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Metalloenzymes in Denitrification

Metalloenzymes in Denitrification

Isabel Moura | José J G Moura | Sofia R Pauleta | Luisa B Maia


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Book Details


The reduction of nitrate to nitrogen by metalloenzymes is a vital step in the nitrogen cycle. The importance of this pathway has inspired efforts to understand in greater depth the mechanisms involved. This book presents and discusses the latest information on multiple aspects of denitrification.

Written by recognized specialists in the field, this book describes the bioinorganic aspects and the key enzymes involved in denitrification, including their structure, function and mechanisms. Active site modelling, novel methodologies for monitoring denitrification in vivo and biotechnological methods for water treatment are discussed. The book also focusses on the environmental implications of denitrification, such nitrate accumulation and the release of nitrous oxide into the atmosphere from excessive fertiliser use.

An important topic in many biological, environmental and agricultural contexts, this book will aid teaching and help bioinorganic chemists and biotechnologists gain an up-to-date picture of the science behind the denitrification process.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Metalloenzymes in Denitrification Applications and Environmental Impacts i
Preface v
Contents vii
Chapter 1 - A Bird’s Eye View of Denitrification in Relation to the Nitrogen Cycle 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 The Nitrogen Cycle 2
1.3 Classic and New Pathways 2
1.3.1 Dissimilatory Nitrate Reduction to Ammonium and Nitrification 3
1.3.2 Anaerobic Oxidation of Ammonium to Dinitrogen 4
1.3.3 Anaerobic Reduction of Nitrate to Dinitrogen—Denitrification 4
1.3.4 New Avenues/New Challenges 5
1.4 Book Outlook 6
Acknowledgements 7
References 7
Chapter 2 - Nitric Oxide Production, Damage and Management During Anaerobic Nitrate Reduction to Ammonia 11
2.1 “Things Ain’t What They Used to Be!” 11
2.2 Overview of Enzymes that Catalyse Denitrification or Nitrite Reduction to Ammonia 13
2.3 Dissimilatory Reduction of Nitrate to Ammonia in the Cytoplasm of Gram-Negative Bacteria 17
2.4 Nitrate Reduction to Ammonia in the Periplasm of Gram-Negative Bacteria 18
2.5 Regulation of Nitrate Reduction to Ammonia by Enteric Bacteria 19
2.6 “Denitrification” by Enteric Bacteria that Mainly Reduce Nitrate to Ammonia 22
2.6.1 Nitrite Reductases Other than NirS and NirK Implicated in NO Formation 23
2.7 Defence Against NO Toxicity in Bacteria that Reduce Nitrate to Ammonia 24
2.7.1 Three Pathways for NO Reduction by Enteric Bacteria 25
2.7.2 Is There a High-Affinity But Previously Undiscovered NO Reductase in Anaerobic Bacteria 26
2.8 Controversial Claims that the Transcription Factors FNR, OxyR and Fur are Physiologically Relevant NO Sensors 28
2.9 Regulation of Gene Expression Under Conditions of Nitrosative Stress 29
2.10 Repair of Nitrosylation Damage by the YtfE Protein, also Known as RIC 31
Acknowledgements 32
References 32
Chapter 3 - Structure, Function and Mechanisms of Respiratory Nitrate Reductases 39
3.1 Introduction 39
3.2 Structural and Spectroscopic Properties of Respiratory Nars 43
3.2.1 The Catalytic Subunit NarG 44 The Mo-bisPGD Cofactor 44 The FeS0 Cluster 45
3.2.2 The ET Subunit NarH 46
3.2.3 The QH2-Oxidising Subunit NarI 47
3.3 Gene Expression Control and Maturation of Respiratory Nars 49
3.3.1 Regulation at the Transcriptional and Translational Levels 49
3.3.2 NarGHI Maturation and Assembly 50
3.4 Metabolic Role 51
3.5 Catalytic Mechanism 52
Acknowledgements 52
References 53
Chapter 4 - Nitrite Reductase – Cytochrome cd1 59
4.1 The Haem Nitrite Reductase Gene nirS 59
4.2 The cd1NIR Protein 61
4.3 Structure and Reactivity of cd1NIR 63
4.3.1 Structure Overview 63
4.3.2 Haem Pockets and Reactivity 64
4.3.3 Redox-Dependent Conformational Changes 68
4.4 Mechanistic Aspects of cd1NIR Catalysis 70
4.4.1 Substrate Binding 71
4.4.2 Electron Transfer From the c-Haem to the d1-Haem 73
4.4.3 Catalysis and Product Release 73
4.5 Biogenesis of the c-Haem and the d1-Haem 75
4.5.1 c-Haem 76
4.5.2 d1-Haem 77
4.6 Role of cd1NIR in Biofilm and Quorum Sensing 81
4.7 Haem NIR as a Bioresource 82
4.7.1 Nitrite Biosensing 82
4.7.2 Functional Markers in Metagenomic Analysis 82
References 83
Chapter 5 - Structure and Function of Copper Nitrite Reductase 91
5.1 Introduction 91
5.2 The T1Cu Site 93
5.3 Electron Transfer 98
5.3.1 Intramolecular ET 98
5.3.2 Intermolecular ET 100
5.4 The T2Cu Site and Nitrite Reduction 106
Acknowledgements 109
References 110
Chapter 6 - Structure and Function of Nitric Oxide Reductases 114
6.1 Introduction 114
6.2 Properties and Reactions of NO and Metal–NO Complexes 115
6.3 Bacterial NOR 116
6.4 Structural and Functional Knowledge Before Crystal Structures were Available 118
6.4.1 Metal Centres 118
6.4.2 Electron Transfer 120
6.4.3 Proton Transfer 122
6.5 Functional Characterisation Based on the Crystal Structures of NORs 123
6.5.1 Overall Structures 123
6.5.2 Electron Transfer Pathway 124
6.5.3 Active Site Structures 127
6.5.4 Molecular Mechanism of NO Reduction by NOR 128
6.5.5 Proton Transfer Pathway 132
6.6 Molecular Evolution of Proton Pumps in Respiratory Enzymes 135
References 136
Chapter 7 - Insights into Nitrous Oxide Reductase 141
7.1 Introduction 141
7.2 Biogenesis of N2OR 142
7.3 The Structure of N2OR 145
7.3.1 The Overall Structure 145
7.3.2 The Copper Centres—Structure and Coordination 145
7.4 Spectroscopic Properties 149
7.4.1 The CuA Centre 150
7.4.2 The “CuZ Centre” 153 CuZ*(4Cu1S) 154 CuZ(4Cu2S) 155
7.5 Kinetic Properties of N2OR 157
7.5.1 CuZ and CuZ* 158
7.5.2 CuZ0 160
7.5.3 Substrate Binding Site and Catalytic Cycle 161
7.6 Concluding Remarks 164
Acknowledgements 164
References 165
Chapter 8 - Model Compounds for Molybdenum Nitrate Reductases 170
8.1 Introduction 170
8.1.1 Nitrate Reduction and Its Implication in Biology 170
8.1.2 Classification and Active Site Structures of Nitrate Reductase 171
8.1.3 Mechanism of Nitrate Reduction 172
8.2 Model Chemistry 174
8.2.1 Introduction 174
8.2.2 Early Studies 175
8.2.3 Model Chemistry Using Non-Dithiolene Ligands 178
8.2.4 Model Chemistry Using Dithiolene Ligands 178
8.3 Problems, Strategies and Future Scope 182
References 183
Chapter 9 - Model Compounds for Nitric Oxide Reductase 185
9.1 Introduction 185
9.2 Synthetic Models of Haem/Non-Haem NOR 187
9.2.1 Design and Synthesis 187 Face Selection and Insertion of the Proximal Imidazole Ligand 188 Synthesis of the Glutamic Acid Mimic 191 Attachment of Distal Imidazole Ligands 192 Introduction of Metals 192
9.2.2 NO Reactivity of Synthetic Haem/Non-Haem NOR Models 192
9.2.3 Mechanism of NO Reduction by a Synthetic Haem/ 197
9.3 Engineered Myoglobin-Based NOR Model 201
9.3.1 Synthesis 201
9.3.2 Mechanism 204
9.4 NOR versus CcO 208
9.4.1 O2 Reduction by a Synthetic Haem/Non-Haem NOR Model 208
9.4.2 Mechanism of O2 Reaction by a Synthetic Haem/Non-Haem NOR Model 211
9.4.3 NO Reactivity of a Synthetic Functional Model of CcO 211
9.5 Concluding Remarks 219
References 220
Chapter 10 - Model Compounds of Copper-Containing Enzymes Involved in Bacterial Denitrification 225
10.1 Introduction 225
10.2 Models Relevant to Nitrite Reductase 226
10.2.1 Key Aspects of the Enzymatic T2 Site to Model 226
10.2.2 Structural Models Relevant to the Nitrite-Bound T2 Site 227
10.2.3 Structural Models Relevant to the NO-Bound T2 Site 230
10.2.4 Functional Models with Nitrite Reductase Activity 232
10.3 Models Relevant to N2OR 235
10.3.1 Key Aspects of the CuZ Sites to Model 235
10.3.2 Structural Models Relevant to the CuZ* Site 237
10.3.3 Functional N2O Reactivity of Molecular Copper Complexes 241
Acknowledgements 244
References 244
Chapter 11 - Electron Transfer and Molecular Recognition in Denitrification and Nitrate Dissimilatory Pathways 252
11.1 Introduction 252
11.2 Electron Transfer Involved in Nitrate Reduction 253
11.2.1 Periplasmic Dissimilatory Nitrate Reductase 254
11.2.2 Respiratory Nitrate Reductase 257
11.3 Electron Transfer Involved in Nitrite Reduction 258
11.3.1 Direct Conversion of Nitrite to Ammonium by Dissimilatory NrfA 259
11.3.2 Cu-NiR 261
11.3.3 cd1-NiR 265
11.4 Electron Transfer Involved in Nitric Oxide Reduction 268
11.4.1 Intramolecular Electron Transfer 268
11.4.2 Intermolecular Electron Transfer 270
11.5 Electron Transfer Involved in Nitrous Oxide Reduction 272
11.5.1 Intramolecular Electron Transfer 273
11.5.2 Intermolecular Electron Transfer 274
11.6 Concluding Remarks 277
Acknowledgements 279
References 279
Chapter 12 - Channels and Transporters for Nitrogen Cycle Intermediates 287
12.1 Bioenergetics of Denitrification 287
12.1.1 The Compartmentalisation of the Nitrogen Cycle 288
12.1.2 Translocation of Ions Across Membranes 288
12.2 Nitrate Transport 290
12.2.1 Types of Nitrate Transporters 291
12.2.2 The NPF Family and the Plant Nitrate Transporter NRT1.1 292
12.2.3 NO3−/H+ Symport vs. NO3−/NO2− Antiport 293
12.2.4 The NNP Family 293
12.2.5 Structural Features of Bacterial NarK and NarU 294
12.2.6 Transport Mechanism of Nitrate/Nitrite Porters 295
12.3 Nitrite Transport 297
12.3.1 The Metabolic Role of Nitrite 297
12.3.2 The Formate/Nitrite Transporter Family of Ion Channels/Transporters 298
12.3.3 The Nitrite Channel NirC 299
12.3.4 The Transport Mechanism of NirC 300
12.4 Ammonium Transport 302
12.4.1 Amt/Rh/Mep Transporters 302
12.4.2 Passive vs. Active Transport of Reduced Nitrogen 303
12.4.3 Structures of Ammonium Transporters 304
12.4.4 Electrogenic NH4+ Transport by Amt Proteins 305
12.5 Conclusions 307
References 307
Chapter 13 - Regulation of Denitrification 312
13.1 Introduction 312
13.2 Regulation of Denitrification in Model Organisms 313
13.2.1 Pa. denitrificans 313
13.2.2 Ps. stutzeri and Ps. aeruginosa 317
13.2.3 Bra. japonicum 319
13.2.4 Rh. sphaeroides 320
13.2.5 Ra. eutropha 320
13.2.6 Brucella Species 321
13.2.7 Neisseria Species 321
13.3 NO Detoxification 322
13.4 Emerging Themes: Regulators and Signals 323
13.5 Conclusions and Future Prospects 325
References 326
Chapter 14 - Denitrification in Fungi 331
14.1 Introduction 331
14.2 Serendipitous P450 332
14.3 Fungal Denitrifying System 333
14.4 Eukaryotic nirK Genes: Originating from the Protomitochondrion 336
14.5 Co-Denitrification 337
14.6 P450nor (Fungal Nor) 338
14.7 Occurrence of Fungal Denitrification and Co-Denitrification in Ecosystems 343
14.8 Concluding Remarks 343
Acknowledgements 345
References 346
Chapter 15 - Denitrification and Non-Denitrifier Nitrous Oxide Emission in Gram-Positive Bacteria 349
15.1 Denitrification is Widespread but Underexplored in Gram-Positive Bacteria 349
15.2 Novel Features in the Denitrifier B. azotoformans 351
15.2.1 Membrane-Bound Enzymes and a Novel NO Reductase 351
15.2.2 High Genetic Redundancy and Potential Metabolic Versatility 353
15.3 N2O Emission by Non-Denitrifying Bacilli 355
15.3.1 N2O Emission Related to Nitrite Accumulation and DNRA 355
15.3.2 Mechanisms for N2O Production 357
15.4 Environmental Relevance of Bacilli and Related Methodological Issues 360
15.4.1 Their Ubiquitous Nature 360
15.4.2 Their Contribution to Denitrification 361
Acknowledgements 363
References 363
Chapter 16 - Denitrification Processes for Wastewater Treatment 368
16.1 Introduction 368
16.1.1 Nitrogen Removal from Wastewater 370
16.1.2 Overview of Denitrification Processes 371
16.2 Heterotrophic Denitrification 372
16.2.1 Heterotrophic Denitrifying Organisms 372
16.2.2 Stoichiometry and Kinetics of Heterotrophic Denitrification 373
16.2.3 Factors Affecting Heterotrophic Denitrification 373 Carbon Source 373 COD to N Ratio 374 Dissolved Oxygen Concentration 374 pH and Temperature 374
16.2.4 Denitrification Intermediate Accumulation and Electron Competition 375
16.2.5 Modelling the Heterotrophic Denitrification Processes 375
16.2.6 Nitrogen Removal Based on Heterotrophic Denitrification 377 Pre-Denitrification and Post-Denitrification 377 Modified Ludzack–Ettinger Configuration 378 Oxidation Ditch 378 Sequencing Batch Reactors 379
16.3 Anaerobic Ammonia Oxidation 379
16.3.1 AnAmmOx Organisms 379
16.3.2 Metabolic Pathways of AnAmmOx 380
16.3.3 Physiological Characteristics and Enrichment of AnAmmOx 380
16.3.4 Factors Affecting AnAmmOx 382 Dissolved Oxygen 382 Ammonia and Nitrite Levels 383 Temperature 383 Salinity 383 Fe(ii) Concentration 383
16.3.5 Modelling the AnAmmOx Processes 384
16.3.6 Autotrophic Nitrogen Removal by AnAmmOx 384
16.4 Denitrifying Anaerobic Methane Oxidation 386
16.4.1 Stoichiometry of DAMO 386
16.4.2 Enrichment and Characteristics of DAMO 387
16.4.3 Proposed Mechanisms of DAMO Microorganisms 387 DAMO Bacteria—Candidatus Methylomirabilis oxyfera 387 DAMO Archaea—Candidatus Methanoperedens nitroreducens 388
16.4.4 Factors Affecting DAMO 389
16.4.5 Emerging Technologies Based on DAMO Processes 389
16.4.6 Modelling DAMO Processes 392
16.5 Autotrophic Denitrification 393
16.5.1 Autotrophic Denitrifying Organisms 393
16.5.2 Stoichiometry of Autotrophic Denitrification 394
16.5.3 Key Factors Affecting Autotrophic Denitrification 394 pH 394 Temperature 395 Electron Acceptor 395 Electron Donor 395
16.5.4 Application of the Autotrophic Denitrification Processes 396
16.5.5 Modelling the Autotrophic Denitrification Processes 400
16.6 Bioelectrochemical Denitrification Processes 400
16.6.1 Bioelectrochemical Systems 400
16.6.2 Bioelectrochemical Denitrification 402
16.6.3 Bioelectrochemical System Configurations for Nitrogen Removal 403
16.6.4 Factors Affecting Bioelectrochemical Denitrification 405
16.6.5 Community Analyses in Denitrifying Biocathodes 406
16.7 Concluding Remarks 407
Acknowledgements 408
References 408
Chapter 17 - Lessons from Denitrification for the Human Metabolism of Signalling Nitric Oxide 419
17.1 “Classic” Metabolism of Signalling Nitric Oxide 419
17.2 Nitrite-Dependent NO Formation 421
17.2.1 A New Concept Emerged 421
17.2.2 Present Key Questions 422 Nitrite Homeostasis 422 “Non-Dedicated” Nitrite Reductases 423
17.2.3 Human Nitrite Reduction in the Cellular Context 427
17.3 Nitrate Reduction to Signalling NO in the Context of the Nitrogen Cycle 428
Acknowledgements 430
References 430
Subject Index 444