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Diseases and Disorders of the Orbit and Ocular Adnexa E-Book

Diseases and Disorders of the Orbit and Ocular Adnexa E-Book

Aaron Fay | Peter J Dolman


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Drawing from the knowledge and expertise of more than 70 contributing international experts, Diseases and Disorders of the Orbit and Ocular Adnexa thoroughly covers the state of the art in orbital and periocular disease from the perspective of a variety of specialties. Clearly written and profusely illustrated, it covers the clinical presentation, pathophysiology, natural history, and management alternatives of disease processes affecting the orbit, eyelids, lacrimal system, and upper face. With a singular focus on the diagnosis and management of orbital and ocular adnexal disease, this authoritative text gives you the information you need to excel both in practice and on exams in the specialty of ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery.

  • Offers an in-depth and thorough approach to the pathophysiology of oculoplastics and orbital disease, incorporating the perspectives of numerous specialties – all in one convenient volume.
  • Uses an easy-to-follow, templated format throughout so you can find what you need quickly.
  • Covers new information not included in other texts, such as antibody testing in dysthyroid conditions and a rapidly emerging array of targeted immunosuppressive medications for the treatment of inflammatory orbital disease.
  • Includes hot topics such as the classification and management of orbital inflammatory disease; vascular neoplasms and malformations; periocular dermatology; burn management; facial paralytic disease; and the pathogenesis, evaluation and management of lymphoproliferative disease.
  • Features more than 1,200 high-quality clinical, imaging, and histological illustrations that provide clear visual examples of orbital disease.
  • Written by an international team of experts from five continents (across multiple specialties including ophthalmology, dermatology, burn management, plastic surgery, otolaryngology, endocrinology, and pathology) led by Dr. Aaron Fay and Dr. Peter J. Dolman.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
Inside Front Cover ifc1
Half title page i
Dedication ii
Diseases and Disorders of the Orbit and Ocular Adnexa iii
Copyright Page iv
Table Of Contents v
Foreword vii
References viii
Preface ix
List of Contributors x
1 Basic Concepts 1
1 Applied Anatomy of the Orbit and Orbital Adnexa 1
Chapter Outline 1
Introduction 1
The Orbit 1
Orbital Bones 1
Orbital Roof 1
Lateral Orbital Wall 2
Orbital Floor 3
Medial Orbital Wall 3
Optic Canal 5
Muscles of Ocular Motility 5
Motor Nerves of the Orbit 6
Sensory Nerves of the Orbit 7
Autonomic Nervous System 8
Arterial Supply to the Orbit 8
Venous Drainage From the Orbit 9
The Eyelids 9
Orbicularis Muscle 10
Postorbicular Fascial Plane 11
Orbital Septum 11
Preaponeurotic Fat Compartments 11
Major Eyelid Retractors 12
Sympathetic Accessory Retractors 13
Tarsal Plates 14
Canthal Ligaments 14
Conjunctiva 15
Nerves to the Eyelids 15
Motor Nerves 15
Sensory Nerves 16
Vascular Supply to the Eyelids 16
The Lacrimal Systems 17
Paraorbital Anatomy 19
Cavernous Sinus 19
Nasal Cavity 19
Paranasal Sinuses 20
Infratemporal and Pterygopalatine Fossae 21
Orbital Anatomy and Imaging Correlations 21
Summary 23
References 23
2 Basic Genetics and Hereditary Syndromes 25
Chapter Outline 25
Introduction 25
Fundamental Science 25
Epidemiology 28
Pathogenesis and Etiology 28
Common Inheritance Patterns of Diseases 28
Other Genetic Patterns 30
Chromosomal Aberrations 30
Mitochondrial Aberrations 30
Somatic Mutations and Mosaicism 30
Polygenic and Multifactorial 31
Investigations 31
Karyotype, Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH), and Microarray 31
Gene Sequencing 31
Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) 32
Ethical Issues and Controversies 32
Genetic Counseling 32
References 33
3 Clinical Evaluation and Disease Patterns 35
Chapter Outline 35
Introduction 35
Clinical History 35
General 35
Demographic Background 35
Primary Complaint and Evolution of Disorder 35
Past Medical History 35
System Review 35
Family and Social Histories 36
Clinical Examination 37
Vision 37
Central Distance Vision 37
Near Vision 38
Color Vision 38
Peripheral Vision 38
Pupil 38
Pupil Size 38
Direct and Consensual Pupil Light Reflex and Swinging Flashlight Test 39
Response to Accommodation and Light-Near Dissociation 39
Ocular Examination 39
Intraocular Pressure 39
Funduscopy 39
Orbit 40
General Overview 40
Axial Globe Displacement 40
Nonaxial Globe Displacement 42
Orbital Palpation and Auscultation 43
Sensory Deficits 43
Periorbital Soft Tissue Changes 44
Ocular Motility 45
Ocular Deviations (Strabismus) 45
Definitions. 45
Assessment of Strabismus. 46
Light Reflex Tests. 46
Cover Tests. 46
Ocular Movements 47
Definitions. 47
Measurements. 47
Eyelid 47
Lid Position and Contour 47
Lid Horizontal Laxity, Tendinous Attachments, and Lid Margin Malpositions 48
Lid Function 48
Ocular Protective Mechanisms 49
Eyelid Skin, Margins and Adnexae 49
Eyebrows 49
Lacrimal System 49
Clinical Symptoms 49
Lid Assessment 50
Tear Volume Tests 50
Tear Stain Tests 50
Tear Stability Tests 50
Hyperosmolarity Tests 50
Clinical Lacrimal Tests 50
Special Clinical Tests 51
Visual Function Tests and Optic Nerve Analysis 51
Color Vision Testing 51
Peripheral Vision 51
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) 51
Electrophysiology 51
Electroretinogram (ERG). 51
Visual Evoked Potential. 52
Ocular Motor Function 52
Orthoptics Testing: 52
Hess and Lees Screen Tests 52
Haploscopes 53
Perimetry Measurement for Ductions 53
Field of Binocular Single Vision 53
Synthesizing the Clinical Evaluation 53
Eyelid Disorders 53
Lacrimal Disorders 53
Orbital Disorders 53
References 54
4 Laboratory Serologic Investigations 57
Chapter Outline 57
General Serologies 57
Complete Blood Count (CBC) With Differential 57
2 Congenital and Developmental Disorders 115
7 Orbital Developmental Disorders 115
Chapter Outline 115
Introduction 115
Cranial Embryology 115
Microphthalmia and Anophthalmia 116
Epidemiology 116
Classification and Terminology 116
Pathogenesis 116
Clinical Features 116
Investigations 117
Management 117
Craniofacial Clefts and Clefting Syndromes 120
Historical Background 120
Epidemiology 120
Pathogenesis and Etiology 120
Terminology and Classification 120
Differential Diagnosis 121
Clinical Features 121
Investigations 121
Management 124
Craniosynostoses 124
Fundamental Science 124
Classification 124
Primary Nonsyndromic Craniosynostoses 124
Pathogenesis. 124
Clinical Features. 125
Investigations and Management. 126
Syndromic Craniosynostoses 126
Historical Background. 126
Pathogenesis. 126
Clinical Features 128
cranium. 128
hands and feet. 129
Central Nervous System. 130
Midface Hypoplasia and Airway Obstruction. 130
Ophthalmic Findings. 130
Management 130
Teratoma 132
Acknowledgments 134
References 134
8 Eyelid Developmental Disorders 137
Chapter Outline 137
Introduction 137
Historical Background 137
Fundamental Science 137
Embryology 137
Cryptophthalmos 137
Epidemiology 137
Pathogenesis 137
Classification 138
Differential Diagnosis 138
Clinical Features 138
Investigations 138
Management 138
Course, Complications and Prognosis 139
Eyelid Coloboma 139
Epidemiology 139
Pathogenesis 139
Classification 139
Clinical Features 140
Investigations 140
Management 141
Course, Complications and Prognosis 141
Ankyloblepharon 141
Epidemiology 141
Pathogenesis 141
3 Inflammatory, Infectious, and Autoimmune Disorders 163
10 Infections of the Orbit and Ocular Adnexa 163
Chapter Outline 163
Introduction 163
Historical Background 163
The Concept of Infection 163
Anti-Infective Therapies 163
Fundamental Science 163
The Pathogens 163
Bacteria 163
Fungi 164
Viruses 164
Parasites 164
Natural Host Defenses 164
Nonspecific Mechanisms 164
The Immune Response 164
Anatomic Boundaries Defined by the Orbital Septum 164
Eyelid Infections 164
Infective Blepharitis 164
Pathogenesis and Etiology 164
Epidemiology 165
Clinical Features 165
Differential Diagnosis 166
Investigations 166
Management 166
Complications and Prognosis 166
Impetigo and Erysipelas 166
Pathogenesis and Etiology 166
4 Neoplastic Disorders 257
14 Basic Concepts in Neoplasia 257
Chapter Outline 257
Introduction 257
Historical Background 257
History of Cancer 257
History of Orbital and Ocular Adnexal Tumors 257
Epidemiology 258
Definitions and Nomenclature 258
Fundamental Science: Characteristics of a Tumor 258
Differentiation and Anaplasia 258
Rate of Growth 258
Local Invasion 258
Metastasis 259
Carcinogenesis 259
Physical Carcinogenesis 259
Chemical Carcinogenesis 260
Viral and Microbial Carcinogenesis 260
Hormonal Oncogenesis 262
Genetic Basis of Cancer 262
Karyotypic Changes 262
Role of micro-RNAs (miRNAs) 262
Cancer Epigenetics 263
Molecular Pathogenesis of Cancer 263
Self-Sufficiency in Growth Signals 263
Growth Factors 263
Growth Factor Receptors 263
Signal-Transducing Proteins 263
Nuclear Transcription Factors 263
Cell Cycle Regulatory Proteins 264
Insensitivity to Growth Inhibitory Signals 264
Evasion of Apoptotic Cell Death 265
Limitless Replicative Potential, Telomeres, and Telomerase 265
Angiogenesis 266
Invasion and Metastasis 266
Invasion of Extracellular Matrix (ECM) 267
Vascular Dissemination and Homing of Tumor Cells 267
Cancer and Immune Surveillance 267
Eye Cancer and Heredity 267
Molecular Biology and Genetics of Orbital Tumors 267
Lacrimal Gland Tumors 267
Ocular Adnexal Lymphoma (OAL) 270
Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) 270
Histiocytic Disorders 270
Optic Nerve Gliomas (ONG) 270
Acknowledgment 271
References 271
15 Lymphoproliferative Disorders 275
Chapter Outline 275
Introduction 275
Epidemiology 275
Historical Background 275
Pathogenesis 277
Normal Lymphocyte Development 277
Cytogenetic Influences 278
Chronic Antigen Stimulation 280
Immunosuppression 281
Pathology 281
Clinical Features 283
Imaging 284
Staging 286
Other Staging Investigations 288
Prognostic Indices 288
Management 288
EMZL, Follicular Lymphoma, and Small B-Cell Lymphoma 288
Mantle Cell Lymphoma 289
T-Cell Lymphomas 290
Radiotherapy 290
Chemotherapy 290
Immunotherapy 290
Radioimmunotherapy 290
Disease Course and Prognosis 291
Future Directions 291
References 291
16 Orbital Bone Tumors 295
Chapter Outline 295
Introduction 295
Reactive Bone Lesions 295
Cholesterol Granuloma 295
Pathogenesis 295
Differential Diagnosis and Clinical Features 295
Investigations 295
Pathology 295
Management 295
Giant Cell Granuloma 295
5 Vascular Disorders 447
24 Vascular Malformations 447
Chapter Outline 447
Introduction 447
Historical Background 447
Classification 447
Fundamental Science 447
Lymphatic Malformations 448
Epidemiology 448
Pathogenesis 448
Differential Diagnosis 449
Clinical Features 449
Investigations 450
Pathology 451
Management 451
Disease Course, Complications, and Prognosis 453
Venous Malformations 454
Epidemiology 454
Pathogenesis 454
Differential Diagnosis 454
Clinical Features 454
Investigations 454
Pathology 457
Management 457
Disease Course, Complications, and Prognosis 458
Cavernous Venous Malformations 459
Epidemiology 459
Pathogenesis 459
Differential Diagnosis 459
Clinical Features 460
Investigations 460
Pathology 460
Management 460
Disease Course, Complications, and Prognosis 460
Arteriovenous Malformations 462
Epidemiology 462
Pathogenesis 462
Differential Diagnosis 462
Clinical Features 462
Investigations 463
Pathology 463
Management 463
Disease Course, Complications, and Prognosis 464
Venular Malformations (Port-Wine Stain) 465
Epidemiology 465
Pathogenesis 465
Differential Diagnosis 466
Clinical Features 466
Investigations 468
Pathology 469
Management 469
Disease Course, Complications and Prognosis 469
References 470
25 Infantile Hemangiomas and Other Vascular Neoplasms 473
Chapter Outline 473
Introduction 473
Historical Background 473
Fundamental Science 473
Infantile Hemangioma 475
Pathogenesis/Etiology 475
Placenta Theory 475
Metastatic Theory 475
Progenitor Cell Theory 476
Extrinsic Factor Theory 476
Classification 476
Differential Diagnosis 476
Clinical Features 477
Systemic Associations 480
Investigations 481
Pathology 481
Management 485
Pharmacologic Therapy 486
Systemic Corticosteroids. 486
Corticosteroid Infusion in the Posterior Sub-Tenon Space. 486
Intralesional Corticosteroid Injection. 486
Topical Corticosteroids. 487
Interferon-α. 487
Vincristine. 487
Cyclophosphamide. 487
Imiquimod. 487
Propranolol. 487
Laser Photocoagulation 488
Pulse Dye Laser (PDL). 488
Fractional Photothermolysis. 488
Carbon Dioxide Laser. 489
Surgery 489
Congenital Hemangioma (CH) 490
Investigations 490
6 Structural Disorders 513
27 Orbital Structural Disorders 513
Chapter Outline 513
Introduction 513
Fundamental Science 513
Mucocele/Mucopyocele 513
Historical Background 513
Pathogenesis and Etiology 513
Epidemiology 513
Clinical Features 513
Differential Diagnosis 514
Investigations 515
Pathology 515
Management 515
Prognosis and Complications 516
Meningocele/Encephalocele 516
Historical Background 516
Pathogenesis and Etiology 517
Epidemiology 517
Clinical Features 517
Differential Diagnosis 517
Investigations 517
Pathology 517
Management 517
Prognosis and Complications 518
Silent Sinus Syndrome (SSS) 518
Historical Background 518
Pathogenesis and Etiology 518
Epidemiology 518
Clinical Features 518
Differential Diagnosis: 519
Investigations 519
Management 519
Silent Brain (Cranium) Syndrome 519
Historical Background 519
Pathogenesis and Etiology 519
Clinical Features 520
Differential Diagnosis 520
Investigations 520
Management 520
Parry-Romberg Syndrome (PRS) 521
Epidemiology 521
Pathogenesis and Etiology 521
Clinical Features 521
Differential Diagnosis: 521
Investigations 521
Management 521
Localized Scleroderma (Morphea) 521
Epidemiology and Pathogenesis 521
7 Neurologic Disorders 579
31 Facial Nerve Palsy 579
Chapter Outline 579
Introduction 579
Historical Background 579
Fundamental Science 579
Embryology 581
Epidemiology 582
Classification of Peripheral Nerve Injury 582
Clinical Features 583
History 583
Physical Examination 583
Forehead 584
Eyelids 584
Midface 584
Lower Face 584
Facial Nerve Function Grading Scales 585
Investigations 586
Electrophysiologic Testing 586
Electroneuronography 586
Interpretation of Electroneuronography. 587
Electromyography 587
Performing EMG. 587
Interpretation of EMG. 587
Prognostic Value of EMG. 587
Timing Considerations for ENOG and EMG 588
Pathogenesis 588
Bell Palsy 588
Incidence 588
Etiology 589
Pathophysiology and Pathology 589
Management 589
Ramsay Hunt Syndrome (Herpes Zoster Oticus) 589
Lyme Disease 590
Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome 590
Bilateral Paralysis 591
Traumatic Facial Paralysis 591
Iatrogenic Injury 591
Sarcoidosis 591
Otitis Media 592
Barotrauma 592
Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension 592
Facial Paralysis in Children 592
Management 593
Short-Term Support. 593
Forehead. 593
Eyelids and Ocular Surface. 593
Midface and Lower Face. 594
Long-Term Reconstruction 594
Forehead. 594
Eyelids. 594
Midface and Lower Face. 596
Synkinesis 598
Future Directions 600
References 601
32 Blepharospasm and Other Facial Spastic Disorders 605
Chapter Outline 605
Introduction 605
Historical Background 605
Fundamental Science 605
Benign Essential Blepharospasm 606
Epidemiology 606
Pathogenesis 606
Classification 607
Differential Diagnosis 607
Clinical Features 607
Investigations 610
Management 610
Botulinum Neurotoxin 610
Oral Pharmacotherapy 611
Surgical Management 611
Disease Course, Complications, and Prognosis 612
Apraxia of Eyelid Opening 612
Epidemiology 612
Pathogenesis 612
Differential Diagnosis 612
Clinical Features 612
Investigations 613
Management 613
Disease Course, Complications, and Prognosis 613
Meige Syndrome 613
Epidemiology 613
Pathogenesis 613
Differential Diagnosis 613
Clinical Features 614
Management 614
Disease Course, Complications, and Prognosis 614
Hemifacial Spasm 614
Epidemiology 614
Pathogenesis 614
Classification 614
Differential Diagnosis 616
Clinical Features 616
Investigations 616
Management 616
Aberrant Facial Nerve Regeneration 616
Epidemiology 616
Pathogenesis 616
Classification 617
Differential Diagnosis 617
Clinical Features 617
Investigations 617
Management 617
References 617
33 Neurotoxins and Their Applications 621
Chapter Outline 621
Introduction 621
Historical Background 621
Clinical Development and Therapeutic Use 621
Cosmetic BoNT-A 622
Fundamental Science 622
Mechanism of Action 622
Subtypes and Formulations 623
Use in Ophthalmology 623
Lid Malposition and Asymmetry 623
Apraxia 623
Lacrimal Disorders 624
Hypertrophic Orbicularis, Infraorbital Rhytides, and Widening of the Eye 624
BoNT as Surgical Adjunct 625
Periorbital Complications 626
Summary 626
References 626
8 Traumatic Disorders 629
34 Orbital Trauma 629
Chapter Outline 629
Introduction 629
Historical Background of Facial Trauma 629
Fundamental Science 629
Medial Orbital Wall 629
Orbital Floor 631
Lateral Orbital Wall 631
Orbital Roof and Optic Canal 631
Orbital Septum 632
Orbital Hemorrhage and Compartment Syndrome 632
Introduction 632
Epidemiology 632
Pathogenesis 632
Differential Diagnosis 632
Clinical Features 632
Management 633
Direct and Indirect Optic Neuropathy 633
Epidemiology 633
Pathogenesis 633
Differential Diagnosis 633
Clinical Features 634
Management 634
Orbital Foreign Bodies 635
9 Degenerative Disorders 693
38 The Aging Face 693
Chapter Outline 693
Introduction 693
Historical Background 693
Fundamental Science 693
Clinical Features: Comparison of Youthful and Aged Facial Features 695
Pathogenesis of the Aging Face 696
Facial Bones 696
Facial Muscles and Ligaments 701
Facial Fat 702
Skin 703
Aging and Beauty 704
Management 706
Summary 709
References 709
Index 711
A 711
B 712
C 713
D 715
E 716
F 717
G 718
H 718
I 719
J 720
K 720
L 720
M 721
N 723
O 723
P 725
Q 726
R 726
S 726
T 727
U 728
V 728
W 729
X 729
Z 729
Inside Back Cover ibc1