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Working with Violence and Confrontation Using Solution Focused Approaches

Working with Violence and Confrontation Using Solution Focused Approaches

Judith Milner | Steve Myers | Andrew Turnell


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An authoritative, interdisciplinary book which outlines how solution focused practice is particularly effective in addressing violent behaviour in clients and service users, encompassing work with both adults and children.

Solution focused approaches have been used successfully with a range of violent behaviours from school-based bullying to severe domestic violence, as well as with victims of violence. Solution focused approaches hold people accountable for building solutions to their violent behaviour. The book shows how to engage clients in solution talk as opposed to problem talk, set useful goals and help clients to develop new behaviours. It outlines the practice principles and working techniques that make up solution focused practice with physical, emotional and sexual violence. Illustrative case studies and practice activities are provided.

This book is suitable for anyone working to help reduce violent behaviour, including social workers, counsellors, therapists, nurses, probation workers and youth offending teams.

Some problems can seem more intractable and impervious to change efforts than others, and violence is certainly one of these, so it is refreshing to find a book that offers such a positive and hopeful approach to work in this field. Judith Milner and Steve Myers are to be commended for their boldness in showing how solution focused approaches can help people move from problems of violence towards preferred lives, and how such approaches can be used creatively, even at times playfully. Their book provides a cornucopia of useful questions directed at change, while keeping safety in mind, drawing from an interconnecting range of solution focused, brief therapy, narrative and Signs of Safety approaches. The plentiful practice examples and practice activities enhance the book's practical nature, which make it likely that anyone charged with finding solutions in violent situations will find something useful inside these pages.
Guy Shennan, Independent Consultant in Solution Focused Practice and Chair of the British Association of Social Workers
Previously a senior lecturer in social work, Judith Milner recently retired from work as a therapist, consultant and independent expert to family courts in child protection, domestic violence and contested contact cases. She is widely published on solution focused practice. Steve Myers is Director of Social Sciences at University of Salford, Manchester. A social work academic since 1995, he has led research projects and has authored and co-authored a series of books and articles about violence, sex and solutions. Judith and Steve both live in Yorkshire.
Milner and Myers have drawn on extensive experience of practice and training to offer what for many could be a radically different and more effective way of opening up discussions about actions which are usually too difficult to talk about, let alone change.
John Wheeler, UKCP Registered Systemic Psychotherapist and President of the International Alliance of Solution Focused Training Institutes

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Working with Violence and Confrontation Using Solution Focused Approaches 1
Chapter 1. Introduction 9
Solution focused approaches 13
Solution focused explanations for violent behaviour 21
Resilience 24
The Signs of Safety approach 25
Chapter 2. Understanding the Position of Each Person 27
Respectfulness 27
Problem-free talk 31
Listening 32
Building partnership 34
Talking with people who can’t or won’t talk 35
Do’s for constructive conversations 39
Don’ts for constructive conversations 41
Chapter 3. Finding Exceptions or Unique Outcomes to Violence and Conflict 43
Separating the person from the problem 49
Where exceptions are relevant to the problem 52
Where the exceptions don’t seem relevant 54
Where there are no exceptions at all 57
Recording signs of safety 57
Conclusion 62
Chapter 4. Setting Achievable Goals 63
Defining goals 63
Setting safety goals 65
Preferred futures 69
The miracle question 72
Group miracle questions 76
Shortened circular miracle question 77
Where the problem is denied 78
Where there are conflicting goals 80
People with learning difficulties 84
Chapter 5. Discovering Strengths and Resources 85
Turning deficits into resources 85
Starting a strengths conversation 88
Strengths in adversity 92
Complicating stories 94
Group strengths and resources 94
Finding strengths in people who are socially isolated 96
Strengths that build safety 98
Chapter 6. Scaling Safety and Progress 102
Scaling questions 102
Scaled questions for safety goal setting 104
Questions for assessing safety 106
Questions that assess likelihood of change 110
Assessing progress 112
Being creative 121
Chapter 7. Ending a Session 124
Deciding on tasks 124
Evaluating the session and ending it 130
Feedback 132
Subsequent sessions 137
When things are better 137
When things are the same 139
When things are worse 141
When things are mixed 143
Chapter 8. Groupwork 144
Using connections 144
Advantages of groupwork 144
Setting up a group 145
Determining group rules 147
Groupwork practice principles 149
Managing difficult group members 153
Flexible groupwork in testing situations 155
Forgotten victims 157
References 158
Index 162
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