan 365
15.3 Preparing for System Installation 365
15.3.1 The CDS System Installation Plan 365
15.3.2 Laboratory Plan 366
References 367
Chapter 16 - CSV Risk Management Requirements Level Assessment 368
16.1 What Do the Regulators Want 368
16.1.1 EU GMP Annex 11 368
16.1.2 FDA Guidance for Industry: Part 11 Scope and Application 369
16.1.3 PIC/S Guidance on Computerised Systems in GXP Environments 369
16.1.4 FDA General Principles of Software Validation 369
16.1.5 Regulatory Requirements Summary 369
16.2 You Need a Current URS Before Starting the Risk Assessment 370
16.2.1 Train Key Users 370
16.2.2 Understanding the New CDS System or Version 370
16.2.3 Stop Here Until You Have a Current URS 371
16.2.4 Revised URS Update the Risk Assessment! 371
16.3 Risk Management Approach 371
16.3.1 Vocabulary Issues 372
16.3.2 ISO Guide 73 and ISO 14971: Risk Management Definitions 372
16.3.3 Risk Assessment is a Continuous Process 373
16.3.4 Application of Risk Assessment to a CDS 373
16.4 Risk Assessment at the Requirements Level 373
16.4.1 Outcome of Risk Management 373
16.4.2 Possible Risk Assessment Methodologies 373
16.4.3 Team Approach to Risk Assessment 374
16.5 Functional Risk Assessment (FRA) 375
16.5.1 Risk Analysis of Individual Functions 375
16.5.2 Managing the Mandatory and Critical Requirements 378
16.5.3 Allocating Requirements to Test Scripts 379
16.5.4 Application of FRA 379
16.6 Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA) 379
16.6.1 Overview of FMEA 379
16.6.2 Conducting an FMEA Risk Assessment 380
16.6.3 An Example FMEA Assessment 382
16.6.4 Limitations of FMEA 384
16.7 Risk Acceptance and Risk Communication 384
References 384
Chapter 17 - Importance of the Traceability Matrix 386
17.1 What Do the Regulators Want 386
17.1.1 EU GMP Annex 11 386
17.1.2 General Principles of Software Validation 386
17.1.3 PIC/S Guide PI-011: Computerised Systems in GXP Environments 387
17.1.4 Regulations Summary 387
17.2 Business Rationale for a Traceability Matrix 387
17.2.1 GAMP 5 388
17.3 A Life Cycle Model Refresher 388
17.3.1 Terms and Definitions 389
17.3.2 Why Bother to Trace Requirements 390
17.4 Linking Requirements with Their Testing or Verification 392
17.5 Examples of Requirements Traceability 394
17.5.1 Traceability Between the URS and the Configuration Specification 394
17.5.2 Traceability Matrix Combined with Functional Risk Assessment 395
17.5.3 How Detailed Should User Acceptance Testing Traceability Be 396
17.6 Using a Spreadsheet to Manage Traceability 398
17.6.1 Evolution and Further Refinement of User Requirements 400
17.7 The Traceability Treadmill 401
References 401
Chapter 18 - Writing Configuration Specifications 403
18.1 What Do the Regulators Want 403
18.1.1 FDA GMP Regulations 403
18.1.2 General Principles of Software Validation 404
18.1.3 Regulatory Requirements Summary 404
18.2 Business Rationale 404
18.3 Scope of CDS Configuration and Approach to Documentation 404
18.3.1 Application Configuration Areas of a CDS 404
18.3.2 Never Use Unconfigured CDS Software 405
18.3.3 Ways of Documenting Application Configuration 405
18.4 Application Configuration Specification 406
18.4.1 Training to Understand CDS System Settings 406
18.4.2 Prototype the Configured System 406
18.4.3 Document the Configuration 407
18.4.4 Defining User Types and Access Privileges 407
18.4.5 Ensure Linkage Between the URS and Configuration Specification 408
18.4.6 Confirming the Application Configuration 409
18.5 Controlling CDS Configuration by Procedure 409
References 411
Chapter 19 - Writing the Technical Specification 412
19.1 What Do the Regulators Want 412
19.1.1 EU GMP Annex 11 412
19.1.2 FDA GMP 21 CFR 211 412
19.1.3 Regulatory Summary 413
19.2 Data Gathering for a Technical Specification 413
19.2.1 Input from the CDS Supplier 413
19.2.2 Corporate IT/IS Standards 414
19.2.3 URS Requirements 414
19.3 Initial Platform Design 415
19.4 Writing the Technical Specification 415
19.4.1 Hardware Architecture 415
19.4.2 Connections and Communications 417
19.4.3 Input into the Installation Qualification Phase 417
References 417
Chapter 20 - Installing and Integrating System Components 418
20.1 What Do the Regulators Want 419
20.1.1 US GMP 21 CFR 211 419
20.1.2 EU GMP Chapter 3: Premises and Equipment 419
20.1.3 EU GMP Annex 11: Computerised Systems 419
20.1.4 PIC/S Guidance PI-011 419
20.1.5 USP ၘ Analytical Instrument Qualification 420
20.1.6 General Principles of Software Validation 420
20.1.7 Regulatory Summary 420
20.2 Overview of the Whole Qualification Process 420
20.3 Installing and Integrating the System Components 421
20.3.1 Co-Ordinating Suppliers 421
20.3.2 Computer Platform 422
20.3.3 CDS Application Components and Associated Documentation 422
20.3.4 Qualification of the Laboratory Data Servers 424
20.3.5 Connection and Qualification of Chromatographs 424
20.3.6 Establish the Initial CDS Configuration Baseline Now 425
20.4 How Much Value is there in a Software OQ 425
20.4.1 Positioning of a Software Operational Qualification 425
20.4.2 Is an OQ Essential for a CDS Validation Project 426
20.4.3 An OQ Case Study 428
20.4.4 Do You Believe in Risk Management 428
20.4.5 OQ for Configurable Software 429
References 430
Chapter 21 - Designing the User Acceptance Test Suite 431
21.1 What Do the Regulators Want 432
21.1.1 EU GMP Annex 11 432
21.1.2 FDA General Principles of Software Validation 432
21.1.3 Regulatory Requirements Summary 432
21.2 Overview of the User Acceptance Testing Phase of Validation 433
21.2.1 Who Are You Writing the Test Documents For 434
21.2.2 UAT/PQ Test Plan 434
21.2.3 Writing the Test Scripts 434
21.2.4 Executing the Test Scripts 435
21.3 The UAT/PQ Test Plan 435
21.3.1 Format of a Test Plan 435
21.3.2 Test Environment 436
21.3.3 Confirming the CDS Application Configuration 436
21.3.4 Overview of the Test Suite 436
21.3.5 Further Testing Considerations 439
21.3.6 Implementation Strategy 1: Same System Multiple Sites 440
21.3.7 Implementation Strategy 2: Single Instance with Phased Roll-Out 441
21.3.8 Tracing User Requirements to PQ Testing 441
21.3.9 Assumptions, Exclusions and Limitations of the Test Approach 442
21.3.10 Features Not Tested 443
21.3.11 Test Approach 444
21.4 Authorising the Test Plan and Test Scripts 445
21.4.1 PQ Test Plan 445
21.4.2 UAT Test Scripts 445
References 446
Chapter 22 - Writing Test Scripts and Test Cases 447
22.1 What Do the Regulators Want 447
22.1.1 EU GMP Annex 11 447
22.1.2 FDA General Principles of Software Validation 448
22.1.3 Regulatory Requirements Summary 448
22.2 Principles of Software Testing 448
22.2.1 Essentials of Software Testing 448
22.2.2 White Box and Black Box Testing 448
22.2.3 Understanding How the CDS Application Works 450
22.2.4 Test Coverage 451
22.2.5 Manual or Automated Testing 451
22.2.6 Necessity for Pre-Defined Expected Results and Acceptance Criteria 452
22.2.7 Updating the URS During the UAT Phase 452
22.3 Functional and Non-Functional Testing of a CDS 453
22.3.1 Risk Assessment: Extent of Testing 453
22.3.2 Functional Testing 454
22.3.3 Non-Functional Testing 455
22.4 UAT Test Script Structure and Contents 455
22.4.1 Purpose of the Test 455
22.4.2 Requirements to be Tested and Limitations to the Testing 455
22.4.3 Test Preparation 458
22.4.4 Identification of Personnel 459
22.4.5 Test Procedures 460
22.4.6 Collecting and Collating Documented Evidence 461
22.4.7 Acceptance Criteria 462
22.4.8 Test Execution Log 463
22.4.9 Test Summary Log and Test Script Sign-Off 463
22.4.10 Second Person Review of the Test Script 464
22.4.11 Approval of the Test Script 464
22.5 Designing Tests for Security and Access Control 464
22.5.1 Are the User Requirements Adequately Specified 464
22.5.2 Logical Security 465
22.5.3 Access Control 465
22.5.4 Designing the Tests 466
22.5.5 Refining the Test Design 467
22.5.6 Writing Test Execution Instructions and Expected Results 468
22.6 Some Considerations for Testing Electronic Signature Use 470
22.7 Execution of Approved Test Scripts 470
References 470
Chapter 23 - Executing Test Scripts and Reporting the Results 472
23.1 What Do the Regulators Want 472
23.1.1 EU GMP Annex 11 472
23.1.2 FDA General Principles of Software Validation 473
23.1.3 Regulatory Requirements Summary 473
23.2 Organising the Test Suite Execution 473
23.2.1 Planning the Test Suite Execution 473
23.2.2 Have a Known Location for Collating and Reviewing Test Results 474
23.2.3 Test Script Execution Status Board 474
23.3 Executing a Test Script 475
23.3.1 All is Well or Are There Problems 475
23.3.2 Read the Test Script 476
23.3.3 Preparation for Testing 477
23.3.4 Sign into the Test Script 477
23.3.5 Execute the Individual Test Procedures and Document the Testing 478
23.3.6 Documented Evidence to Support Testing 478
23.3.7 Collating Documented Evidence 480
23.3.8 Has the Test Passed or Failed 480
23.3.9 Documenting and Handling Unexpected Results 480
23.3.10 Check the Test Execution Log 481
23.3.11 Tester Completes the Test Summary Log and Signs the Test Script 481
23.3.12 Update the Test Script Execution Status 481
23.4 Reviewing the Completed Test Script 481
23.4.1 Role of the Reviewer 481
23.4.2 Correcting Any Mistakes 482
23.4.3 Resolving Any Disagreements 482
23.4.4 Approving the Test Script Execution and Update the Test Script Execution Status 482
23.4.5 Enter the Test Script Result into the PQ Section of the Validation Summary Report 482
References 483
Chapter 24 - User Training and System Documentation 484
24.1 What Do the Regulators Require Part 1 484
24.1.1 EU GMP Annex 11 484
24.1.2 FDA 21 CFR 11 484
24.1.3 FDA 21 CFR 211 GMP 485
24.1.4 FDA 21 CFR 58 GLP 485
24.1.5 Regulatory Requirements Summary 485
24.2 Personnel and Training Records 485
24.2.1 Personnel Involved in a CDS Validation Project 485
24.2.2 User Training Records 486
24.3 URS Requirements Define CDS Procedures 487
24.3.1 Proactive Use of Requirements for Procedures 487
24.3.2 Challenge Existing SOPs with CDS Procedural Requirements 487
24.3.3 Confirm Accuracy of CDS Procedures in the UAT Phase 488
24.4 System Documentation from the Supplier 488
24.5 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for a CDS 489
24.5.1 SOPs for a CDS in Relation to a Company Data Governance Framework 489
24.5.2 Good Chromatographic Practices 491
24.5.3 Good Chromatographic Integration Practices 492
24.5.4 Good Analytical Data Review Practices 493
24.5.5 Laboratory Deviations and Laboratory Investigations SOPs 493
24.5.6 Training for Data Integrity SOPs 494
24.5.7 SOP for Laboratory Administration of the CDS 494
24.6 Managing Custom Calculations, Fields and Reports 495
24.6.1 Development Environment 495
24.6.2 Control of Custom Calculations and Fields 495
24.6.3 Control of Custom Reports 496
24.6.4 Control Changes of Verified Custom Calculations and Reports 496
24.7 Second Person Review of CDS Data and Records 496
24.7.1 Importance of the Second Person Review 497
24.7.2 What Do the Regulators Require Part 2 497
24.7.3 Scope of the Second Person Review 499
24.7.4 A CDS Interfaced with a LIMS 499
24.7.5 Second Person Review in Practice 501
24.7.6 Using the CDS Features to Aid Second Person Review 504
24.7.7 How Should the Second Person Review be documented 504
24.8 Administrative and Procedural Controls Required for 21 CFR 11 Compliance 507
24.8.1 Verifying the Identity of Individuals 508
24.8.2 Use of Electronic Signatures with Non Repudiation 509
24.8.3 Uniqueness of Electronic Signatures 509
24.8.4 Password Management 509
24.8.5 Change Control and Configuration Management 510
24.8.6 Date and Time Stamps 510
24.8.7 Backup and Recovery SOP 510
24.8.8 Defining E-Records for the CDS 511
24.8.9 Security and Access Control 511
24.8.10 Remote Access 511
Acknowledgements 512
References 512
Chapter 25 - IT Support for a CDS 513
25.1 What Do the Regulators Want 513
25.1.1 FDA GMP 21 CFR 211 513
25.1.2 21 CFR 11 514
25.1.3 EU GMP Annex 11 514
25.1.4 PIC/S Guidance 515
25.1.5 FDA Perspective on Time Stamps 516
25.1.6 Regulatory Requirements Summary 516
25.2 IT Department Quality Management System 517
25.2.1 Overview of the IT QMS 517
25.2.2 Associated QMS Procedures and Work Instructions 517
25.3 Service Level Agreement 520
25.4 Backup and Recovery 521
25.4.1 Business Rationale: How Important are Your Data 521
25.4.2 What is Backup and Recovery 522
25.4.3 Roles and Responsibilities 522
25.4.4 Hardware to Help Data Security and Integrity 523
25.4.5 Options to Consider for Backup 524
25.4.6 Main Backup Activities 525
25.4.7 Hot or Cold Backups 526
25.4.8 Cold Backups 526
25.4.9 Hot Backups 527
25.4.10 Management of Magnetic Media 527
25.4.11 Restoring Data from Tape 528
25.4.12 Validation of Backup 529
25.5 Time and Date Stamps 529
25.5.1 Time Stamps for Standalone CDS Systems 529
25.5.2 Time Stamps for Networked CDS Systems 530
References 530
Chapter 26 - System Description 532
26.1 What Do The Regulators Want 532
26.1.1 EU GMP Annex 11 532
26.1.2 OECD Application of GLP Principles to Computerised Systems 532
26.1.3 OECD 17: Guidance on the Application of GLP Principles to Computerised Systems 533
26.1.4 PIC/S Guidance 533
26.1.5 Regulatory Requirements Summary 534
26.2 Turning Regulations into Practice 534
26.2.1 Single Document or Multiple Documents 534
26.2.2 Outline for a System Description 534
26.2.3 Keeping Current: Updating the System Description 535
26.3 Key Sections of the System Description 536
26.3.1 Introduction 536
26.3.2 System Scope 536
26.3.3 Definition of Electronic Records 538
26.4 Do Not be Stupid 538
References 538
Chapter 27 - Defining Electronic Records and Raw Data for a CDS 540
27.1 What Do the Regulators Want 540
27.1.1 US GLP 21 CFR 58 – Raw Data 540
27.1.2 21 CFR 11 – Electronic Records 541
27.1.3 US GMP 21 CFR 211 – Complete Data 541
27.1.4 EU GMP Chapter 4 on Documentation – Raw Data 541
27.1.5 Regulatory Requirements Summary 542
27.2 Contributions to the E-Records Debate 542
27.2.1 Furman, Tetzlaff and Layloff 542
27.2.2 BARQA Paper on Raw Data 542
27.2.3 How Raw are Your Data – 1 543
27.2.4 How Raw are Your Data – 2 543
27.2.5 FDA Part 11 Scope and Application Guidance for Industry 544
27.2.6 FDA Level 2 Guidance on Records and Reports 546
27.2.7 EU GMP Chapter 4 – A Requirement to Define GMP Raw Data 548
27.2.8 GLP Raw Data Definition and Interpretation 549
27.2.9 Swiss AGIT GLP Electronic Raw Data Guidance 550
27.2.10 Compliance Policy Guide 7346.832 552
27.2.11 GAMP Good Practice Guide for Validation of Laboratory Computerised Systems 552
27.2.12 FDA Draft Guidance on Data Integrity and cGMP Compliance 553
27.2.13 Summarising the Regulations and Guidance 554
27.2.14 Dead as a Dodo: Raw Data are Paper 555
27.3 Defining the Electronic Records for Your System 555
27.3.1 Static and Dynamic Data 555
27.3.2 Data Acquisition Phase 555
27.3.3 Integration, Calculation and Reporting Phase 557
27.3.4 Traceability for Data Integrity 558
27.3.5 Common Elements of Raw Data and Complete Data 558
27.3.6 Controlled Chromatograph with Separate Data System 560
References 560
Chapter 28 - Writing the Validation Summary Report 562
28.1 What Do the Regulators Want 562
28.1.1 PIC/S Guidance 562
28.1.2 General Principles of Software Validation 563
28.1.3 Regulatory Requirements Summary 563
28.2 Map the Validation Plan to the Validation Summary Report 563
28.3 Content of the Validation Summary Report 564
28.4 Writing the Validation Summary Report 564
28.4.1 How to Summarise the Work 564
28.4.2 How to Summarise PQ Testing 566
28.4.3 PQ Test Execution Notes 566
28.4.4 Deviations and Departures from the Validation Plan 567
28.4.5 Validation Package 567
28.4.6 Releasing the System 568
28.4.7 Going Live! Sit Back and Relax 568
References 568
Chapter 29 - Integration in a Regulated Environment 569
29.1 What Do the Regulators Want 569
29.1.1 US GMP 21 CFR 211 – Laboratory Controls 569
29.1.2 United States and European Pharmacopoeias 570
29.1.3 FDA Guidance for Industry Bioanalytical Methods Validation 570
29.1.4 EMA Guidance on Bioanalytical Methods Validation 570
29.1.5 Regulatory Summary 571
29.2 Why Control Chromatographic Integration 571
29.2.1 Extracts from FDA Warning Letters 571
29.2.2 Approaches to Controlling Chromatographic Integration 572
29.3 Back to Integration Basics 573
29.4 How Can Manual Integration Result in Falsification 576
29.4.1 Uncovering Manipulation 577
29.4.2 What is Missing 577
29.4.3 Why is there No Definition of Manual Integration 578
29.5 Scope of an SOP on Chromatographic Integration 578
29.5.1 Integration Process Flow and Decision Tree 579
29.5.2 Manual Intervention versus Manual Integration 581
29.6 The Four Eyes Principle Applied to Chromatographic Integration 582
29.6.1 The Primary Objective is Automatic Integration 582
29.6.2 The Secondary Objective is Manual Intervention 582
29.6.3 When All Else Fails – Manual Integration 582
29.6.4 Methods that Quantify Both Active Ingredient and Impurities 583
29.6.5 Procedure and Training for Integration Consistency and Data Integrity 583
29.6.6 Second Person Review of Integration 584
References 584
Chapter 30 - User Account Management 586
30.1 What Do the Regulators Require 586
30.1.1 FDA GMP 21 CFR 211 586
30.1.2 FDA 21 CFR 11 586
30.1.3 FDA Guidance: Computerised Systems in Clinical Investigations 587
30.1.4 EU GMP Annex 11 587
30.1.5 MHRA Data Integrity Guidance 587
30.1.6 FDA Guidance on Data Integrity and cGMP Compliance 588
30.1.7 WHO Guidance on Good Data and Record Management Practices 589
30.1.8 Regulatory Summary 589
30.2 Principles of User Account Management 590
30.2.1 Prerequisites for User Account Management 590
30.2.2 Administration by IT 591
30.2.3 Authorised User 591
30.2.4 Individual User Accounts 591
30.2.5 Cumulative List of Users 592
30.2.6 Staff Security Awareness 592
30.2.7 Regular Review of Accounts 593
30.3 User Account Management in Practice 593
30.3.1 Process Workflow 593
30.3.2 Creation of a New User Account 594
30.3.3 Modification of an Existing User Account 594
30.3.4 Disabling a User Account 595
30.3.5 Maintaining a Cumulative List of Users 595
30.3.6 Periodic Review or Audit of User Accounts 595
30.4 Password Management 596
30.4.1 Technical Implementation and Enforcement 596
30.4.2 Password Paradox 596
30.4.3 Forgotten Password 597
References 597
Chapter 31 - Incident and Problem Management 598
31.1 What Do the Regulators Want 598
31.1.1 EU GMP Annex 11 598
31.1.2 OECD Guidance 17 for Computerised Systems 598
31.1.3 Regulatory Requirements Summary 599
31.2 Incidents and Problems 600
31.2.1 What is an Incident 600
31.2.2 What is a Problem 600
31.2.3 Incident Versus Problem 600
31.3 Coordination of Incident and Problem Management 601
31.3.1 Automation of the Process 601
31.3.2 Help Desk Staff 602
31.4 Incident Management 602
31.4.1 Incident Management Workflow 602
31.4.2 Procedure for Incident Management 603
31.4.3 Periodic Review of Incidents 604
31.5 Problem Management 604
31.5.1 Problem Management Workflow 604
31.5.2 Procedure for Problem Management 605
31.5.3 Problem Management and Regulatory Compliance 607
31.6 Linking Incident and Problem Management with Change Management 607
References 607
Chapter 32 - Change Control and Configuration Management 608
32.1 What Do the Regulators Want 608
32.1.1 EU GMP Annex 11 608
32.1.2 FDA GMP 21 CFR 211 608
32.1.3 OECD Guidance No. 17 on Computerised Systems 609
32.1.4 FDA Guidance: General Principles of Software Validation 609
32.1.5 PIC/S Guidance for GXP Systems 610
32.1.6 Regulatory Requirements Summary 611
32.2 Scope of Changes to a CDS 612
32.2.1 Definition of Terms 612
32.2.2 Separate Infrastructure from Application Changes 615
32.2.3 Triggers for Change 616
32.2.4 Is it a Change or Normal Operation 616
32.3 Change Control 617
32.3.1 The Basic Process 617
32.3.2 Types of Change 620
32.3.3 Roles and Responsibilities 621
32.4 Some Typical CDS Changes 621
32.4.1 Scope of Changes to the CDS 621
32.4.2 Regression Testing After a Change 623
32.5 Configuration Management for a CDS 623
32.5.1 Defining the Detail of Configuration Items 624
32.5.2 Defining the System Baseline Configuration 624
32.5.3 Linking Configuration Management with Change Control 625
32.5.4 Re-Baselining the System Configuration 625
32.6 Automating the Change Control Process 625
32.6.1 Does the Service Desk Software Need to be Validated 626
32.6.2 IT Personnel Must Have GXP Awareness Training 626
32.6.3 Service Management Software as a SaaS Solution 626
References 626
Chapter 33 - Periodic Review of the CDS 628
33.1 What Do the Regulators Want 628
33.1.1 EU GMP Annex 11 628
33.1.2 PIC/S Guidance on Computerised Systems in GXP Environments 629
33.1.3 ICH Q7 GMP for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients 630
33.1.4 WHO Guidance on Good Data and Record Management Practices 630
33.1.5 Compliance Policy Guide Section 130.300 630
33.1.6 Regulatory Requirements Summary 631
33.2 Rationale for a Periodic Review 632
33.2.1 What’s in a Name 632
33.2.2 Who Performs the Review 632
33.2.3 How Often Should the Review Occur 633
33.2.4 Skills and Training of the Auditor 634
33.3 Overview of the Periodic Review Process 635
33.3.1 Objectives of a Periodic Review 635
33.3.2 Planning a Periodic Review 635
33.3.3 Who is Involved and What Do They Do 636
33.3.4 Schedule for a Review 637
33.3.5 Scope of the Review 637
33.3.6 Reporting the Periodic Review and Follow-Up 639
33.4 Conducting a Periodic Review 640
33.4.1 Preparation for a Periodic Review 640
33.4.2 Defining the System Scope 641
33.4.3 Types of Periodic Review 643
33.4.4 Are Computerised Systems Designed to Help Periodic Reviews 645
33.4.5 Conducting the Periodic Review 646
33.4.6 A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words 647
33.4.7 Death by Checklist 647
33.4.8 Options for Checklists: Working Smarter Not Harder 648
33.5 Data Integrity Audit of a CDS 649
33.5.1 Data Integrity at the System Level 649
33.5.2 Data Integrity Audit at the Data Level 652
33.5.3 Data Integrity and an Interfaced CDS 652
33.5.4 Reporting the Audit 655
References 655
Chapter 34 - CDS Records Retention 657
34.1 What Do the Regulators Want 657
34.1.1 EU GMP Annex 11 657
34.1.2 GLP Regulations: 21 CFR 58 657
34.1.3 US GMP Regulations: 21 CFR 211 658
34.1.4 US Medical Device GMP Regulations: 21 CFR 820 659
34.1.5 21 CFR 11 Requirements 659
34.1.6 FDA Guidance on Data Integrity 659
34.1.7 EU GMP Chapter 4 Documentation 659
34.1.8 FDA Guidance for Industry Part 11 – Scope and Application Guidance 660
34.1.9 FDA Inspection of Pharmaceutical Quality Control Laboratories 661
34.1.10 OECD GLP Regulations 661
34.1.11 OECD GLP Guidance on Establishment and Control of GLP Archives 662
34.1.12 OECD GLP Guidance on Application of GLP to Computerised Systems 662
34.1.13 Regulatory Requirements Summary 662
34.2 CDS Data File Formats and Standards 663
34.2.1 Current CDS Data Standards 663
34.2.2 Progress towards a Universal CDS Data File Format 664
34.3 Options for Electronic Records Retention and Archive 665
34.3.1 Backup is Not Archive (Unless You Are the FDA) 665
34.3.2 Organising CDS Electronic Records to Archive 666
34.3.3 Options for Electronic Archive 666
34.3.4 Can I Read the Records 667
34.3.5 Impact of a Changed CDS File Format 668
34.3.6 Selection of Off-Line Archive Media 669
34.3.7 Changing CDS – What Are The Archive Options 669
34.3.8 Overview of Some Options 669
34.3.9 Assessment of Option Feasibility 670
34.4 OECD Guidance for Developing an Electronic Archive 670
34.4.1 Definitions 670
34.4.2 Roles and Responsibilities 671
34.4.3 Archive Facilities 672
34.4.4 Archiving Electronic Records 672
References 674
Chapter 35 - CDS System Retirement 676
35.1 What Do the Regulators Want 676
35.1.1 OECD GLP Guidance 17 676
35.1.2 GMP Regulations 676
35.1.3 Business Rationale for System Retirement 676
35.2 Generic Process for System Retirement 677
35.2.1 Notification of System Retirement 677
35.2.2 Involvement of Quality Assurance and IT 678
35.2.3 Cessation of Work 678
35.2.4 Shutdown of the System 679
35.2.5 Documenting Retirement and Disposal 679
35.3 Case Study of System Retirement 680
Reference 681
Chapter 36 - CDS Data Migration 682
36.1 What Do the Regulators Want 682
36.1.1 EU GMP Annex 11 682
36.1.2 EU GMP Chapter 4 on Documentation 683
36.1.3 FDA 21 CFR 11 and the Part 11 Scope and Application Guidance for Industry 683
36.1.4 OECD Guidance 17 Application of GLP Principles to Computerised Systems 683
36.1.5 Regulatory Requirements Summary 684
36.2 Business Rationale for Data Migration 684
36.3 Drivers for Data Migration and System Retirement 685
36.3.1 Internal Drivers 685
36.3.2 External Drivers 685
36.3.3 Data Migration Options 686
36.3.4 Data Migration Between Different Applications 686
36.3.5 Data Migration Within an Application 687
36.3.6 Validation of Within Application Data Migration 687
36.4 Generic Data Migration and System Retirement Process 687
36.4.1 Roles of the Process Owner and Senior Management 689
36.4.2 Step 1: Inventory of the System 689
36.4.3 Step 2: Carry Out a Risk Assessment 689
36.4.4 Step 3: Write the Retirement Plan 689
36.4.5 Step 4: Detailed Information Gathering 690
36.4.6 Step 5: System Decommissioning and Data Migration Plan 690
36.4.7 Step 6: Execute Work and Document Activities 690
36.4.8 Step 7: Write Retirement and Migration Report 690
36.5 Case Study of Data Migration 691
36.5.1 Design of the Overall Validation Project 691
36.5.2 Overview of the Mass Spectrometry Systems 692
36.5.3 Data Acquisition and Processing Software Applications 692
36.5.4 Computing Environments 692
36.5.5 Differences Between the Two CDS Systems 693
36.5.6 Data Migration Strategy 694
36.5.7 Supplier Supplied Data Conversion Utilities 694
36.5.8 Limitation of the Data Conversion Utilities 694
36.5.9 Data Migration Options 695
36.5.10 Evolution of the Data Migration Design 695
36.5.11 Design of the Overall Data Migration and System Retirement 696
36.6 Data Migration: Key Results 696
36.6.1 Retention Time 696
36.6.2 Instrument Control Parameters 697
36.6.3 Integration Algorithms and Calculated Results 698
36.6.4 History Logs 699
36.6.5 Data Migration Summary 700
References 700
Chapter 37 - Retrospective Validation 701
37.1 What Do the Regulators Want 701
37.1.1 EU GMP Annex 11 701
37.1.2 EMA Annex 11 Questions and Answers 701
37.1.3 PIC/S Guidance 702
37.1.4 Regulatory Requirements Summary 703
37.2 Literature References to Retrospective CDS Validation 703
37.3 Gap and Plan for Retrospective Validation 703
37.3.1 Stage 1: Collect Existing Documentation and Review for Coverage 703
37.3.2 Phase 2: Review Existing Documents for Adequacy 705
37.3.3 Phase 3: Write the Gap and Plan Report 706
References 707
Glossary and Abbreviations 708
Glossary 708
Abbreviations 714
Subject Index 717