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Gretchen De Soriano | Nigel Dawes | Keisetsu Otsuka | Dan Bensky


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Kampo, a traditional Japanese medical system derived from Classical Chinese Medicine and comprising unique diagnostic methods, herbal formulas and therapeutic approaches, is made accessible to English-speaking practitioners through this definitive translation of Dr Keisetsu Otsuka's classic work. This clinical handbook summarizes diagnostic theory and methodology then leads onto a section including 80 principal formulas followed by a therapeutic section organised according to allopathic definitions of disease. It follows a systems approach in internal medicine beginning with respiratory and cardiovascular disorders, moving through a comprehensive analysis of all the body systems. Essential clinical information on how differential diagnosis and formula selection is achieved is outlined within the Kampo tradition. A comprehensive index of 120 major herbal formulas and 180 individual herbal ingredients is included, as is the translators' original Glossary of terms designed to clarify concepts of health and disease unique to Kampo and Japanese culture.

The translators have taken care to retain Dr Otsuka's own thoughts and opinions on how to study Kampo, as well as demonstrative case studies from his own files, making this a direct source of his wisdom and teachings. Also including an overview of Kampo in the current age and guidance on integrating it into modern practice, this is an essential resource for anyone practicing or studying in this tradition.

In every field there are seminal works that serious students should engage; Dr Otsuka's Kampo text is one. Given the depth and breadth of their clinical experience, with extensive experience teaching these methods, the translators are uniquely qualified to transmit this information to the West.
Craig Mitchell PhD L.Ac, Academic Dean at the Seattle Institute of Oriental Medicine

Keisetsu Otsuka was an inspiration for a generation of Japanese medical doctors. In Kampo I Gaku Otsuka interprets Chinese medical classics as case studies and matches historical clinical symptoms to the symptoms of modern diseases, thus aligning Kampo to twentieth century medicine. Kampo is practiced by physicians in hospitals throughout Japan. Dr Otsuka passed away in 1980.
Gretchen De Soriano first met Keisetsu Otsuka in 1978 at the Kitasato Institute in Tokyo whilst a student of his son, Yasuo Otsuka. Kampo I Gaku has since been the cornerstone of her clinical practice. In 2010 Gretchen began researching the origins of the fukushin technique at Oxford University, University College London, and with the support of a Wellcome Studentship.
Nigel Dawes M.A., L.Ac. has been practicing East Asian Medicine, including Acupuncture, Shiatsu and Kampo for over 30 years. He graduated from schools in Tokyo and Beijing before setting up practice initially in London and for the past 20 years in New York. He is an internationally renowned teacher, particularly in the Kampo tradition, and has been published widely in the field.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Kampo – A Clinical Guide to Theory and Practice, Second Edition by Keisetsu Otsuka, translated by Gretchen De Soriano and Nigel Dawes 3
Foreword to the English Edition 11
Preface 13
Notes from Japan 15
Translators’ Note 17
Acknowledgements 21
1. Notes on How to Study Kampo 漢方医学を研究せんとする人のために Kampo i gaku wo ken kyuh sen 23
The basic preparations 24
1. Setting a goal 24
2. Grappling with the Kampo tradition with a beginner’s mind 24
3. Will you become a shrub (a tree without a trunk)? 24
4. Attaching yourself to a teacher 25
5. Essential texts 25
The first practical example: Getting the gist of Rehmannia eight 26
The shoh of Rehmannia eight combination, hachi mi gan, KF209 26
Rehmannia eight formula shoh as described in its source texts 27
Concerning discussions on Rehmannia eight formula by ancient masters 29
My personal experiences 32
Example 1 32
Example 2 32
Example 3 33
Example 4 33
Example 5 34
Example 6 34
2. The Kampo Diagnostic 漢方の診断 Kampo no shin dan 37
The names of diseases, past and present 病名の今昔 Byoh mei no kon jyaku 38
Conformation 証 Shoh, KD411 38
Yin and yang 陰 In, KD138; 陽 yoh, KD479 39
Yang conformation 陽証 Yoh shoh, KD486 39
Yin conformation 陰証 In shoh, KD143 39
Empty and full 虚 Kyo, KD258; 実 jitsu, KD148 40
Exterior empty conformation 表虚証 Hyoh kyo shoh, KD126 40
Interior empty conformation 裏虚証 Ri kyo shoh, KD331 40
Exterior full conformation 表実証 Hyoh jitsu shoh, KD127 40
Interior full conformation 裏実証 Ri jitsu shoh, KD329 40
Exterior empty interior full conformation 表虚裏実証 Hyoh kyo ri jitsu shoh, KD125 41
Exterior interior empty conformation 表裏虚証 Hyoh ri kyo shoh, KD128 41
Ki stagnation conformation 気滞証 Ki tai shoh, KD229 41
Blood stagnation conformation 瘀血証 O ketsu shoh, KD309 42
Pathological fluid conformation 痰飲証 Tan in shoh, KD462 42
The four exams 四診 Shi shin, KD380 43
The visual exam: Looking 望診 Boh shin, KD11 44
The auditory exam: Listening 聞診 Bun shin, KD13 46
The oral exam: Asking 問診 Mon shin, KD288 46
The tactile exam: Touching 切診 Setsu shin, KD376 51
The three yins and three yangs 三陰三陽 San in san yoh, KD359 61
Greater yang stage 太陽病 Tai yoh byoh, KD460 61
Lesser yang stage 少陽病 Shoh yoh byoh, KD437 62
Yang brightness stage 陽明病 Yoh mei byoh, KD485 62
Greater yin stage 太陰病 Tai in byoh, KD456 63
Lesser yin stage 少陰病 Shoh in byoh, KD428 63
Polar yin stage 厥陰病 Ketsu in (kecchin) byoh, KD201 64
Transforming stage; entered stage; companion disease; paired disease 転属 Ten zoku, KD471; 転入 ten nyuh, KD469; 併病 hei byoh, KD103; 合病 goh byoh, KD86 64
The broken disease stage 壊病 E byoh, KD41 65
3. Formula Explanations (Functions and Applications) 薬方解説 Yaku hoh kai setsu 67
Translators’ note 70
Kampo specialities: A collection of extremely useful shoh 70
1. An chuh san, KF1 安中散 An zhong san (cardamon and fennel formula) 70
2. I shoh hoh, KF2 痿証方 Wei zheng fang (Eucommia and Achyranthes combination) 70
3. I fuh toh, KF3 胃風湯 Wei feng tang (Atractylodes and Setaria combination) 71
4. Inchinkoh toh, KF5 茵蔯蒿湯 Yin chen hao tang (Capillaris combination) 71
5. Inchin gorei san, KF6 茵蔯五苓散 Yin chen wu ling san (Capillaris and hoelen formula) 71
6. Unkei toh, KF9 温経湯 Wen jing tang (tang kuei and Evodia combination) 71
7. Untan toh, KF10 温胆湯 Wen dan tang (bamboo and hoelen combination) 72
8. Unsei in, KF11 温清飲 Wen qing yin (tang kuei and gardenia combination) 72
9. Eppi ka jyutsu toh, KF13 越婢加朮湯 Yue bi jia zhu tang (Atractylodes combination) 72
10. En-nen hange toh, KF15 延年半夏湯 Yan nian ban xia tang (Evodia and Pinellia combination) 72
11. Ohgi kenchuh toh, KF17 黄耆建中湯 Huang qi jian zhong tang (Astragalus combination) 73
12. Ohren toh, KF22 黄連湯 Huang lian tang (Coptis combination) 73
13. Ohren akyoh toh, KF23 黄連阿膠湯 Huang lian e jiao tang (Coptis and gelatin combination) 73
14. Ohren gedoku toh, KF24 黄連解毒湯 Huang lian jie du tang (Coptis and scute combination) 73
15. Otsuji toh, KF25 乙字湯 Yi zi tang (Cimicifuga combination) 74
16. Kakkon toh, KF36 葛根湯 Ge gen tang (Pueraria combination) 74
17. Kami shohyoh san, KF33 加味逍遥散 Jia wei xiao yao san (Bupleurum and peony formula) 74
18. Kami kihi toh, KF32 加味帰脾湯 Jia wei gui pi tang (ginseng, longan and Bupleurum combination) 74
19. Karo kijitsu toh, KF39 瓜(括)呂枳実湯 Gua lou zhi shi tang (Trichosanthes and chih-shih combination) 75
20. Kanzoh toh, KF41 甘草湯 Gan cao tang (liquorice combination) 75
21. Kanzoh shashin toh, KF43 甘草瀉心湯 Gan cao xie xin tang (Pinellia and liquorice combination) 75
22. Kanzoh bushi toh, KF44 甘草附子湯 Gan cao fu zi tang (liquorice and aconite combination) 75
23. Kanbaku taisoh toh, KF47 甘麦大棗湯 Gan mai da zao tang (liquorice and jujube combination) 75
24. Kanro in, KF48 甘露飲 Gan lu yin (sweet combination) 76
25. Kyuh ki kyohgai toh, KF56 芎帰膠艾湯 Xiong gui jiao ai tang (tang kuei and gelatin combination) 76
26. Keishi toh, KF60 桂枝湯 Gui zhi tang (cinnamon combination) 76
27. Keishi ka shakuyaku toh, KF64 桂枝加芍薬湯 Gui zhi jia shao yao tang (cinnamon and peony combination) 76
28. Keishi ka bushi toh, KF66 桂枝加附子湯 Gui zhi jia fu zi tang (cinnamon and aconite combination) 76
29. Keishi ka ryuhkotsu borei toh, KF68 桂枝加竜骨牡蠣湯 Gui zhi jia long gu mu li tang (cinnamon and dragonbone combination) 77
30. Keishi bukuryoh gan, KF77 桂枝茯苓湯 Gui zhi fu ling tang (cinnamon and hoelen formula) 77
31. Go rei san, KF91 五苓散 Wu ling san (hoelen five herb formula) 77
32. Goshuyu toh, KF93 呉茱萸湯 Wu zhu yu tang (Evodia combination) 78
33. Saiko ka ryuhkotsu borei toh, KF95 柴胡加竜骨牡蠣湯 Chai hu jia long gu mu li tang (Bupleurum and dragonbone combination) 78
34. Saiko keishi toh, KF98柴胡桂枝湯 Chai hu gui zhi tang (Bupleurum and cinnamon combination) 78
35. Saiko keishi kankyoh toh, KF99 柴胡桂枝乾姜湯 Chai hu gui zhi gan jiang tang (Bupleurum, cinnamon and ginger combination) 79
36. San oh shashin toh, KF103 三黄瀉心湯 San huang xie xin tang (Coptis and rhubarb combination) 79
37. San motsu ohgon toh, KF105 三物黄芩湯 San wu huang qin tang (scute three herb combination) 79
38. Ji-in kohka toh, KF107 滋陰降火湯 Zi yin jiang huo tang (Phellodendron combination) 79
39. Shigyaku toh, KF115 四逆湯 Si ni tang (aconite, ginger and liquorice combination) 80
40. Shikunshi toh, KF117 四君子湯 Si jun zi tang (four major herb combination) 80
41. Shimotsu toh, KF118 四物湯 Si wu tang (tang kuei four combination) 80
42. Shakanzoh toh, KF122 炙甘草湯 Zhi gan cao tang (baked liquorice combination) 80
43. Jyuhzen taiho toh, KF128 十全大補湯 Shi quan da bu tang (ginseng and tang kuei ten combination) 81
44. Shoh kenchuh toh, KF135 小建中湯 Xiao jian zhong tang (minor cinnamon and peony combination) 81
45. Shoh saiko toh, KF136 小柴胡湯 Xiao chai hu tang (minor Bupleurum combination) 81
46. Shoh seiryuh toh, KF140 小青竜湯 Xiao qing long tang (minor blue dragon combination) 82
47. Shinbu toh, KF147 真武湯 Zhen wu tang (vitality combination) 82
48. Daioh botanpi toh, KF169 大黄牡丹皮湯 Da huang mu dan pi tang (rhubarb and moutan combination) 82
49. Dai kenchuh toh, KF170 大建中湯 Da jian zhong tang (major Zanthoxylum combination) 82
50. Dai saiko toh, KF171 大柴胡湯 Da chai hu tang (major Bupleurum combination) 83
51. Dai jyohki toh, KF172 大承気湯 Da cheng qi tang (major rhubarb combination) 83
52. Takuri shohdoku in, KF177 托裏消毒飲 Tuo li xiao du yin (Gleditsia combination) 83
53. Chikujo untan toh, KF178 竹筎温胆湯 Zhu ru wen dan tang (bamboo and ginseng combination) 83
54. Chikuyoh sekkoh toh, KF179 竹葉石膏湯 Zhu ye shi gao tang (bamboo leaves and gypsum combination) 84
55. Chohtoh san, KF183 釣藤散 Gou teng san (gambir formula) 84
56. Chorei toh, KF185 猪苓湯 Zhu ling tang (Polyporus combination) 84
57. Tohkaku jyohki toh, KF186 桃核承気湯 Tao he cheng qi tang (persica and rhubarb combination) 84
58. Tohki kenchuh toh, KF189 当帰建中湯 Dang gui jian zhong tang (tang kuei, cinnamon and peony combination) 84
59. Tohki shigyaku ka goshuyu shohkyoh toh, KF191 当帰四逆加呉茱萸生姜湯 Dang gui si ni jia wu zhu yu sheng jiang tang (tang kuei, Evodia and ginger combination) 85
60. Tohki shakuyaku san, KF192 当帰芍薬散 Dang gui shao yao san (tang kuei and peony formula) 85
61. Ninjin toh, KF203 人参湯 Ren shen tang aka ri chuh toh (li zhong tang), KF252 (ginseng and ginger combination) 85
62. Bakumondoh toh, KF207 麦門冬湯 Mai men dong tang (Ophiopogon combination) 86
63. Hachi mi gan, KF209 八味丸 Ba wei (di huang) wan (Rehmannia eight formula) 86
64. Hange kohboku toh, KF213 半夏厚朴湯 Ban xia hou pu tang (Pinellia and magnolia combination) 86
65. Hange shashin toh, KF214 半夏瀉心湯 Ban xia xie xin tang (Pinellia combination) 87
66. Hange byaku jyutsu tenma toh, KF215 半夏白朮天麻湯 Ban xia bai zhu tian ma tang (Pinellia and Gastrodia combination) 87
67. Bohi ohgi toh, KF232 防已黄耆湯 Huang qi fang ji tang (Stephania and Astragalus combination) 87
68. Hochuh ekki toh, KF235 補中益気湯 Bu zhong yi qi tang (ginseng and Astragalus combination) 87
69. Yokukan san, KF248 抑肝散 Yi gan san (Bupleurum formula) 88
70. Rikkunshi toh, KF253 六君子湯 Liu jun zi tang (six major herb combination) 88
71. Ryoh kan kyoh mi shin ge nin toh, KF258 苓甘姜味辛夏仁湯 Ling gan jiang wei xin xia ren tang (hoelen and Schizandra combination) 88
72. Ryoh kei jyutsu kan toh, KF260 苓桂朮甘湯 Ling gui zhu gan tang (Atractylodes and hoelen combination) 88
73. Ryoh kei kansoh toh, KF261 苓桂甘棗湯 Ling gui gan zao tang (hoelen, liquorice and jujube combination) 89
4. Therapeutics (Treatment According to Named Disease) 病状別治療 Byoh jyoh betsu chi ryoh 91
Patient conditions classified by medical treatment or by modern disease names 93
Common cold/influenza 感冒 Kan boh 93
Bronchitis 気管支炎 Ki kan shi en 94
Bronchial asthma 気管支喘息 Ki kan shi zen soku 95
Pulmonary tuberculosis 肺結核 Hai kekkaku 95
High blood pressure 高血圧症 Koh ketsu atsu shoh 96
Heart valvular disease 心臓弁膜症 Shin zoh ben maku shoh 97
Panic attacks/Cardiac neurosis 心臓神経症 (心臓血管神経症) \nShin zoh shin kei shoh (shin zoh kekkan shin kei shoh) 98
Gastritis 胃炎 I en 98
Stomach atony 胃アトニー I atonih 100
Stomach prolapse/Gastroptosis 胃下垂 I ka sui 100
Stomach and duodenal ulcers 胃潰瘍 I kai yoh/十二指腸潰瘍 \nJyuh ni shi choh kai yoh (‘First 12 fingers of the intestines’; the upper gastrointestinal tract) 101
Stomach cancer 胃癌 I gan 102
Acute colitis 急性腸炎 Kyuh sei i choh en 102
Chronic colitis 慢性腸炎 Man sei choh en 103
Chronic constipation 常習便秘 Jyoh shuh ben pi 104
Vomiting (for pregnancy-related vomiting, see Morning sickness) 嘔吐 Oh to 105
Hepatitis and cirrhosis 肝炎・肝硬変症 Kan en, kan koh hen shoh 105
Gallstones or inflamed gallbladder 胆石症・胆嚢炎 Tan seki shoh, tan noh en 106
Nephritis and nephrosis 腎炎・ネフローゼ Jin en, nefurohze 106
Urinary tract stones 尿路結石 Nyoh ro kesseki 107
Anaemia 貧血 Hin ketsu 108
Purpura or petechiae, ecchymoses 紫斑病 Shi han byoh 108
Hyperthyroidism: Basedow’s disease; Graves’ disease バセドウ病 Basedoh byoh 109
Diabetes mellitus 糖尿病 Toh nyoh byoh 110
Rheumatic joints 関節リウマチ Kan setsu ryuhmachi 110
Frozen shoulder: ‘50-year shoulder’ (a kind of bursitis) 五十肩(肩関節周囲炎) Goh jyuh kata (kata kan setsu shuh i en) 111
Osteoarthrosis 変形性膝関節症 Hen kei sei hiza kan setsu shoh 111
Nerve pain; neuralgia 神経痛 Shin kei tsuh 112
One-sided headache (migraine) 片頭痛 Hen zu tsuh 113
Insomnia 不眠症 Fu min shoh 114
Facial paralysis 顔面神経麻痺 Gan men shin kei ma hi 115
Cerebral apoplexy 脳卒中 Noh socchuh 115
Neurosis, anxiety 神経症 Shin kei shoh, KD396 117
Epilepsy 癲癇 Ten kan, KD468 117
Whooping cough: ‘100-day cough’ 百日咳 Hyaku nichi zeki, KD123 117
Autotoxicity in childhood 118
小児自家中毒症 Shoh ni ji ka chuh doku shoh 118
Children who are constitutionally kyo and weak 虚弱児童 Kyo jyaku ji doh, KD260 118
Bedwetting 夜尿症 Ya nyoh shoh 120
Frostbite 凍傷 Toh shoh 120
Night frights; crying at night 夜驚症・夜啼症 Ya kyoh shoh, ya tei shoh 120
Bruises 打撲症 Da boku shoh 121
Carbuncles and furuncles 癰疽・癤・フンクロージス Yoh so, setsu, funkurohjisu 121
Burns 火傷 Yakedo 122
Bone and joint tubercles (caries) and cold ulcers 骨・関節結核(カリエス)、寒性膿瘍 \nHone-kan setsu kekkaku (kariesu), kan sei noh yoh 122
Haemorrhoids 痔核 Ji kaku 122
Morning sickness: Emesis gravidarum 妊娠悪阻 Nin shin o so (tsuwari) 123
Toxaemia of pregnancy 妊娠中毒症 Nin shin chuh doku shoh 123
Puerperal thrombosis of the leg 産褥下肢血栓症 San jyoku ka shi kessen shoh 123
Frequent/habitual miscarriage 流産癖 Ryuh zan heki 123
Chi no michi, KD18, and climacteric disorders 血の道症・更年期障害 Chi no michi shoh, koh nen ki shoh gai 124
Adnexitis uteri/salpingitis 子宮付属器炎 Shi kyuh fu zoku ki en 124
Dysmenorrhoea and menstruation difficulties 月経困難症 Gekkei kon nan shoh 125
Mastitis 乳腺症 Nyuh sen shoh 125
Total prolapse of uterus or uterine ptosis 子宮下垂・子宮脱出 Shi kyuh ka sui, KD160, shi kyuh dasshutsu, KD37 125
Endometriosis 子宮内膜炎 Shi kyuh nai maku en 126
Uterine myoma 子宮筋腫 Shi kyuh kin shu 126
Infertility 不妊症 Fu nin shoh 126
Allergic rhinitis アレルギー性鼻炎 Arerugi sei bi en 127
Sinusitis and infections (empyema) in the paranasal cavity 副鼻腔炎・蓄膿症 Fuku bi koh en, chiku noh shoh 127
Tinea pedis/athlete’s foot 汗疱状白癬 Kan poh jyoh haku sen (mizumushi), KD178 128
Felon and whitlow (paronychia) 進行性指掌角皮症 Shin koh sei shi shoh kaku hi shoh 128
Urticaria (hives), wheals 蕁麻疹 Jin ma shin 128
Eczema, dermatitis 湿疹 Shisshin, KD406, \n皮膚炎 Hi fu en, KD109 129
Acne 面疱 Men poh (nikibi) 130
Liver spots 肝斑 Kan pan (shimi) 131
Melanodermatitis: Black skin disease 黒皮症 Koku hi shoh 131
Dry tinea, psoriasis 乾癬 Kan sen 131
Cystitis 膀胱炎 Boh koh en 132
Prostatic hypertrophy, prostatitis 前立腺肥大 Zen ritsu sen hi dai 132
Impotence 陰萎症 In roh shoh 132
Stomatitis 口内炎 Koh nai en 133
Appendix 1: Kampo Formula Index 135
Appendix 2: Kampo Herb Index 163
Appendix 3: Glossary of Terms 183
Further Reading 215
Pinyin Index 216
Index 217