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Assessing Adoptive Parents, Foster Carers and Kinship Carers, Second Edition

Assessing Adoptive Parents, Foster Carers and Kinship Carers, Second Edition

Joanne Alper | David Howe | Kim Golding | Julie Selwyn | Ben Gurney-Smith | Dan Hughes | Jon Baylin | Ailsa Edwards


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Book Details


Assessing prospective adoptive parents, foster carers, kinship carers and special guardians is an extremely complex task, and one that happens within a pressurized time frame.

Currently, assessments draw substantially on interviews, which can generate a lot of information but little analysis to enable professionals to establish a meaningful understanding of parenting capacity. Children with histories of trauma, loss and hurt need to join families in which parents exhibit the ability to be good at relationships, are able to manage their own stress and bond with the child in their care. Now fully updated and expanded to cover the assessment of kinship carers and special guardians, this book combines the latest findings from neuroscience with research on what makes good assessments and provides guidance and tools for making thorough, analytical and effective assessments.

With contributions from leading experts including Dan Hughes, Jonathan Baylin, Kim Golding and Julie Selwyn, it will provide you with the information you need to ensure the best possible chance of placement success.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Assessing Adoptive Parents, Foster Carers and Kinship Carers, Second Edition, edited by Joanne Alper and David Howe 3
Foreword - John Simmonds 9
Acknowledgements 11
1. Introduction - Joanne Alper 13
2. Why Are You Frightened of Being Parented? Understanding Developmental Trauma - Kim S. Golding 19
3. The Home Study and Assessment of Applicants: Research Evidence - Julie Selwyn 37
4. A Case Study \nin Assessment: Adoptionplus - Joanne Alpher 63
5. Parenting Well \nand Staying Well: Understanding the Qualities Needed for Parenting Children with Developmental Trauma - Kim S. Golding and Ben Gurney-Smith 85
6. Understanding Developmental Trauma, Parental Attachments, Caregiving and PACE - Dan Hughes 111
7. The Parenting Brain - Jonathan Baylin 131
8. Assessing Potential Kinship Placements - Joanne Alper and Ailsa Edwards 149
9. Reflective Functioning and Parenting - Jonathan Baylin 175
10. Conclusion - David Howe 193
Contributors 207
Index 211
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