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Anxiety and Depression in People with Intellectual Disabilities PDF

Anxiety and Depression in People with Intellectual Disabilities PDF

Raghu Raghavan


Additional Information

Book Details


The Anxiety and Depression in People with Intellectual Disabilities handbook focuses on the full range of anxiety and depressive illnesses and interventions, support strategies and approaches to working with this population, including case formulations, psychopharmacological interventions, cognitive therapy, psychodynamic approaches and solution focused therapy.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Anxiety and Depression Cover Cover
Contents 1
Acknowledgements 2
Contributors 3
Preface 5
Foreword 6
Chapter 1: Intellectual disabilities and mental health 7
Chapter 2: Anxiety disorders in people with intellectual disabilities 21
Chapter 3: Depressive disorders in people with intellectual disabilities 51
Chapter 4: User views and experiences 75
Chapter 5: Case formulation 89
Chapter 6: Psychopharmacological approaches 105
Chapter 7: Cognitive therapy 125
Chapter 8: Solution focused brief therapy 141
Chapter 9: Psychodynamic perspective 159
Chapter 10: Supporting families 191
Chapter 11: Case management and the care programme approach 207
Chapter 12: Intensive support teams 221
Subject index 239