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Push Back

Judith Large


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Book Details


In 2009, after decades of conflict, the Sri Lankan government proclaimed the decisive defeat of the Liberation Tamil Tigers of Elam. Subsequently, the state proved resistant to attempts by the UN and other international bodies to promote post-war reconciliation or reform.

In this incisive new work, Judith Large investigates the ways in which the Rajapaksa government was able to subvert international diplomatic efforts, as well as exploring the wider context of rising Sinhalese nationalism, the attendant growth of discrimination against minorities, and efforts by both the diaspora and citizens within Sri Lanka to work towards a positive peace.

Push Back is vital reading not only for those interested in Sri Lanka, but also for those concerned about the wider implications of the conflict for human rights, peace-making, and geopolitics.

Judith Large is a senior research fellow at the Conflict Analysis Research Centre at the University of Kent. She has over twenty-five years experience in international conflict analysis, mediation and peace building, ranging from work with civic groups and national governments to UN agencies including the UNHCR, UNDP, BCPR, WHO, and others.

‘The first serious academic study of the Rajapaksa regime’s manipulation of the international system, which enabled them to preside over mass atrocities and get away scot free.’
Frances Harrison, former Sri Lanka correspondent for the BBC and author of Still Counting the Dead: Survivors of Sri Lanka's Hidden War

‘Incisively interrogates Sri Lanka’s socio-political fabric under the Rajapaksa regime … the book sheds new light on how the government got away with outrageous human rights violations, even after the war.’
Sanjana Hattotuwa, Centre for Policy Alternatives (Sri Lanka)

‘Offers a fascinating account of the Sri Lankan government's tense relationship with the international community. Filled with sharp insights, Push Back will help us all have a better sense of where Sri Lanka may be headed.’
Alan Keenan, Sri Lanka Project Director, International Crisis Group

‘A brilliant exposition of the end game in the Sri-Lankan civil war.’
Kevin Clements, University of Otago

‘This important new volume is essential reading for those wishing to understand the decades-long conflict in Sri Lanka, the quest for accountability, and the challenges of building peace in the wake of conflict.’
Chandra Lekha Sriram, University of East London

'Few inquiries have offered the theoretically incisive lens adopted here … Combing a nimble, Foucauldian conceptualization of the rapidly changing landscape of "global governance" and notions of "illiberal peacebuilding".'
Matthew Godwin, Journal of South Asian Development

'An exceptionally detailed and carefully crafted study … the book strikes an excellent balance between accessibility of style and empirical rigour … a satisfying combination of facts and rigorous analysis that will be a vital source for anyone engaging in research, development or policy work in Sri Lanka now and in the future.'
Commonwealth and Comparative Politics

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover Front cover
More praise i
About the author iii
Title page v
Copyright vi
Contents vii
Acknowledgements ix
Abbreviations xiii
Timeline of Sri Lankan history xv
Foreword xxi
Map of Sri Lanka xxiii
Introduction: Reflections on ‘optics’ – Sri Lanka and dilemmas in the study of violence and global governance 1
Global governance: contested frameworks of understanding 4
Illiberal peacebuilding 9
Sri Lanka and global governance 11
Chapter outlines 15
Some caveats 16
Chapter 1. War’s end and competing models for recovery 22
War’s end 23
Winning the war and winning the peace: constitutional reform and devolution 27
The Singapore model 30
Vision of a regional hub 31
Reconciliation 37
Chapter 2. Executive presidency and the unitary state 47
Constitutional history: background to the executive presidency and the unitary state 50
Rajapaksa’s executive presidency 55
Unitary or unipolar state 58
Unipolar command development 60
A less than united unipolar unitary state 62
Executive overreach and the unitary state under fire 66
Chapter 3. Non-interference Sri Lankan style 70
Defensive posturing 71
Pushing back 73
Image management: the public relations campaign 83
Reflections 91
Chapter 4. The outsiders 94
Some background on international assistance and NGO development 97
Development assistance: a shift in emphasis 99
Disjuncture and degrees of confusion 103
Impending crisis 107
International aid regimes and global governance norms 114
Chapter 5. Majoritarianism or divide and rule 122
Considering majoritarianism 124
Majoritarianism in the near neighbourhood 128
Rise of the Bodu Bala Sena 129
Cultural domination and majoritarian hegemony 134
Spatial penetration and war tourism 139
Division within the Commonwealth 142
Chapter 6. Home-grown solutions and the quest for accountability 146
Meanings of home-grown: missed opportunities and new openings 147
Disappointing development 148
The paradox of the LLRC 152
Growing momentum 156
The Geneva Process 158
Normative battles 165
Major turning points 168
Chapter 7. Small state in a large system 173
Sri Lanka’s dance with global governance 173
A zero-sum trajectory 176
Dealing with international actors and norms and internal opposition 178
Mitigating circumstances 180
Small state, large system 183
Reshaping global governance norms 188
Queries for a new era 192
Notes 198
Bibliography 231
Index 261
Back cover Back cover