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Compendium of Terminology and Nomenclature of Properties in Clinical Laboratory Sciences

Compendium of Terminology and Nomenclature of Properties in Clinical Laboratory Sciences

Georges Férard | René Dybkaer | Xavier Fuentes-Arderiu


Additional Information


There has been significant expansion and development in clinical laboratory sciences and, in particular, metrological concepts, definitions and terms since the previous edition of this book was published in 1995. It is of prime importance to standardize laboratory reports for reliable exchange of patient examination data without loss of meaning or accuracy. New disciplines have appeared and the interrelationships between different disciplines within clinical laboratory sciences demand a common structure and language for data exchange, in the laboratory and with the clinicians, necessitating additional coverage in this book. These new sections will be based upon recommendations published by various national, regional, and international bodies especially IUPAC and IFCC. This book groups and updates the recommendations and will be appropriate for laboratory scientists, medical professionals and students in this area.
The Silver Book should be on the shelf of every laboratory, which has anything to do with clinical or biological measurement.
David B. Hibbert

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents xxv
Preface v
Committees vii
List of Abbreviations Used for Institutions and Committees ix
List of Symbols, Terms and SI units for Kinds-of-quantity xi
Structure of Numbered Entries in Sections 8 and 9 xxiii
Section 1 History of Recommendations on Properties in Clinical Laboratory Sciences 1
References 5
Section 2 Definitions of Some Disciplines Applied in the Clinical Laboratory 7
2.1 Introduction 7
2.2 Vocabulary of Disciplines 8
2.3 Relations between Disciplines 12
References 12
Section 3 Conventions and Instructions for Use 13
3.1 Typographical Conventions 13
3.2 Indication of Synonyms and Choice between them 13
3.3 Definitions 14
3.4 Indication of Recommendations and of Advice 14
3.5 Order of Entries in Sections 8 and 9 14
3.6 Order of Information about Kinds-of-quantity in Entries in Sections 8 and 9 15
3.7 Preference between Symbols for a Kind-of-quantity 15
3.8 Lists of Information about Units 15
3.9 Inconsistencies and Points for Debate Remain 16
References 16
Section 4 Fundamental Concepts in Communication of Clinical Laboratory Information 17
4.1 Communication of Information 17
4.2 System 18
4.3 Component and Entity 19
4.4 Process 23
References 27
Section 5 Principles and Practice of Kinds-of-quantity and Units 31
5.1 Kinds-of-quantity 31
5.2 Dimension of a Kind-of-quantity 33
5.3 Kinds-of-quantity of Dimension One 33
5.4 Nomenclature of Kinds-of-quantity 35
5.5 Symbols for Kinds-of-quantity 39
5.6 Mathematical Operations with Quantities 40
5.7 Symbols and Terms for Units 41
5.8 Coherent Derived Units of the International System of Units 42
5.9 Multiples and Submultiples of Units 43
5.10 Units Outside the International System 44
5.11 Writing of Numbers and Expression of Numerical Values 45
5.12 Symbolizing Mathematical Operations 45
References 46
Section 6 Requesting, Generating and Transmitting Clinical Laboratory Information 48
6.1 General Considerations 48
6.2 Process of Requesting and Reporting 48
6.3 Clinical Laboratory Report 49
6.4 Parts of the Systematic Name for an Examined Property 50
6.5 Systems Investigated in Clinical Laboratory Sciences 51
6.6 Component 52
6.7 Kind-of-property 54
6.8 Time 55
6.9 Numerical Value and Measurement Unit 56
6.10 Measurement Uncertainty 56
6.11 Measurement Standard, Reference Material and Calibrator 58
6.12 Systems for Coding Properties in Clinical Laboratories 59
References 59
Section 7 Choice and Use of Kinds-of-property for Different Examination Purposes 62
7.1 Expression of Composition: Amount-of-substance; Substance Concentration; Molality 62
7.2 Thermodynamic Kinds-of-quantity: Free Components and Chemical Activity 65
7.3 Optical Spectroscopy 66
7.4 Centrifugation 70
7.5 Electrophoresis 71
7.6 Enzymology 71
References 73
Section 8 Kinds-of-quantity of Dimension One; SI Unit 1 75
8.1 Base Kinds-of-quantity of Dimension One 76
8.2 Number Fraction and Number Ratio 77
8.3 Volume Fraction, Volume Ratio and Volume Rate Ratio 79
8.4 Mass Fraction, Mass Ratio and Relative Derivatives of Mass 80
8.5 Relative Time and Relative Derivatives of Time 82
8.6 Energy Fraction 82
8.7 Substance Fraction, Substance Ratio, Relative Amount-of-substance and Relative Substance Concentration 83
8.8 Catalytic-activity Fraction 85
8.9 Logarithmic Kinds-of-quantity 85
8.10 Exponentially Defined Kinds-of-quantity 88
References 90
Section 9 Kinds-of-quantity of Dimension Other than One 91
9.1 Dimension L 91
9.2 Dimension L-1 93
9.3 Dimension L2 95
9.4 Dimension L-2 96
9.5 Dimension L3 97
9.6 Dimension L-3 98
9.7 Dimension L-4 99
9.8 Dimension M 99
9.9 Dimension M-1 102
9.10 Dimension L-1M 102
9.11 Dimension L2M 102
9.12 Dimension L-2M 102
9.13 Dimension L2M-1 103
9.14 Dimension L-3M 104
9.15 Dimension L3M-1 105
9.16 Dimension L-4M 106
9.17 Dimension T 107
9.18 Dimension T-1 109
9.19 Dimension L-1T 113
9.20 Dimension LT-1 113
9.21 Dimension L-2T-1 115
9.22 Dimension L-2T 115
9.23 Dimension L2T-1 115
9.24 Dimension L3T-1 116
9.25 Dimension M-1T-1 117
9.26 Dimension MT-1 117
9.27 Dimension LMT-1 119
9.28 Dimension L-1MT-1 119
9.29 Dimension L2M-1T 120
9.30 Dimension L-2MT-1 120
9.31 Dimension L2MT-1 120
9.32 Dimension L-3MT-1 121
9.33 Dimension T-2 122
9.34 Dimension LT-2 122
9.35 Dimension L-2T-2 123
9.36 Dimension L-2T2 123
9.37 Dimension L2T-2 123
9.38 Dimension MT-2 125
9.39 Dimension LMT-2 125
9.40 Dimension LM-1T2 126
9.41 Dimension L-1MT-2 126
9.42 Dimension L2MT-2 130
9.43 Dimension L3M-1T-2 132
9.44 Dimension L2T-3 133
9.45 Dimension MT-3 133
9.46 Dimension L-1MT-3 134
9.47 Dimension LMT-3 135
9.48 Dimension L2MT-3 136
9.49 Dimension L3MT-3 137
9.50 Dimension TI 137
9.51 Dimension M-1TI 137
9.52 Dimension I 138
9.53 Dimension L-1I 138
9.54 Dimension L-2I 139
9.55 Dimension M-1T2I 139
9.56 Dimension MT-2I-1 139
9.57 Dimension L2MT-2I-1 139
9.58 Dimension LMT-3I-1 140
9.59 Dimension L2MT-3I-1 140
9.60 Dimension L2MT-2I-2 141
9.61 Dimension L-2M-1T3I2 141
9.62 Dimension L2MT-3I-2 141
9.63 Dimension L-3M-1T3I2 142
9.64 Dimension L3MT-3I-2 142
9.65 Dimension M-1T4I2 142
9.66 Dimension L-2M-1T4I2 142
9.67 Dimension Θ\r 143
9.68 Dimension Θ-1\r 144
9.69 Dimension L-1Θ\r 145
9.70 Dimension T-1Θ\r 145
9.71 Dimension L2T-2Θ-1\r 145
9.72 Dimension L-1MT-2Θ-1\r 146
9.73 Dimension L2MT-2Θ-1\r 146
9.74 Dimension M-1T3Θ\r 147
9.75 Dimension MT-3Θ-1\r 147
9.76 Dimension LMT-3Θ-1\r 147
9.77 Dimension L-2M-1T3Θ\r 148
9.78 Dimension L2MT-3Θ-1\r 148
9.79 Dimension TJ 148
9.80 Dimension L-2TJ 149
9.81 Dimension J 149
9.82 Dimension L-2M-1T3J 149
9.83 Dimension N 150
9.84 Dimension N-1 152
9.85 Dimension LN-1 152
9.86 Dimension L2N-1 152
9.87 Dimension L-2N 153
9.88 Dimension L-3N 154
9.89 Dimension L3N-1 157
9.90 Dimension L-4N 157
9.91 Dimension M-1N 157
9.92 Dimension MN-1 159
9.93 Dimension T-1N-1 160
9.94 Dimension T-1N 160
9.95 Dimension L-2T-1N 161
9.96 Dimension L-3TN 162
9.97 Dimension L-3T-1N 162
9.98 Dimension M-1T-1N 163
9.99 Dimension T-2N 164
9.100 Dimension L-3T-2N 164
9.101 Dimension M-1T-2N 164
9.102 Dimension L-2M-1T2N 164
9.103 Dimension L2MT-2N-1 165
9.104 Dimension LM-2T2N 166
9.105 Dimension TIN-1 166
9.106 Dimension M-1T3I2N-1 166
9.107 Dimension L3ΘN-1\r 167
9.108 Dimension MΘN-1\r 167
9.109 Dimension L2MT-2Θ-1N-1\r 167
References 168
Section 10 Kinds-of-property without Dimensions of the ISQ 169
10.1 Nominal Kinds-of-property 169
10.2 Arbitrary Kinds-of-quantity 170
10.2.1 Ordinal Kinds-of-quantity 170
10.2.2 Differential Arbitrary Kinds-of-quantity 170
10.2.3 Rational Arbitrary Kinds-of-quantity with WHO International Units 170
10.2.4 Other Arbitrary Kinds-of-quantity 170
10.3 Arbitrary Biological Activities 171
References 171
Index of Tables and Figures 172
Tables 172
Figures 173
Subject Index 174