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Fostering a Child's Recovery

Fostering a Child's Recovery

Mike Thomas | Mary Walsh | Terry Philpot


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Book Details


The overwhelming majority of children and young people in care today are fostered, but for some this only increases their problems through untreated trauma, ill-judged placements, poorly supported foster carers
and multiple moves.

This practical and evidence-based book outlines the principles of family placement on the basis of planning and evidence, and explores the qualities, skills and insights that create positive placement outcomes. Fostering a Child's Recovery shows how the key to good fostering is well-trained and skilled foster carers who form part of a team of professionals who surround the child.

This book will benefit all professionals and parents involved in providing recovery for traumatized children and young people in ensuring successful placements.

Mike Thomas MSW, CQSW is consultant for external foster care, Mary Walsh Institute. He has been involved in childcare for 25 years and in foster care since 1984, first as a worker and since 1987 also as a foster carer. He has worked in both the public and independent fostering sectors. Terry Philpot is author and editor of several books, including (with Anthony Douglas) Adoption: Changing Families, Changing Times. He co-authored the previous four books in the Delivering Recovery series. He writes occasionally for The Tablet, the Guardian and other publications, and has won several awards for his journalism.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Welcome to Focus on Gender
Briget Walker
Geraldine Reardon
Women's relationship with the enviroment
Joan Davidson
Obituary of Joan Davidson
Environmental change and the quality of life
Joanne Harnmeijer and Ann Waters-Bayer
Sustainable development: women as partners
Mariam Dem
Enviroment and women in Uganda: the way I see it
Judy Adoko
Policy statement on population and the environment
High-tech hazards: beyond the factory gate
Claire Hodgson and Geraldine Reardon
Finding a voice
Visanthi Arumagam
The Serdang Declaration
Women in enviromental disasters: the 1991 cyclone in Bangladesh
Rasheda Begum
Enduring the drought: the responses of Zambian Women
Background to the drought
Robin Palmer
Women in the Eastern Province: more hit by drought and yet more enduring
Nawina Hamaundu
After the fisheries: the story of SinalhaNbr>Eugenia Piza-Lopez
Looking for a regenerative approach to sustainability
Nanneke Redclift
Powerful connections: South-South linking
Interview with Josefina Stubbs
Resources - Training pack, Book reviews, Further reading
News from GADU.