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Spirituality and End of Life Care PDF

Spirituality and End of Life Care PDF

Peter Gilbert


Additional Information

Book Details


Spirituality and End of Life Care is a handbook for service users, carers, and staff wishing to bring a spiritual dimension to palliative care. It addresses the place of spirituality in our modern society and the challenge of life and death, best practice in end of life care, belief systems, how spirituality can play a part in care workers’ roles, as well as creative interventions and leadership challenges.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Title Page i
Part 1: Modern society, spirituality and the challenge of life and death 23
Part 2: End of life care in practice 85
Part 3: User, carer and professional perspectives 127
Part 4: Death as a gateway? A belief system 155
Part 5: Spirituality and care workers 167
Part 6: Looking ahead 221
Part 7: Conclusions 247