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Radiologic Science for Technologists - E-Book

Radiologic Science for Technologists - E-Book

Stewart C. Bushong


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Book Details


Develop the skills you need to safely and effectively produce high-quality medical images with Radiologic Science for Technologists: Physics, Biology, and Protection, 11th Edition. Reorganized and updated with the latest advances in the field, this new edition aligns with the ASRT curriculum to strengthen your understanding of key concepts, and prepare you for success on the ARRT certification exam and in clinical practice. Firmly established as a core resource for medical imaging technology courses, this text gives you a strong foundation in the study and practice of radiologic physics, imaging and exposure, radiobiology, radiation protection, and more.

  • Expanded coverage of radiologic science topics, including radiologic physics, imaging, radiobiology, radiation protection, and more, allows this text to be used over several semesters.
  • Chapter introductions, summaries, outlines, objectives, and key terms help you to organize and pinpoint the most important information.
  • Formulas, conversion tables, and abbreviations are highlighted for easy access to frequently used information.
  • "Penguin" boxes recap the most vital chapter information.
  • End-of-chapter questions include definition exercises, matching, short answer, and calculations to help you review material.
  • Key terms and expanded glossary enable you to easily reference and study content.
  • Highlighted math formulas call attention to key mathematical information for special focus.
  • NEW! Chapters on Radiography/Fluoroscopy Patient Radiation Dose and Computed Tomography Patient Radiation Dose equip you to use the most current patient dosing technology.
  • NEW! Streamlined physics and math sections ensure you’re prepared to take the ARRT exam and succeed in the clinical setting.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
Inside Front Cover ifc1
Evolve Ad IFC4
Radiologic Science for Technologists i
Copyright Page iv
Reviewers v
Dedication vii
This Book is also Dedicated to My Friends Here and Gone: xi
Dedication – Saintly Stitchers xii
Preface xiii
Purpose and Content xiii
Historical Perspective xiii
New to This Edition xiii
Ancillaries xiii
Student Workbook xiii
Evolve Resources xiv
A Note on the Text xiv
Acknowledgments xiv
Table Of Contents xv
I Radiologic Physics 1
1 Essential Concepts of Radiologic Science 2
Outline 2
Objectives 2
Nature of Our Surroundings 3
Matter and Energy 3
Sources of Ionizing Radiation 5
Discovery of X-Rays 7
Development of Medical Imaging 8
Reports of Radiation Injury 10
Basic Radiation Protection 10
Filtration 12
Collimation 12
Protective Apparel 12
Gonadal Shielding 12
Protective Barriers 12
Standard Units of Measurement 12
Length 14
Mass 14
Time 14
Units 14
Mechanics 15
Velocity 15
Acceleration 16
Newton’s Laws of Motion 16
Weight 17
Momentum 17
Work 18
Power 18
Energy 18
Heat 19
Terminology for Radiologic Science 21
Numeric Prefixes 21
Radiologic Units 21
Air Kerma (Kinetic Energy Released in Matter) (Gya). 21
Absorbed Dose (Gyt). 22
Effective Dose, Sievert (Sv). 22
Radioactivity, Becquerel (Bq). 23
The Medical Imaging Team 23
Summary 25
Challenge Questions 25
2 The Structure of Matter 26
Outline 26
Objectives 26
Centuries of Discovery 27
Greek Atom 27
Dalton Atom 27
Thomson Atom 28
Bohr Atom 29
Fundamental Particles 29
Atomic Structure 30
Electron Arrangement 32
Electron Binding Energy 33
Atomic Nomenclature 34
Combinations of Atoms 36
Radioactivity 37
Radioisotopes 37
Radioactive Half-life 38
Types of Ionizing Radiation 41
Particulate Radiation 41
Electromagnetic Radiation 42
Summary 42
Challenge Questions 43
3 Electromagnetic Energy 44
Outline 44
Objectives 44
Photons 45
Velocity and Amplitude 45
Frequency and Wavelength 46
Electromagnetic Spectrum 48
Measurement of the Electromagnetic Spectrum 49
Visible Light 50
Radiofrequency 50
Ionizing Radiation 50
Waves and Particles 51
Wave Model: Visible Light 52
Inverse Square Law 54
Particle Model: Quantum Theory 56
Matter and Energy 57
Summary 58
Challenge Questions 58
4 Electricity, Magnetism, and Electromagnetism 60
Outline 60
Objectives 60
Electrostatics 61
Electrostatic Laws 63
Coulomb’s Law. 64
Electric Potential 65
Electrodynamics 65
Electric Circuits 67
Electric Power 69
Magnetism 70
Magnetic Laws 72
Magnetic Induction 73
Electromagnetism 75
Electromagnetic Induction 77
Electromechanical Devices 78
The Transformer 79
Summary 81
Challenge Questions 81
II X-Radiation 83
5 The X-ray Imaging System 84
Outline 84
Objectives 84
Operating Console 86
Autotransformer 88
Adjustment of Kilovolt Peak (kVp) 88
Control of Milliamperage (mA) 89
Filament Transformer 90
Exposure Timers 90
Synchronous Timers 91
Electronic Timers 91
mAs Timers 91
Automatic Exposure Control 91
High-Voltage Generator 92
High-Voltage Transformer 92
Voltage Rectification 93
Single-Phase Power 96
Three-Phase Power 96
High-Frequency Generator 97
Capacitor Discharge Generator 98
Falling Load Generator 98
Voltage Ripple 98
Power Rating 100
X-ray Circuit 101
Summary 101
Challenge Questions 102
6 The X-ray Tube 104
Outline 104
Objectives 104
External Components 105
Ceiling Support System 105
Floor-to-Ceiling Support System 105
C-Arm Support System 105
Protective Housing 106
Glass or Metal Enclosure 106
Internal Components 107
Cathode 107
Anode 109
X-ray Tube Failure 116
Rating Charts 118
Radiographic Rating Chart 118
Anode Cooling Chart 119
Housing Cooling Chart 120
Summary 120
Challenge Questions 121
7 X-ray Production 122
Outline 122
Objectives 122
Electron Target Interactions 123
Anode Heat 124
Characteristic Radiation 124
Bremsstrahlung Radiation 126
X-Ray Emission Spectrum 127
Characteristic X-ray Spectrum 128
Bremsstrahlung X-ray Spectrum 128
Factors Affecing the X-ray Emission Spectrum 129
Effect of mA and mAs 129
Effect of kVp 130
Effect of Added Filtration 131
Effect of Target Material 131
Effect of Voltage Waveform 132
Summary 133
Challenge Questions 134
8 X-ray Emission 135
Outline 135
Objectives 135
X-ray Quantity 136
X-ray Intensity 136
Factors That Affect X-ray Quantity 136
X-ray Quality 139
Penetrability 139
Half-Value Layer 139
Factors That Affect X-ray Quality 141
Types of Filtration 141
Summary 144
Challenge Questions 144
9 X-ray Interaction With Matter 146
Outline 146
Objectives 146
Five X-ray Interactions With Matter 147
Coherent Scattering 147
Compton Scattering 148
Photoelectric Effect 149
Pair Production 152
Photodisintegration 153
Differential Absorption 153
Dependence on Atomic Number 154
Dependence on Mass Density 155
Contrast Examinations 157
Exponential Attenuation 157
Summary 158
Challenge Questions 159
III The Radiographic Image 161
10 Radiographic Image Quality 162
Outline 162
Objectives 162
Definitions 163
Radiographic Image Quality 163
Resolution 163
Noise 163
Speed 164
Film Factors 164
Characteristic Curve 164
Optical Density 166
Film Processing 172
Geometric Factors 173
Magnification 174
Distortion 175
Focal-Spot Blur 177
Heel Effect 178
Subject Factors 179
Subject Contrast 179
Patient Thickness. 179
Tissue Mass Density. 180
Effective Atomic Number. 180
Object Shape. 180
Kilovolt Peak. 181
Motion Blur 181
Tools for Improved Radiographic Image Quality 182
Patient Positioning 182
Image Receptors 182
Selection of Technique Factors 182
Summary 183
Challenge Questions 184
11 Scatter Radiation 186
Outline 186
Objectives 186
Production of Scatter Radiation 187
kVp 187
Field Size 189
Patient Thickness 189
Control of Scatter Radiation 190
Effect of Scatter Radiation on Image Contrast 190
Beam Restrictors 191
Radiographic Grids 194
Grid Performance 197
Contrast Improvement Factor 197
Bucky Factor 197
Grid Types 198
Parallel Grid 198
Crossed Grid 199
Focused Grid 200
Moving Grid 200
Grid Problems 200
Off-Level Grid 201
Off-Center Grid 201
Off-Focus Grid 201
Upside-Down Grid 202
Grid Selection 202
Patient Radiation Dose 203
Air-Gap Technique 204
Summary 205
Challenge Questions 205
12 Screen-Film Radiography 207
Outline 207
Objectives 207
Radiographic Film 208
Base 208
Emulsion 209
Types of Film 210
Screen Film 211
Direct-Exposure Film 213
Mammography Film 213
Handling and Storage of Film 213
Heat and Humidity 213
Light 214
Radiation 214
Formation of the Latent Image 214
Silver Halide Crystal 214
Photon Interaction With Silver Halide Crystal 214
Latent Image 216
Radiographic Intensifying Screens 216
Protective Coating 216
Phosphor 216
Reflective Layer 217
Base 217
Screen Characteristics 217
Screen Speed 218
Image Noise 219
Spatial Resolution 220
Screen-Film Combinations 221
Cassette 222
Carbon Fiber 222
Screen-Film Radiographic Exposure 222
Rare Earth Screens 223
Care of Screens 225
Film Processing 226
Processing Chemistry 228
Wetting 228
Development 228
Fixing 230
Washing 231
Drying 231
Automatic Processing 231
Transport System 231
Temperature Control System 233
Circulation System 233
Replenishment System 234
Dryer System 234
Summary 234
Challenge Questions 235
13 Screen-Film Radiographic Technique 236
Outline 236
Objectives 236
Exposure Factors 237
Kilovolt Peak 237
Milliamperes 237
Exposure Time 238
Distance 240
Imaging System Characteristics 240
Focal-Spot Size 240
Filtration 241
High-Voltage Generation 242
Patient Factors 243
Thickness 243
Composition 243
Pathology 244
Image-Quality Factors 245
Optical Density 245
Image Contrast 248
Image Detail 251
Distortion 252
Radiographic Technique Charts 252
Automatic Exposure Techniques 256
Tomography 258
Magnification Radiography 262
Summary 263
Challenge Questions 264
IV The Digital Radiographic Image 265
14 Medical Imaging Computer Science 266
Outline 266
Objectives 266
History of Computers 267
Computer Architecture 268
Computer Language 268
Components 274
Applications to Medical Imaging 280
Summary 280
Challenge Questions 281
15 Computed Radiography 283
Outline 283
Objectives 283
The Computed Radiography Image Receptor 285
Photostimulable Luminescence 285
Imaging Plate 286
Light Stimulation–Emission 286
The Computed Radiography Reader 289
Mechanical Features 289
Optical Features 289
Computer Control 291
Imaging Characteristics 291
Image Receptor Response Function 292
Image Noise 292
Patient Characteristics 293
Patient Radiation Dose 293
Workload 293
Summary 294
Challenge Questions 294
16 Digital Radiography 296
Outline 296
Objectives 296
Scanned Projection Radiography 297
Charge-Coupled Device 298
Cesium Iodide/Charge- Coupled Device 299
Cesium Iodide/Amorphous Silicon 300
Amorphous Selenium 301
Digital Mammography 301
Summary 303
Challenge Questions 304
17 Digital Radiographic Technique 306
Outline 306
Objectives 306
Spatial Resolution 307
Spatial Frequency 307
Modulation Transfer Function 309
Contrast Resolution 311
Dynamic Range 311
Postprocessing 312
Signal-to-Noise Ratio 313
Contrast-Detail Curve 313
Patient Radiation Dose Considerations 316
Image Receptor Response 316
Detective Quantum Efficiency 317
Summary 320
Challenge Questions 320
18 Viewing the Digital Image 321
Outline 321
Objectives 321
Photometric Quantities 322
Response of the Eye 322
Photometric Units 322
Cosine Law 323
Hard Copy–Soft Copy 323
Liquid Crystal Display 323
Display Characteristics 324
Image Luminance 324
Light-Emitting Diode Display 325
Backlight 326
Ambient Light 326
Preprocessing the Digital Radiographic Image 326
Postprocessing the Digital Radiographic Image 328
Picture Archiving and Communication System 329
Network 330
Storage System 331
Summary 332
Challenge Questions 332
V Image Artifacts and Quality Control 335
19 Screen-Film Radiographic Artifacts 336
Outline 336
Objectives 336
Exposure Artifacts 337
Processing Artifacts 338
Roller Marks 339
Dirty Rollers 339
Chemical Fog 339
Wet-Pressure Sensitization 340
Handling and Storage Artifacts 340
Light or Radiation Fog 341
Pressure or Kink Marks 341
Static 341
Hypo Retention 341
Summary 341
Challenge Questions 342
20 Screen-Film Radiographic Quality Control 343
Outline 343
Objectives 343
Quality Assurance 344
Quality Control 344
Screen-Film Radiographic Quality Control 345
Filtration 346
Collimation 346
Focal-Spot Size 347
Kilovolt Peak Calibration 347
Exposure Timer Accuracy 347
Exposure Linearity 348
Exposure Reproducibility 349
Radiographic Intensifying Screens 349
Protective Apparel 349
Film Illuminators 349
Tomography Quality Control 349
Processor Quality Control 349
Processor Cleaning 350
Processor Maintenance 352
Processor Monitoring 352
Summary 352
Challenge Questions 353
21 Digital Radiographic Artifacts 354
Outline 354
Objectives 354
Image Receptor Artifacts 355
Software Artifacts 356
Preprocessing 356
Image Compression 357
Object Artifacts 359
Image Histogram 359
Collimation and Partition 360
Alignment 362
Challenge Questions 362
22 Digital Radiographic Quality Control 365
Outline 365
Objectives 365
Performance Assessment Standards 366
DIN 2001 366
VESA 366
AAPM TG 18 367
Luminance Meter 367
Digital Display Device Quality Control 368
Geometric Distortion 368
Reflection 368
Luminance Response 368
Display Resolution 371
Display Noise 371
Quality Control by the Radiologic Technologist 371
Summary 372
Challenge Questions 372
VI Advanced X-Ray Imaging 373
23 Mammography 374
Outline 374
Objectives 374
Soft Tissue Radiography 375
Basis for Mammography 375
Risk of Breast Cancer 375
Types of Mammography 376
Breast Anatomy 376
The Mammographic Imaging System 377
High-Voltage Generation 377
Target Composition 378
Focal-Spot Size 379
Filtration 380
Heel Effect 382
Compression 382
Grids 383
Automatic Exposure Control 383
Magnification Mammography 384
Screen-Film Mammography 384
Digital Mammography 385
Summary 386
Challenge Questions 387
24 Mammography Quality Control 388
Outline 388
Objectives 388
Quality Control Team 389
Radiologist 389
Medical Physicist 389
Mammographer 390
Screen-Film Quality Control 390
Daily Tasks 390
Darkroom Cleanliness. 390
Weekly Tasks 392
Monthly Tasks 396
Quarterly Tasks 396
Semiannual Tasks 397
Nonroutine Tasks 400
Digital Quality Control 401
Summary 402
Challenge Questions 402
25 Fluoroscopy 404
Outline 404
Objectives 404
An Overview 405
Special Demands of Fluoroscopy 405
Illumination 405
Visual Physiology 405
Fluoroscopic Technique 406
Image Intensification 407
Image-Intensifier Tube 407
Multifield Image Intensification 410
Fluoroscopic Image Monitoring 411
Television Monitoring 411
Image Recording 415
Fluoroscopy Quality Control 416
Exposure Rate 417
Spot-Film Exposures 417
Automatic Exposure Systems 417
Summary 418
Challenge Questions 418
26 Digital Fluoroscopy 420
Outline 420
Objectives 420
Digital Fluoroscopy Imaging System 421
Image Receptor 423
Charge-Coupled Device 423
Flat Panel Image Receptor 425
Image Display 425
Video System 426
Flat Panel Image Display 427
Digital Subtraction Angiography 427
Image Formation 427
Roadmapping 431
Patient Radiation Dose 432
Summary 432
Challenge Questions 432
27 Interventional Radiology 434
Outline 434
Objectives 434
Types of Interventional Procedures 435
Basic Principles 435
Arterial Access 435
Guidewires 436
Catheters 436
Contrast Media 436
Patient Preparation and Monitoring 436
Risks of Arteriography 437
Interventional Radiology Suite 437
Personnel 438
Equipment 438
Summary 440
Challenge Questions 440
28 Computed Tomography 441
Outline 441
Objectives 441
Principles of Operation 442
Generations of Computed Tomography 443
Multislice Helical Computed Tomography 446
Interpolation Algorithms 446
Pitch 447
Sensitivity Profile 449
Imaging System Design 449
Operating Console 449
Computer 451
Gantry 451
Slip-Ring Technology 452
Image Characteristics 453
Image Matrix 453
Computed Tomography Numbers 454
Image Reconstruction 455
Multiplanar Reformation 455
Image Quality 456
Spatial Resolution 457
Contrast Resolution 459
Noise 459
Linearity 461
Uniformity 461
Imaging Technique 462
Multislice Detector Array 462
Data Acquisition Rate 463
Computed Tomography Quality Control 463
Noise and Uniformity 464
Linearity 464
Spatial Resolution 465
Contrast Resolution 465
Slice Thickness 465
Couch Incrementation 466
Laser Localizer 466
Summary 466
Challenge Questions 466
VII Radiobiology 469
29 Human Biology 470
Outline 470
Objectives 470
Human Radiation Response 471
Composition of the Human Body 472
Cell Theory 473
Molecular Composition 473
The Human Cell 476
Cell Function 477
Cell Proliferation 477
Mitosis 478
Meiosis 478
Tissues and Organs 480
Summary 481
Challenge Questions 481
30 Fundamental Principles of Radiobiology 483
Outline 483
Objectives 483
Law of Bergonie and Tribondeau 484
Physical Factors That Affect Radiosensitivity 484
Linear Energy Transfer 484
Relative Biologic Effectiveness 484
Protraction and Fractionation 485
Biologic Factors That Affect Radiosensitivity 485
Oxygen Effect 485
Age 486
Recovery 486
Chemical Agents 487
Hormesis 487
Radiation Dose-Response Relationships 487
Linear Dose-Response Relationships 487
Nonlinear Dose-Response Relationships 488
Constructing a Dose-Response Relationship 488
Summary 489
Challenge Questions 490
31 Molecular Radiobiology 491
Outline 491
Objectives 491
Irradiation of Macromolecules 492
Main-Chain Scission 492
Cross-Linking 492
Point Lesions 492
Macromolecular Synthesis 492
Radiation Effects on DNA 493
Radiolysis of Water 494
Direct and Indirect Effects 496
Summary 496
Challenge Questions 496
32 Cellular Radiobiology 498
Outline 498
Objectives 498
Target Theory 499
Cell-Survival Kinetics 500
Single-Target, Single-Hit Model 500
Multi-Target, Single-Hit Model 501
Recovery 504
Cell-Cycle Effects 504
Radiation Effect Modification 505
Summary 506
Challenge Questions 506
33 Deterministic Effects of Radiation 507
Outline 507
Objectives 507
Acute Radiation Lethality 508
Prodromal Period 509
Latent Period 509
Manifest Illness 509
LD50/60 510
Mean Survival Time 511
Local Tissue Damage 512
Effects on the Skin 512
Effects on the Gonads 513
Hematologic Effects 515
Hemopoietic System 515
Hemopoietic Cell Survival 516
Cytogenetic Effects 516
Normal Karyotype 518
Single-Hit Chromosome Aberrations 518
Multi-Hit Chromosome Aberrations 519
Kinetics of Chromosome Aberration 519
The Human Genome 520
Summary 520
Challenge Questions 521
34 Stochastic Effects of Radiation 522
Outline 522
Objectives 522
Local Tissue Effects 523
Skin 523
Chromosomes 524
Cataracts 524
Life Span Shortening 524
Risk Estimates 526
Relative Risk 526
Excess Risk 527
Absolute Risk 527
Radiation-Induced Malignancy 528
Leukemia 528
Cancer 530
Total Risk of Malignancy 533
Nuclear Reactor Incidents 533
BEIR Committee 533
Radiation and Pregnancy 534
Effects on Fertility 535
Irradiation in Utero 535
Genetic Effects 538
Summary 539
Challenge Questions 539
VIII Radiation Protection 541
35 Health Physics 542
Outline 542
Objectives 542
Radiation and Health 543
Cardinal Principles of Radiation Protection 543
Minimize Time 543
Maximize Distance 545
Use Shielding 546
Effective Dose 547
Radiologic Terrorism 549
Radiologic Device 549
Radiation Protection Guidance 549
Radiation Detection and Measurement Equipment 549
Summary 550
Challenge Questions 550
36 Designing for Radiation Protection 551
Outline 551
Objectives 551
Radiographic Protection Features 552
Protective X-ray Tube Housing 552
Control Panel 552
Source-to-Image Receptor Distance Indicator 552
Collimation 552
Positive-Beam Limitation 552
Beam Alignment 552
Filtration 552
Reproducibility 553
Linearity 553
Operator Shield 553
Mobile X-ray Imaging System 553
Fluoroscopic Protection Features 553
Source-to-Skin Distance 553
Primary Protective Barrier 554
Filtration 554
Collimation 554
Exposure Control 555
Bucky Slot Cover 555
Protective Curtain 555
Cumulative Timer 555
Dose Area Product 555
Design of Protective Barriers 556
Type of Radiation 556
Factors That Affect Barrier Thickness 557
Radiation Detection and Measurement 559
Gas-Filled Detectors 560
Scintillation Detectors 562
Thermoluminescence Dosimetry 564
Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dosimetry 565
Summary 566
Challenge Questions 566
37 Radiography/Fluoroscopy Patient Radiation Dose 567
Outline 567
Objectives 567
Characteristics of Projection Imaging 568
Patient Radiation Dose Descriptions 569
Entrance Skin Exposure 570
Mean Marrow Dose 572
Genetically Significant Dose 572
Tissue Dose 573
Digital Radiographic Tomosynthesis 573
Fluoroscopic Patient Radiation Dose 574
Effective Dose 574
Summary 575
Challenge Questions 575
38 Computed Tomography Patient Radiation Dose 577
Outline 577
Objectives 577
Computed Tomography Dose Delivery 579
Patient Radiation Dose Distribution 579
Radiation Dose Profile 579
Computed Tomography Output Intensity 580
Computed Tomography Dose Index 582
Dose Length Product 583
Size-Specific Dose Estimates 583
Effective Dose 584
Challenge Questions 585
39 Patient Radiation Dose Management 587
Outline 587
Objectives 587
Patient Radiation Dose in Special Examinations 588
Reduction of Unnecessary Patient Radiation Dose 589
Unnecessary Examinations 589
Repeat Examinations 590
Radiographic Technique 590
Image Receptor 590
Patient Positioning 591
Specific Area Shielding 591
The Pregnant Patient 591
Radiobiologic Considerations 592
Patient Information 593
Patient Radiation Dose Trends 594
Appropriateness 595
Summary 597
Challenge Questions 597
40 Occupational Radiation Dose Management 598
Outline 598
Objectives 598
Occupational Radiation Exposure 599
Fluoroscopy 599
Interventional Radiology 599
Mammography 600
Computed Tomography 600
Surgery 600
Mobile Radiology 601
Radiation Dose Limits 601
Whole-Body Dose Limits 601
Dose Limits for Tissues and Organs 604
Public Exposure 604
Educational Considerations 604
Reduction of Occupational Radiation Exposure 605
Occupational Radiation Monitoring 605
Where to Wear the Occupational Radiation Monitor 607
Occupational Radiation Monitoring Report 608
Protective Apparel 609
Position 609
Patient Holding 609
Pregnant Technologist/Radiologist 610
Management Principles 610
Summary 613
Challenge Questions 614
Glossary 615
Index 635
A 635
B 637
C 638
D 641
E 643
F 644
G 646
H 647
I 648
J 649
K 649
L 650
M 651
N 653
O 653
P 654
Q 657
R 657
S 659
T 662
U 663
V 663
W 664
X 664
Y 665
Z 665
Inside Back Cover ibc1