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Relating to Clients

Relating to Clients

Su Fox


Additional Information


Complementary therapists are seldom trained in the 'people skills' necessary for working with their clients. This practical guide provides the key elements of the psychotherapeutic relationship for people working in non-verbal modalities.

The book provides information and exercises to help practitioners improve their style of interacting with clients by setting clear boundaries, having a defined contract with them, communicating effectively and being a good listener, among other things. Drawn from experience both as a practitioner and as a client in a range of therapeutic contexts, Su Fox also uses illustrative case studies to offer strategies for managing 'difficult' clients and for working through the difficult feelings one may experience with other clients.

The guidance in this book is indispensable for complementary therapy practitioners and students in the field, and is also of interest to anyone working with others in a 'helping' capacity.

Everyone will take something away from this book that will change the way they practise for the better...

A valuable tool, this book can be easily read either in its totality or by isolated chapters, as the needs arises.

International Therapist
Su Fox is a massage and craniosacral therapist, psychotherapist and supervisor in private practice in London and an assessor for The Massage Training Institute. She is co-author, with Darien Pritchard, of Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology for the Massage Therapist and author of Practical Pathology for Massage (both published by Corpus Publishing Limited).