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Kids, Music ‘n’ Autism

Kids, Music ‘n’ Autism

Dorita S. Berger


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Book Details


Many children with autism feel a natural connection with music, but don't always find it easy to participate in musical activities. Packed with tips, advice and activities, this book shows how music and rhythm can help with brain development and quality of life, and how to encourage a genuine enjoyment of music.

Dr Berger draws on her many years of experience in music-based clinical work, teaching and coaching, to answer common questions regarding musical interactions for children with autism. From what instrument to choose, how to find the right teacher, how to get your child to practice music, and even taking children to public music events, this book has all the essential information for you to dip into as and when needed. With practical information to help you solve problems that may arise, such as sensory overload, let this book guide you and your child towards positive interactions with music, regardless of whether or not they have prior musical abilities.

Dorita S. Berger is a concert pianist, an educator and a Board Certified music therapist with over 20 years of clinical experience in sensorimotor music-based treatment for autism spectrum and neurophysiologic-related diagnoses in children and adults. She conducts workshops and lectures on the role of music in science and medicine and continues to provide consultations and music therapy services, in addition to researching the role of music in human adaptation. Dorita resides in Durham, North Carolina, USA and is the author of Music Therapy, Sensory Integration and the Autistic Child, Eurhythmics for Autism and Other Neurophysiologic Diagnoses and co-author of The Music Effect: Music Physiology and Clinical Applications, also published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
This is another great book from Dorita Berger, which is a must-have for every music therapist, educator and parent. Easy to read, it gives a wealth of information on the neuroscience of music, and explains the "why's" and "how's" of music learning. As a parent, I learned a lot myself!
Aksana Kavaliova-Moussi, MMT, BMT, MTA, Neurologic Music Therapist
As the parent of a teen with autism, I can say first-hand how important music has been in his life, from learning to speak to now socializing in the marching band. This book has practical tips on how to choose an instrument, find a teacher, and even keep up with practice - a must-read for anyone who wishes to expose their child to the benefits of music.
Angela Scarpa, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology and Director of the Virginia Tech Center for Autism Research, Virginia Tech, USA

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Kids, Music 'n' Autism – Bringing Out the Music in Your Child by Dorita S. Berger 5
Prelude 13
Overture – About Kids ’n’ Music: A Letter to Parents 17
Part One – Music Is Important for the Developing Child 21
Chapter 1 – How And Why To Think Beyond The Spectrum 23
Why music? 23
Music makes good sense 26
Quick overview of this book 27
Chapter 2 – The Sense-ability of the Musical Brain 33
Music and sensory education from the beginning 33
Music and the vestibular and proprioceptive senses 34
Music and the auditory, visual, and tactile systems 38
Music and anxiety reduction 40
Chapter 3 – Music for All Ages and Any Function 43
Birth to six: Music for the developing emotional brain 45
Seven to 12 years: Music for social, physical, and sensory regulation 52
Ten years and up: Music for the cultured adult “teen” 57
Conclusion 58
Part Two – Providing Music in a Child's Life 61
Chapter 4 – Music Lessons, Music Therapy, or Both? 63
Music lessons 64
A word about Dalcroze Eurhythmics 66
How to find and select a music teacher 69
Would music therapy be a better way to begin? 73
Finding a music therapist 75
How to interview a music therapist 77
Summary review 79
Chapter 5 – What Instrument Should I Choose for My Child? 81
A word about studying a musical instrument 81
Where and how to begin—recorder, kazoo, the voice! 84
The piano 86
Stringed instruments for the beginner 91
Woodwind and brass instruments 96
Drums 99
En fin—in the end 102
Chapter 6 – Lessons, Practice, and Penalties 103
To force or not to force—that is the question 105
Review and some final thoughts 114
Chapter 7 – Taking Your Child to a Concert 121
Prelude to a live concert 123
What to do before concert day 126
At the concert 131
Where to sit; how long to remain; what behaviors to expect 132
Special considerations 134
Conclusion 135
Part Three – Additional Considerations 137
Chapter 8 – Music and Exceptional Needs 139
Musically gifted and diagnosed 139
Auditory and visual obstacles 143
Hyperarousal 150
Chapter 9 – Useful Information and Helpful Resources 155
On brain development 155
Music therapy resources 159
Dalcroze Eurhythmics resources 162
Cadence 165
Finale 167