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Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine - Volume 1: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine - Volume 1: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Xue Charlie Changli | Lu Chuanjian | Shergis Johannah


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Book Details


Evidence-based Clinical Chinese Medicine: Vol. 1 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease provides a 'whole evidence' analysis of the Chinese medicine management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Evidence from the classical Chinese medicine literature, contemporary clinical literature, and the outcomes of clinical trials and experimental studies are reviewed, analysed and synthesised. The data from all these sources are condensed to provide evidence-based statements which will inform clinical practice and guide future research.This book has been designed to be an easy reference at the point of care. During a patient consultation, Chinese medicine practitioners can refer to this book for guidance on which Chinese herbal medicine formulas, specific herbs, or acupuncture points, can best treat their patient, and be confident there is evidence which supports its use.Currently, Chinese medicine practitioners who develop a special interest in a particular health condition such as COPD have to consult a variety of sources to further their knowledge. Typically, they use the contemporary clinical literature to understand the theory, aetiology, pathogenesis and obtain expert opinions on the Chinese medicine management of COPD. They search the electronic literature to identify systematic reviews of clinical trials, if any exists, to obtain assessments of the current state of the clinical evidence for particular interventions. If they have the skills and resources, they may search the classical Chinese medicine literature for an historical perspective on treatments that have stood the test of time.This book provides all of this information for practitioners in one handy, easy to use reference. This allows practitioners to focus on their job of providing high quality healthcare, with the knowledge it is based on the best available evidence.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents xxiii
Disclaimer v
Foreword vii
Related Publications x
Authors and Contributors xiii
Members of Advisory Committee and Panel xv
Acknowledgments xxi
List of Figures xxxiii
List of Tables xxxv
1. Introduction to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 1
Risk Factors 2
Pathological Processes 3
Diagnosis 4
Symptoms 4
Testing 4
Differential Diagnosis 6
Acute Exacerbations of COPD 6
Management 8
Pharmacological Interventions 8
Non-Pharmacological Interventions 9
Management of Acute Exacerbations of COPD 9
Therapeutic Outcomes 10
References 11
2. COPD in Chinese Medicine 13
Aetiology and Pathogenesis 15
Syndrome Differentiation and Treatments 16
Stable COPD 17
Lung qi deficiency 17
Lung and Spleen qi deficiency 17
Lung and Kidney qi deficiency 18
Lung and Kidney qi and Yin deficiency 19
Acute Exacerbations of COPD 19
External cold and internal phlegm-yin 19
Phlegm-heat obstructing the Lung 20
Turbid phlegm obstructing the Lung 20
Phlegm and blood stasis in the Lung 21
Yang deficiency with excess fluid 21
Phlegm clouding the Heart orifice 22
Single-Herb Formulae 22
Acupuncture and Related Therapies 23
Other Therapies 24
Other Strategies 24
References 25
3. Classical Chinese Medicine Literature 27
Classical Literature Search 28
Classical Literature Citations 29
Results 30
Common Formulae 31
Common Herbs 31
Common Acupuncture Points 33
Selected Quotations 35
Classical Literature in Perspective 36
References 37
4. Methods for Evaluating Clinical Evidence 39
Search Strategy 40
Inclusion Criteria 42
Exclusion Criteria 42
Methodological Quality Assessment 42
Statistical Analyses 43
Summary of Findings 43
References 44
5. Clinical Evidence for Chinese Herbal Medicine 47
Previous Systematic Reviews 47
Stable COPD 48
Acute Exacerbations of COPD 48
Clinical Evidence: Characteristics 49
Clinical Evidence from Randomised Controlled Trials 50
Methodological Quality 53
Stable COPD 56
Oral CHM 56
Lung function 56
Health-related quality of life 56
Dyspnoea scales 58
Exercise capacity 58
COPD exacerbations 60
BODE index 60
Effective rate 60
Intravenous CHM 62
6. Pharmacological Actions of Common Herbs 109
Experimental Studies of huang qi 109
Experimental Studies of dang shen and ren shen 110
Experimental Studies of bai zhu 110
Experimental Studies of xing ren 110
Experimental Studies of ban xia 111
Experimental Studies of huang qin 111
Experimental Studies of chen pi 112
Experimental Studies of dan shen 112
Experimental Studies of gan cao 112
Experimental Studies of fu ling 113
Experimental Studies of Herbal Formulae 113
Summary of Pharmacological Actions of Common Herbs 114
References 114
7. Clinical Evidence for Acupuncture and Related Therapies 119
Previous Systematic Reviews 120
Clinical Evidence: Characteristics 121
Clinical Evidence from Randomised Controlled Trials 123
Methodological Quality 125
Acupuncture 125
Effects of Intervention: Acupuncture 126
Acupuncture alone 126
Stable COPD 126
Acute exacerbations of COPD 127
Acupuncture plus Pulmonary Rehabilitation 127
Acupuncture plus Other Acupuncture Therapies 127
Acupuncture plus Moxibustion 127
Acupuncture plus Point Application Therapy 128
Summary of Findings for Main Comparisons 128
Acupressure 128
Effects of Intervention: Acupressure 131
Acupressure alone 131
8. Clinical Evidence for Other Chinese Medicine Therapies 155
Previous Systematic Reviews 156
Clinical Evidence: Other Chinese Medicine Therapies 157
Clinical Evidence from Randomised Controlled Trials 158
Characteristics 158
Methodological Quality 159
Effects of Intervention: Qigong 159
Qigong alone 159
Qigong plus pharmacotherapy, health education and/or breathing exercises 160
Effects of Intervention: Taichi 161
Taichi alone 161
Taichi plus pulmonary rehabilitation and respiratory exercise 162
Summary of Findings for Main Comparisons 163
Effects of Intervention: Chinese Pulmonary Rehabilitation 163
Chinese Pulmonary Rehabilitation Alone 163
Chinese Pulmonary Rehabilitation plus Pharmacotherapy 163
Effects of Intervention: Tuina 166
Tuina Alone 166
Tuina plus Pharmacotherapy 166
Effects of the Intervention: Cupping 166
Clinical Evidence from Non-Randomised Controlled Trials 166
Clinical Evidence from Non-Controlled Studies 167
Summary of Main Findings: Other Chinese Medicine Therapies for COPD 167
Overall Evidence 168
Implications for Practice 168
References 169
9. Clinical Evidence for Combination Therapies 171
Methodological Quality 173
Clinical Evidence from Randomised Controlled Trials 173
Stable COPD 173
Acute Exacerbations of COPD 176
Combination Therapies for Stable COPD 176
Summary of Main Findings: Combination Therapies for COPD 178
Overall Evidence 178
Implications for Practice 178
10. Summary of All Evidence 179
Chinese Herbal Medicine 179
Stable COPD 180
Acute Exacerbations of COPD 183
Acupuncture and Related Therapies 183
Summary of Acupuncture Therapies Across Evidence Types 184
Other Chinese Medicine Therapies 185
Implications for Practice 185
Implications for Research 188
Methods 188
Intervention 189
Appendix 1: All Included Clinical Studies 191
Appendix 2: List of Formulae Cited in the Monograph 265
Appendix 3: List of Herbs Cited in the Monograph 267
Glossary 271
Index 285