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Working with the Trauma of Rape and Sexual Violence

Working with the Trauma of Rape and Sexual Violence

Sue J. Daniels | Ivan Tyrrell



The trauma caused by rape and sexual assault can often be further compounded by unthinking or insensitive comments from people who may judge, disbelieve or disparage the victim.

This authoritative resource draws together advice for all people in the helping professions on how to work with victims of rape and sexual violence. The wide-ranging topics cover the effects of rape, male rape, childhood sexual abuse, sex trafficking and prostitution, and sexually transmitted infections, giving best practice advice on how to offer effective and compassionate support to help survivors.

I think Sue has done a great service producing this well researched book on such a grim subject. She describes the many forms of abusive behaviour and the symptoms they produce with great clarity and compassion. It will help many who struggle to heal the tortured souls of victims.
Ivan Tyrrell, Director of Human Givens College and co-author of Human Givens: A new approach to emotional Health and Clear Thinking
Ms. Daniels admirably disseminates good, hands-on information for professionals of any discipline whose work intersects with male and female survivors of sexual assault. This book is an excellent guide for ensuring the most therapeutic outcomes for survivors, and not doing the further harms that have sometimes been the product of ignorance.
Louise McOrmond-Plummer, Intimate partner sexual violence author and specialist, Australia

This guide will provide an outstanding resource to support all of those who work in this field.
It is well written by someone who has a profound knowledge and understanding of this subject and sensitively details, real case studies, clarity on rape, power and control, consequences and how to support. The author Sue Daniels, is credible and demonstrates a passion and commitment to making a difference in the sphere of all forms of abuse. An essential read.

Cheryl George, Consultant in Public Health
Sue J. Daniels is a therapeutic counsellor with twenty years' experience, specialising in trauma syndromes and rape related post-traumatic stress disorder (RR-PTSD). In 2003 she founded Jigsaw counselling service for working with victims of trauma, particularly survivors of sexual violence and abuse. Sue lives in Lincolnshire.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Working with the Trauma of Rape and Sexual Violence - A Guide for Professionals by Sue J. Daniels 3
Foreword 9
Acknowledgements 13
Author note 15
Introduction 17
Prologue 19
1. The Traumatic Effects of Rape and Sexual Violence 23
2. Male Rape, Sexual Assault and Violence 40
3. Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault (DFSA) 44
4. Childhood Sexual Abuse, Sibling Sexually Abusive Behaviours and Grooming and Conditioning Behaviours 48
5. Internet Child Pornography and Pseudo Paedophilia 64
6. Child Sex Trafficking and Prostitution 70
7. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) 74
8. Forensic Medical Examination (FME) 90
9. Rape and the Law 98
10. Sex Offender Patterns of Behaviour and the Sex Offenders Register 110
11. Reflective Case Histories 120
12. Working with Those Affected by Sexual Violence 161
Conclusion 167
Appendix 1 - Sexual Abuse Timeline 169
Appendix 2 - Impact of Event Scale (IES) 170
Appendix 3 - Trauma Tapestry©: A Seven-Step Process 172
Appendix 4 - Writing a Symbolic Letter 174
Appendix 5 - Generic Guided Visualisation for Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Violation 176
Appendix 6 - Specific Guided Visualisation for Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Violation 183
Appendix 7 - Specific Guided Visualisation for Those Affected by Rape and Sexual Violence 194
Appendix 8 - Personal Healing and Recovery Plan 205
Appendix 9 - VK Dissociation, Phobia Cure or Rewind Technique 209
Appendix 10 - Three Point Turnaround System© Approach to Working with Rape and Sexual Violence 213
Appendix 11 - Example SOA 2003 Notification Requirement 219
Appendix 12 - References 223