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Principles of Marketing European Edition 7th edn

Principles of Marketing European Edition 7th edn

Philip Kotler | Gary Armstrong | Lloyd C. Harris | Nigel Piercy


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Principles of Marketing

Seventh European Edition

Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, Lloyd C. Harris and Nigel Piercy


The goal of every marketer is to create more value for customers. The authors of this new European Edition have aimed to create more value for the reader by building on a classic marketing text with its well-established customer-value framework and complimenting it with an emphasis throughout the book on sustainable marketing, measuring and managing return on marketing, marketing technologies and marketing around the world.


To help bring marketing to life this book is filled with interesting examples and stories about real companies, such as Amazon, Google, Uber, ASOS and Lego and their marketing practices. This is the place to go for the freshest and most authoritative insights into the increasingly fascinating world of marketing.


Philip Kotler is S. C. Johnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing at the Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University.

Gary Armstrong is Crist W. Blackwell Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Undergraduate Education in the Kenan-Flagler Business School at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Lloyd C. Harris is Head of Department and Professor of Marketing at Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham. His research has been widely disseminated via a range of marketing, strategy, retailing and general management journals.


Nigel Piercy, was formerly Professor of Marketing & Strategy, and Associate Dean, at Warwick Business School. He is now a consultant and management writer. Recent publications include Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning, 6th ed. (with Graham Hooley, Brigitte Nicoulaud and John Rudd) published by Pearson in 2016.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Title page iii
Copyright page iv
Brief Contents v
Contents vii
Preface xvi
About the authors xxi
Acknowledgements xxiii
Part 1: Defining marketing and the marketing process 1
Chapter 1 Marketing: creating customer value and engagement 2
Chapter preview 2
Objectives outline 2
What is marketing? 4
Marketing defined 5
The marketing process 5
Understanding the marketplace and customer needs 6
Customer needs, wants and demands 6
Market offerings – products, services and experiences 6
Customer value and satisfaction 7
Exchanges and relationships 8
Markets 8
Designing a customer value-driven marketing strategy 9
Selecting customers to serve 9
Choosing a value proposition 9
Marketing management orientations 10
Preparing an integrated marketing plan and programme 13
Building customer relationships 13
Customer relationship management 13
Engaging customers 16
Partner relationship management 18
Capturing value from customers 18
Creating customer loyalty and retention 19
Growing share of customer 19
Building customer equity 19
The changing marketing landscape 21
The digital age: online, mobile and social media marketing 21
Social media marketing 22
Mobile marketing 23
The changing economic environment 23
The growth of not-for-profit marketing 24
Rapid globalisation 25
Sustainable marketing – the call for more environmental and social responsibility 25
So, what is marketing? Pulling it all together 26
Objectives review and key terms 28
Navigating the key terms 29
Discussion and critical thinking 30
Discussion questions 30
Critical-thinking exercises 30
Mini-cases and applications 30
Online, mobile and social media marketing: Xbox One 30
Marketing ethics: extreme baby monitoring 30
Marketing by the numbers: consumers rule! 31
References 31
Company case: Pegasus Airlines: delighting a new type of travelling customer 33
Chapter 2 Company and marketing strategy: partnering to build customer engagement, value and relationships 36
Chapter preview 36
Objectives outline 36
Company-wide strategic planning: defining marketing’s role 38
Defining a market-oriented mission 39
Setting company objectives and goals 40
Designing the business portfolio 41
Planning marketing: partnering to build customer relationships 45
Partnering with other company departments 45
Partnering with others in the marketing system 46
Marketing strategy and the marketing mix 47
Customer value-driven marketing strategy 47
Developing an integrated marketing mix 49
Managing the marketing effort 51
Marketing analysis 51
Marketing planning 52
Marketing implementation 52
Marketing department organisation 54
Marketing control 54
Measuring and managing marketing return on investment 55
Objectives review and key terms 56
Navigating the key terms 57
Discussion and critical thinking 58
Discussion questions 58
Critical-thinking exercises 58
Mini-cases and applications 58
Online, mobile and social media marketing: the PC-osaurus 58
Marketing ethics: digital dark side 58
Marketing by numbers: profitability 59
References 59
Company case: LEGO: one more brick in the wall? 60
Part 2: Understanding the marketplace and consumers 65
Chapter 3 Analysing the marketing environment 66
Chapter preview 66
Objectives outline 66
The microenvironment 70
The company 70
Suppliers 70
Marketing intermediaries 71
Competitors 71
Publics 72
Customers 72
The macroenvironment 73
The demographic environment 74
Geographic shifts in population and market diversity 79
The economic environment 82
The natural environment 85
The technological environment 86
The political and social environment 88
The cultural environment 90
Responding to the marketing environment 92
Objectives review and key terms 93
Navigating the key terms 94
Discussion and critical thinking 94
Discussion questions 94
Critical-thinking exercises 94
Mini-cases and applications 94
Online, mobile and social media marketing: social data 94
Marketing ethics: television isn’t what it used to be 95
Marketing by the numbers: tiny markets 95
References 96
Company case: The era of cheap chic for Primark 98
Chapter 4 Managing marketing information to gain customer insights 102
Chapter preview 102
Objectives outline 102
Marketing information and customer insights 104
Marketing information and today’s ‘big data’ 105
Managing marketing information 105
Assessing marketing information needs 106
Developing marketing information 107
Internal data 107
Competitive marketing intelligence 107
Marketing research 109
Defining the problem and research objectives 110
Developing the research plan 110
Gathering secondary data 111
Primary data collection 112
Implementing the research plan 121
Interpreting and reporting the findings 121
Analysing and using marketing information 122
Customer relationship management and mining big data 122
Distributing and using marketing information 123
Other marketing information considerations 124
Marketing research in small businesses and non-profit organisations 124
International marketing research 125
Public policy and ethics in marketing research 126
Objectives review and key terms 128
Navigating the key terms 129
Discussion and critical thinking 129
Discussion questions 129
Critical-thinking exercises 129
Mini-cases and applications 129
Online, mobile and social media marketing: you are what you like 129
Marketing ethics: research ethics 130
Marketing by the numbers: sample size 130
References 130
Company case: Holland & Barret by Dr Eleri Rosier, Cardiff Business School 132
Chapter 5 Consumer markets and buyer behaviour 136
Chapter preview 136
Objectives outline 136
Model of consumer behaviour 139
Characteristics affecting consumer behaviour 140
Cultural factors 140
Social factors 144
Personal factors 147
Psychological factors 150
Types of buying decision behaviour 153
Complex buying behaviour 153
Dissonance-reducing buying behaviour 154
Habitual buying behaviour 154
Variety-seeking buying behaviour 155
The buyer decision process 155
Need recognition 155
Information search 156
Evaluation of alternatives 156
Purchase decision 157
Post-purchase behaviour 157
The buyer decision process for new products 158
Stages in the adoption process 158
Individual differences in innovativeness 158
Influence of product characteristics on rate of adoption 159
Objectives review and key terms 160
Navigating the key terms 161
Discussion and critical thinking 161
Discussion the concepts 161
Critical-thinking exercises 161
Mini-cases and applications 162
Online, mobile and social media marketing: digital influencers 162
Marketing ethics: liquid gold 162
Marketing by the numbers: evaluating alternatives 162
References 163
Company case: Porsche: guarding the old while bringing in the new 164
Chapter 6 Business markets and business buyer behaviour 168
Chapter preview 168
Objectives outline 168
Business markets 170
Market structure and demand 171
Nature of the buying unit 171
Types of decisions and the decision process 172
Business buyer behaviour 172
Major types of buying situations 173
Participants in the business buying process 174
Major influences on business buyers 175
The business buying process 176
E-procurement and online purchasing 179
Institutional and government markets 180
Institutional markets 180
Government markets 181
Objectives review and key terms 182
Navigating the key terms 183
Discussion and critical thinking 183
Discussion questions 183
Critical-thinking exercises 183
Mini-cases and applications 184
Online, mobile and social media marketing: e-procurement and mobile procurement 184
Marketing ethics: commercial bribery 184
Marketing by the numbers: salespeople 184
References 184
Company case: Industrial Internet at General Electric: why B-to-B doesn’t stand for ‘boring-to-boring’ by Andrew Pressey, Birmingham Business School 185
Part 3: Designing a customer value-driven strategy and mix 189
Chapter 7 Customer-driven marketing strategy: creating value for target customers 190
Chapter preview 190
Objectives outline 190
Market segmentation 194
Segmenting consumer markets 194
Segmenting business markets 200
Segmenting international markets 201
Requirements for effective segmentation 202
Market targeting 203
Evaluating market segments 203
Selecting target market segments 203
Differentiation and positioning 209
Positioning maps 209
Choosing a differentiation and positioning strategy 209
Communicating and delivering the chosen position 215
Objectives review and key terms 216
Navigating the key terms 217
Discussion and critical thinking 217
Discussion questions 217
Critical-thinking exercises 217
Mini-cases and applications 217
Online, mobile and social media marketing: SoLoMo (Social + Local + Mobile) 217
Marketing ethics: unrealistic bodies 218
Marketing by the numbers: USAA 218
References 218
Company case: Asos: fast fashion for fast consumers 220
Chapter 8 Products, services and brands: building customer value 224
Chapter preview 224
Objectives outline 224
What is a product? 226
Products, services and experiences 227
Levels of product and services 227
Product and service classifications 228
Product and service decisions 231
Individual product and service decisions 231
Product line decisions 235
Product mix decisions 236
Services marketing 237
The nature and characteristics of a service 237
Marketing strategies for service firms 238
Branding strategy: building strong brands 243
Brand equity 243
Building strong brands 244
Managing brands 251
Objectives review and key terms 252
Navigating the key terms 253
Discussion and critical thinking 254
Discussion questions 254
Critical-thinking exercises 254
Mini-cases and applications 254
Online, mobile and social media marketing: keeping tabs on Fido’s health 254
Marketing ethics: $450 Starbucks gift card 254
Marketing by the numbers: Pop-Tarts gone nutty! 255
References 255
Company case: John Lewis: Middle England’s retailer of choice 257
Chapter 9 New product development and product life-cycle strategies 260
Chapter preview 260
Objectives outline 260
New product development strategy 263
New product development process 263
Idea generation 263
Idea screening 266
Concept development and resting 267
Marketing strategy development 268
Business analysis 269
Product development 269
Test marketing 270
Commercialisation 270
Managing new product development 271
Customer-centred new product development 271
Team-based new product development 272
Systematic new product development 273
New product development in turbulent times 274
Product life-cycle strategies 274
Introduction stage 277
Growth stage 277
Maturity stage 278
Decline stage 279
Additional product and service considerations 280
Product decisions and social responsibility 280
International product and services marketing 280
Objectives review and key terms 283
Navigating the key terms 284
Discussion and critical thinking 284
Discussion questions 284
Critical-thinking exercises 284
Mini-cases and applications 284
Online, mobile and social media marketing: Reading Rainbow app 284
Marketing ethics: orphan drugs 285
Marketing by the numbers: dental house calls 285
References 285
Company case: Reckitt Benckiser: building a brand powerhouse 287
Chapter 10 Pricing: understanding and capturing customer value 290
Chapter preview 290
Objectives outline 290
What is a price? 292
Major pricing strategies 293
Customer value-based pricing 293
Cost-based pricing 296
Competition-based pricing 299
Other internal and external considerations affecting price decisions 301
Overall marketing strategy, objectives and mix 301
Organisational considerations 302
The market and demand 302
The economy 304
Other external factors 305
Objectives review and key terms 305
Navigating the key terms 307
Discussion and critical thinking 307
Discussion questions 307
Critical-thinking exercises 307
Mini-cases and applications 307
Online, mobile and social media marketing: online price tracking 307
Marketing ethics: psychology of mobile payments 308
Marketing by the numbers: reseller margins 308
References 308
Company case: Cath Kidston: nostalgic fantasy that creates value for consumers 309
Chapter 11 Pricing strategies: additional consideration 312
Chapter preview 312
Objectives outline 312
New product pricing strategies 314
Market-skimming pricing 314
Market-penetration pricing 315
Product mix pricing strategies 315
Product line pricing 315
Optional-product pricing 316
Captive-product pricing 316
By-product pricing 317
Product bundle pricing 317
Price adjustment strategies 318
Discount and allowance pricing 318
Segmented pricing 318
Psychological pricing 319
Promotional pricing 320
Geographical pricing 321
Dynamic and Internet pricing 322
International pricing 324
Price changes 325
Initiating price changes 325
Responding to price changes 327
Public policy and pricing 328
Pricing within channel levels 328
Pricing across channel levels 329
Objectives review and key terms 330
Navigating the key terms 332
Discussion and critical thinking 332
Discussion questions 332
Critical-thinking exercises 332
Mini-cases and applications 332
Online, mobile and social media marketing: online price glitches 332
Marketing ethics: airfare pricing 333
Marketing by the numbers: Louis Vuitton price increase 333
References 333
Company case: Coach: riding the wave of premium pricing 335
Chapter 12 Marketing channels: delivering customer value 338
Chapter preview 338
Objectives outline 338
Supply chains and the value delivery network 340
The nature and importance of marketing channels 341
How channel members add value 343
Number of channel levels 344
Channel behaviour and organisation 345
Channel behaviour 346
Vertical marketing systems 347
Horizontal marketing systems 349
Multi-channel distribution systems 349
Changing channel organisation 350
Channel design decisions 351
Analysing consumer needs 352
Setting channel objectives 352
Identifying major alternatives 353
Evaluating the major alternatives 354
Designing international distribution channels 354
Channel management decisions 356
Selecting channel members 356
Managing and motivating channel members 356
Evaluating channel members 357
Public policy and distribution decisions 357
Marketing logistics and supply chain management 358
Nature and importance of marketing logistics 358
Goals of the logistics system 359
Major logistics functions 360
Integrated logistics management 363
Objectives review and key terms 365
Navigating the key terms 366
Discussion and critical thinking 366
Discussion questions 366
Critical-thinking exercises 367
Mini-cases and applications 367
Online, mobile and social media marketing: self-publishing 367
Marketing ethics: supplier safety 367
Marketing by the numbers: Tyson expanding distribution 368
References 368
Company case: Amazon and P&G: taking channel partnering to a new level 369
Chapter 13 Retailing and wholesaling 372
Chapter preview 372
Objectives outline 372
Retailing 375
Types of retailers 375
Retailer marketing decisions 381
Retailing trends and developments 386
Wholesaling 393
Types of wholesalers 394
Wholesaler marketing decisions 395
Trends in wholesaling 397
Objectives review and key terms 398
Navigating the key terms 399
Discussion and critical thinking 399
Applying the concepts 399
Critical-thinking exercises 399
Mini-cases and applications 399
Online, mobile and social media marketing: local retailers 399
Marketing ethics: marketplace fairness 400
Marketing by the numbers: stockturn rate 400
References 400
Company case: Auchen: maybe Walmart is not unbeatable after all? 402
Chapter 14 Engaging customers and communicating customer value: integrated marketing communications strategy 406
Chapter preview 406
Objectives outline 406
The promotion mix 408
Integrated marketing communications 409
The new marketing communications model 409
The need for integrated marketing communications 411
A view of the communication process 412
Steps in developing effective marketing communication 414
Identifying the target audience 414
Determining the communication objectives 414
Designing a message 415
Message content 416
Choosing the communication channels and media 417
Selecting the message source 419
Collecting feedback 419
Setting the total promotion budget and mix 420
Setting the total promotion budget 420
Shaping the overall promotion mix 421
Integrating the promotion mix 424
Socially responsible marketing communication 424
Advertising and sales promotion 425
Personal selling 425
Objectives review and key terms 426
Navigating the key terms 427
Discussion and critical thinking 427
Discussion questions 427
Critical-thinking exercises 427
Mini-cases and applications 427
Online, mobile and social media: marketing native advertising 427
Marketing ethics: racist promotion? 428
Marketing by the numbers: advertising-to-sales ratios 428
References 428
Company case: Red Bull: a different kind of integrated campaign 429
Chapter 15 Advertising and public relations 434
Chapter preview 434
Objectives outline 434
Advertising 437
Setting advertising objectives 438
Setting the advertising budget 440
Developing advertising strategy 441
Evaluating advertising effectiveness and the return on advertising investment 451
Other advertising considerations 452
Public relations 454
The role and impact of PR 454
Major public relations tools 455
Objectives review and key terms 456
Navigating the key terms 457
Discussion and critical thinking 457
Discussion questions 457
Critical-thinking exercises 457
Mini-cases and applications 457
Online, mobile and social media marketing: Facebook audience network 457
Marketing ethics: Amazon’s dronerama 458
Marketing by the numbers: C3, CPM and CPP 458
References 459
Company case: Public relations and customer engagement at Coca-Cola: from impressions to expressions to transactions 461
Chapter 16 Personal selling and sales promotion 464
Chapter preview 464
Objectives outline 464
Personal selling 466
The nature of personal selling 467
The role of the sales force 468
Managing the sales force 470
Designing sales force strategy and structure 470
Recruiting and selecting salespeople 474
Training salespeople 475
Compensating salespeople 476
Supervising and motivating salespeople 477
Evaluating salespeople and sales force performance 478
Social selling: online, mobile and social media tools 479
The role of salespeople in a digital and social media age 480
The new digital selling environment 481
The personal selling process 482
Steps in the selling process 482
Sales promotion 486
The rapid growth of sales promotion 486
Sales promotion objectives 486
Major sales promotion tools 487
Developing the sales promotion programme 492
Objectives review and key terms 492
Navigating the key terms 493
Discussion and critical thinking 494
Discussion questions 494
Critical-thinking exercises 494
Mini-cases and applications 494
Online, mobile and social media marketing: sales promotions 494
Marketing ethics: drug dealing 494
Marketing by the numbers: sales force analysis 495
References 495
Company case: HP: overhauling a vast corporate sales force 497
Chapter 17 Direct, online, social media and mobile marketing 500
Chapter preview 500
Objectives outline 500
Direct and digital marketing 502
The new direct marketing model 503
Rapid growth of direct and digital marketing 503
Benefits of direct and digital marketing to buyers and sellers 504
Forms of direct and digital marketing 505
Digital and social media marketing 506
Marketing, the Internet and the digital age 506
Online marketing 507
Social media marketing 511
Mobile marketing 514
Traditional direct marketing forms 516
Direct-mail marketing 516
Catalogue marketing 517
Telemarketing 518
Direct-response television marketing 518
Kiosk marketing 519
Public policy issues in direct and digital marketing 520
Irritation, unfairness, deception and fraud 520
Consumer privacy 521
A need for action 521
Objectives review and key terms 523
Navigating the key terms 525
Discussion and critical thinking 525
Discussion questions 525
Critical-thinking exercises 525
Mini-cases and applications 525
Online, mobile and social media marketing: big business for small business 525
Marketing ethics: tracking in ‘meat space’ 526
Marketing by the numbers: mobile advertising 526
References 526
Company case: Ocado: taking on the Internet 530
Part 4: Extending marketing 533
Chapter 18 Creating competitive advantage 534
Chapter preview 534
Objectives outline 534
Competitor analysis 537
Identifying competitors 537
Assessing competitors 538
Selecting competitors to attack and avoid 540
Designing a competitive intelligence system 542
Competitive strategies 543
Approaches to marketing strategy 543
Basic competitive strategies 544
Competitive positions 546
Market leader strategies 546
Market challenger strategies 549
Market follower strategies 550
Market nicher strategies 550
Balancing customer and competitor orientations 551
Objectives review and key terms 552
Navigating the key terms 553
Discussion and critical thinking 553
Discussion questions 553
Critical-thinking exercises 554
Mini-cases and applications 554
Online, mobile and social media: marketing social logins 554
Marketing ethics 554
Marketing by the numbers 554
References 555
Company case: Amazon’s Kindle Fire versus Apple’s iPad: let battle commence! 556
Chapter 19 The global marketplace 560
Chapter preview 560
Objectives outline 560
Global marketing today 562
Looking at the global marketing environment 564
The international trade system 564
Economic environment 566
Political-legal environment 567
Deciding whether to go global 571
Deciding which markets to enter 571
Deciding how to enter the market 572
Exporting 572
Joint venturing 574
Direct investment 575
Deciding on the global marketing programme 576
Product 577
Promotion 578
Price 579
Distribution channels 580
Deciding on the global marketing organisation 581
Objectives review and key terms 582
Navigating the key terms 583
Discussion and critical thinking 583
Discussion questions 583
Critical-thinking exercises 583
Mini-cases and applications 583
Online, mobile and social media: marketing Russian e-commerce 583
Marketing ethics: India’s bitter pill 584
Marketing by the numbers 584
References 585
Company case: IKEA: making life better for the world’s many people 587
Chapter 20 Social responsibility and ethics 590
Chapter preview 590
Objectives outline 590
Sustainable marketing 593
Social criticisms of marketing 594
Marketing’s impact on individual consumers 594
Marketing’s impact on society as a whole 599
Marketing’s impact on other businesses 601
Consumer actions to promote sustainable marketing 602
Consumerism 602
Environmentalism 603
Public actions to regulate marketing 607
Business actions towards sustainable marketing 607
Sustainable marketing principles 607
Marketing ethics 610
The sustainable company 613
Objectives review and key terms 613
Navigating the key terms 614
Discussion and critical thinking 614
Discussion questions 614
Critical-thinking exercises 615
Mini-cases and applications 615
Online, mobile and social media marketing: teenagers and social media 615
Marketing ethics: pricey deal? 615
Marketing by the numbers: the cost of sustainability 615
References 616
Company case: Unilever: a prototype for tomorrow’s company? 618
Appendix 1: Marketing plan 621
Appendix 2: Marketing by the numbers 632
Glossary 650
Index 662