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A Complete Guide to the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training

A Complete Guide to the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training

Lynn Machin | Duncan Hindmarch | Sandra Murray | Tina Richardson


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A new edition of this essential text for all those working towards the Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training. Tailored to meet the demands of the new qualification and latest ETF Standards, it incorporates key information on reflective practice, study and research skills, and provides full coverage of all the mandatory units. Accessible language is combined with a critical approach that clearly relates practical examples to the required underpinning theory, and a range of useful learning features include key definitions, extended case studies, critical questions and chapter reflections. This second edition has been fully updated throughout and now includes additional material on critical thinking and a new chapter on technology enhanced teaching and learning.

Lynn Machin is Award Leader and Senior Lecturer within the School of Education at Staffordshire University.  She has over 20 years’ experience of teaching in post-14 education.  Lynn has had a variety of roles within initial teacher education (ITE) including developing and writing the modules that make up the suite of qualifications within ITE in the FE and Skills Sector.  

Duncan Hindmarch is Award Leader for Lifelong Learning Teacher Training and the Foundation Degree in Education at Staffordshire University.  He has over 15 years' teaching experience, having worked overseas and in the UK.  With a background in Teaching English for Speakers of Other Languages, he has been involved in developing and delivering ESOL and Initial Teacher Training programmes since 2005.

Sandra Murray is a Curriculum Leader and Advanced Practitioner in the Department of Teacher Training at Newcastle-under-Lyme College.  She has a wide range of experience supporting and teaching teachers in the lifelong learning sector and has been teaching on Initial Teacher Education programmes since 2005. 

Tina Richardson is an Award Leader and Manager of the Lifelong Learning Development Centre within the School of Education at Staffordshire University.  She has worked in compulsory, further and higher education, with the last 15 years focusing on Adult Literacy, Language and Numeracy and teacher education for the FE and Skills Sector.  Tina has worked on a consultancy basis for a number of organisations such as LSIS, SVUK and CfBT.  

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover 1
Half-title i
Title page iii
Copyright information iv
Table of contents v
Meet the authors xii
Acknowledgements xiv
About this book xv
1 Reflecting on, evaluating and improving your practice 14
Introduction 16
What is meant by reflecting on and evaluating your own practice? 17
What is meant by critical reflection on and evaluation of practice? 17
How can you reflect? 18
Schön’s reflection in and on action model 18
Brookfield’s four lenses 20
Autobiographical lens as a learner and teacher 20
Your colleagues’ eyes 21
Your learners’ eyes 23
Theoretical literature 23
Kolb’s experiential learning cycle 24
Why should you reflect on and evaluate your practice? 25
When should you reflect on and evaluate your own practice? 28
Summary 29
References 32
2 Introduction to critical thinking 34
Introduction 36
Key theories and principles of critical thinking 36
Developing critical thinking skills 38
Critical task 39
The critical learner: developing your academic and professional practice 40
Encouraging critical learners 43
Critical task 43
Summary 44
References 45
3 Roles, responsibilities and professional relationships in education and training 46
Introduction 48
What are the roles and responsibilities of teachers in FE? 49
Working in further education 51
Professionalism 51
Legislation and regulatory requirements 52
Key education acts 52
The Equality and Human Rights Commission: Equality Act 2010 53
The Health and Safety Executive: Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 53
Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 53
The Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills 53
The Information Commissioner’s Office: Data Protection Act 1998 54
Disclosure and Barring Service 55
Professional behaviours, values and attributes of FE teachers 56
Working with colleagues and points of referral 57
What are your rights as a teacher? 58
Summary 58
References 60
4 Learners and their individual needs 62
Introduction 64
Recruitment, initial assessment and guidance 65
Initial assessment 65
Aim 1: To identify learner motivations, aspirations and skills to guide the learner onto an appropriate course 65
Aim 2: To identify reasonable adjustments for supporting identified Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) 66
Aim 3: To inform learners of their current ability and development needs 67
Aim 4: To inform whole group and individual planning 67
ILPs to record and support changing learner needs 67
Problems with ILPs 67
Creating and maintaining a safe, inclusive teaching and learning environment 68
The physical environment 68
The behavioural environment 68
Special educational needs 69
Promoting and maintaining appropriate behaviour 69
Principle 1: teachers model appropriate, professional behaviour 70
Principle 2: learners are aware of appropriate/inappropriate behaviour and corresponding rewards/sanctions 70
Safeguarding learners 72
Principle 3: behaviour policy is understood, administered fairly and consistently throughout the organisation 74
Reflections: equality and diversity organisational analysis 76
Summary 76
References 79
5 Assessment principles, practices and processes 81
Introduction 84
Theories, principles and models of assessment 85
Assessment theories 85
Assessment of learning 85
Making assessment of learning judgements: criterion, competency and norm-referencing 86
Assessment-led learning 87
Assessment for learning 87
Key assessment principles 90
Validity 90
Reliability 91
Transparency 92
Sufficiency 93
Practicality 93
Authenticity 93
Currency 93
How assessment informs teaching and learning 94
Initial assessment, feedback and planning 94
Self- and peer assessment 95
Challenges of self- and peer assessment 96
Individual and group assessment 97
Summative assessment, feedback and progression 97
The value of recording assessment achievement for quality systems 98
Recognition of achievement: qualification frameworks 98
The European Qualifications Framework 99
Summary 99
References 100
6 Communication 102
Introduction 104
Why is communication important? 105
What is communication? 105
Principles of communication 105
Theories and models of communication 106
Communication in assessment 107
Questioning skills 108
The wider role of communication 109
Transactional analysis 110
Methods of communication 111
Non-verbal communication 111
Para-language 111
Written communication 111
Social media 112
Summary 112
References 114
7 Inclusive learning and managing behaviour in the classroom 115
Introduction 117
What is an inclusive learning environment? 118
Providing a safe, supportive and motivating learning environment 119
Creating a supportive learning environment 119
Creating a motivating learning environment 120
Learning theories and behaviour management 122
Behavioural approaches 122
Positive reinforcement 122
Punishment 123
Negative reinforcement 123
Cognitive approaches 123
Resources to engage and motivate 125
Identifying and evaluating resources 125
Accessibility 125
Readability 125
Summary 126
References 127
8 Planning for teaching, learning and assessment 129
Introduction 131
Delivery models 132
Planning documentation 132
Schemes of work 132
Teaching and learning plans 133
Individual learning plans 134
The role of initial assessment in planning 135
Differentiation 136
Developing literacy, language, numeracy and ICT skills 138
Wider skills 139
Summary 139
References 141
9 The practice of teaching 143
Introduction 145
What is meant by practice of teaching? 146
Assessed observations 146
Outstanding (Grade 1) 148
Good (Grade 2) 148
Preparing yourself for observations 150
Pre-observation checklist 150
What are equality and diversity all about? 151
Equality 151
Diversity 151
The Equality Act 2010 152
Differentiation 153
Bloom’s taxonomy and task design 153
Differentiation through questioning techniques 154
Embedding teaching and learning 154
Summary 155
References 159
10 Curriculum development and evaluation 160
Introduction 162
What is meant by the term curriculum? 162
Hidden curriculum 163
Curriculum models 163
The product or objectives model 164
The process model 165
Curriculum influences 165
Evaluating and analysing curriculA 166
Curriculum levels 167
Quality, accessibility and validity 167
Summary 168
References 170
11 Wider professional practice 171
Introduction 173
What is meant by wider professional practice? 174
Professional values 174
Professional values and attributes 174
Professional knowledge and understanding 175
Professional skills 175
Evaluate your practice with others and assess its impact on learning 176
Understand the teaching and professional role and your responsibilities 176
Build positive and collaborative relationships with colleagues and learners 176
Update your expertise and vocational skills through collaboration with the wider community and other agencies 176
Contribute to organisational development and quality improvement through collaboration with others 177
Non-teaching roles and duties 176
Working with other professionals 177
Dual professionalism 177
Case studies 178
Roles of external bodies and stakeholders in education and training 178
Legislation and organisational policies 179
Quality assurance 180
The social, political and economic context of education and training 180
Summary 181
References 182
12 Research and scholarship 184
Introduction 186
Evidence-based practice: what works and what does not 187
Keeping current 188
Carrying out original research 189
Ethical approval 189
BERA 190
Research methodology: a basic introduction to educational research 191
Research opportunities 192
Career progression 192
If you already have a degree 193
If you do not have a degree 193
Continuing professional development 193
Generic and specialist CPD 194
Reflecting on your CPD activities 195
Summary 195
References 196
13 Information and communication technology for learning 198
Introduction 200
Theoretical underpinnings of technology for learning 202
The context of ICT development in education 203
Foundations of successful ICT implementation 204
Developing your ICT pedagogy 205
The virtual learning environment (VLE) 205
Embedding ICT into the curriculum 208
Using technology to enhance the assessment process 209
ICT-related legislation, responsibilities, regulations and requirements 209
Data protection 210
Social networking 210
E-safety 210
Health and safety 211
Assistive technology 212
Summary 212
References 214
14 Study skills and the requirements of the minimum core for the level 5 Diploma in Education and Training 216
Introduction 217
What is meant by academic study skills and LLN? 218
Academic reading skills 218
Reading critically and analysing what you read 219
Academic writing skills and the requirements of level 5 work 219
Structuring essays 220
Assessment criteria 220
Critical writing 221
Critical language 221
Presenting your work 222
Maximum word count 223
Referencing 223
Why and where to reference 223
Bibliography versus reference list 223
Harvard referencing 224
In-text referencing 224
Citations 224
Direct quotes 224
Secondary referencing 225
Internet referencing 225
Reference list 226
Knowledge, understanding and own personal skills of LLN and ICT 227
The language in LLN 228
Information and communication technology 229
Summary 230
References 232
Appendix 1 Optional units available for the level 5 DET qualification 234
Appendix 2 Glossary of acronyms and terms 237
Appendix 3 Teaching and learning plan template 240
Appendix 4 Individual learning plan 241
Appendix 5 Scheme of work template 242
Appendix 6 CPD reflective template 243
Appendix 7 Chapter links to the Professional Standards 244
Appendix 8: Abbreviations and acronyms quiz 247
Appendix 9: Reflections and actions from CPD event 248
References 236
Answers 250
Chapter 1 250
Chapter 2 251
Chapter 3 252
Chapter 4 252
Chapter 5 253
Chapter 6 255
Chapter 7 256
Chapter 8 256
Chapter 9 257
Chapter 10 259
Chapter 11 259
Chapter 12 260
Chapter 13 261
Chapter 14 262
Index 264
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