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A Best Practice Guide to Assessment and Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Schools, Second Edition

A Best Practice Guide to Assessment and Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Schools, Second Edition

Lee A. Wilkinson


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Book Details


Fully updated to reflect DSM-5 and current assessment tools, procedures and research, this award-winning book provides a practical and scientifically-based approach to identifying, assessing, and treating children and adolescents with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in school settings. Integrating current research evidence with theory and best-practice, the book will support school-based professionals in a number of key areas including:

· screening and assessing children and youth with high-functioning autism spectrum conditions
· identifying evidence-based interventions and practices
· developing and implementing comprehensive educational programs
· providing family support and accessing community resources
· promoting special needs advocacy.

Illustrative case examples, a glossary of terms and helpful checklists and forms make this the definitive resource for identifying and implementing interventions for pupils with ASD.

This book is an essential resource for every educator that works with students with ASD! The easy-to-read format is complete with up to date research on evidence-based practices for this population, sample observation and assessment worksheets and case studies that allow the reader to apply the information presented.
Gena P. Barnhill, PhD., NCSP, BCBA-D, LBA, Director of Special Education Programs at Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, VA
Dr Wilkinson has done it again. This updated and scholarly Second Edition reflects important recent changes regarding diagnosis and services for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. With its numerous best-practice suggestions, it is a must-read for school psychologists, school social workers, and those who teach in general and special education.
Dr Steven Landau, Professor of School Psychology in the Department of Psychology, Illinois State University
It is rare that one book can pack so many resources and easy to digest information into a single volume! Families, school personnel, and professionals all need the extensive, and up-to-date tips, guides, and 'must-knows' provided here. It's obvious the author is both a seasoned researcher and practitioner - a winning combination.
Dr. Debra Moore, psychologist and co-author with Dr. Temple Grandin, of The Loving Push: How Parents & Professionals Can Help Spectrum Kids Become Successful Adults
Lee A. Wilkinson, PhD, is a nationally certified and licensed school psychologist, chartered psychologist, registered psychologist, and certified cognitive-behavioral therapist. He is an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society. Dr Wilkinson provides consultation services and best practice guidance to school systems, agencies, advocacy groups, and professionals on a wide variety of topics related to children and youth with autism spectrum conditions. He is also a university educator and school psychology trainer. His research and professional writing has focused primarily on behavioral consultation and therapy, and evidence-based practice in assessment and intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder. He has published numerous journal articles on these subjects both in the US and internationally.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
A Best Practice Guide to Assessment and Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Schools - Second Edition by Lee A. Wilkinson 3
Preface 7
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Overview 13
Chapter 2 - Best Practice in Screening 26
Chapter 3 - Best Practice in Assessment 46
Chapter 4 - Case Examples 96
Chapter 5 - Best Practice in Treatment and Intervention 124
Chapter 6 - Best Practice in Special Education 157
Chapter 7 - Future Directions for Research and Practice 201
Glossary of Terms 214
Appendix A - Comparison of DSM-IV-TR\nand DSM-5 Criteria 223
Appendix B - IDEA Disability Categories 224
Appendix C - ASD Assessment Worksheet 228
Appendix D - ASD Observation Checklist 233
Appendix E - Description of Evidence-Based Interventions 237
Appendix F - Examples of IEP Goals and Objectives 240
Index to Best Practice Guidelines 244
References 253
Subject Index 276
About the Author 286