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Coming Home to Story

Coming Home to Story

Geoff Mead


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Book Details


Stories take us into other worlds so that we may experience our own more deeply. Master storyteller Geoff Mead brings the reader inside the experience of telling and listening to a story. He shows how stories and storytelling engage our imaginations, strengthen communities and bring adventure and joy into our lives. The narrative is interspersed with consummate retellings of traditional tales from all over the world.
Geoff Mead is a storyteller, writer and consultant. He tells traditional stories, runs story-based workshops and teaches storytelling at venues in the UK and as far afield as Spain, Canada and Japan. He divides his time between his partner's house in the Cotswolds and Lyme Regis where he lives and writes in sight of the sea.
The power of Coming Home to Story lies in Mead's passion and adventure, his faith in stories and storytelling as a source of creativity, healing and sustenance.
Bristol Review of Books
Coming Home To Story talks directly and engagingly about the way storytelling can profoundly affect someone's life from first tentative encounter to a glorious and joyful tool and metaphor for life and work. The author combines a straightforward talking from the heart with a rigorous examination of his own journey and storytelling as an art form. He gives a clear sense of how doubts, challenges, joy and adventure can be addressed and inhabited in a storied life.
Michael Harvey, Storyteller
If you didn't believe before that the storyteller can be both healer and magician, you could hardy not believe it after reading this book. I feel the better, and the wiser, for having read this inspiring text.
Fact & Fiction magazine

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Coming Home to Story – Storytelling Beyond Happily Ever After by Geoff Mead 3
Dedication 5
Frontispiece 9
Prologue – Swimming in the Sea of Stories 1
Being & Becoming a Storyteller 11
1. Falling in Love with Story 13
The Banyan Deer 20
2. Joining the Company of Storytellers 25
3. Master & Servant 37
4. A Moment of Grace 41
Jumping Mouse 49
Healing Fictions 59
5. In Bed with the Bear 61
6. Stories all the Way Down 69
7. Storied Lives 77
8. Living Stories 84
The Giant with No Heart in His Body 91
9. Telling the Untold Story 99
10. Hermes in the Gorge 105
Men & Storytelling 115
11. We Band of Brothers 117
The Furthest Shore 127
12. Fathers & Sons 141
13. Sons & Fathers 149
Widening Circles 159
14. Some Enchanted Evening 161
The Magic Garden of the Poor 169
15. Storytelling in Organisations 177
16. Water on the Rock 187
Epilogue – Coming Home to Story 197
Notes 206
Acknowledgements 209
About the author 211