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Digital Jihad

Digital Jihad

Erik Skare


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Book Details


A new and innovative form of dissent has emerged in response to the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Dubbed "electronic jihad", this approach has seen organized groups of Palestinian hackers make international headlines by breaching the security of such sites as the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, AVG, Avira, Whatsapp, and BitDefender. Though initially confined to small clandestine groups, "hacktivism" is now increasingly being adopted by militant Palestinian parties, including Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, who have gone so far as to incorporate hackers into their armed brigades.

Digital Jihad is the first book to explore this rapidly evolving and still little understood aspect of the Palestinian resistance movement. Drawing on extensive interviews with hackers and other activists, it provides a unique and fascinating new perspective on the Palestinian struggle.

Erik Skare is an activist and editor for the pro-Palestinian website Infofada. He is also the author (in Norwegian) of Palestine: A Political Travel Guide.

'Is the hacktivist the new historical subject of Palestinian liberation? The hackers believe they're beyond politics, while the older, traditional freedom fighters are sceptical about the value of virtual conflict. It is this analysis of these divergences that makes Digital Jihad a vital read.'

'Digital Jihad is an excellent discussion of the history and development of Palestinian activism ... useful for classes on resistance, activism, and conflict in the Middle East, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, youth movements, and cyber security'.
Review of Middle East Studies

"Hacking and hackers may nab major headlines, but concrete knowledge about this domain is still scant. Digital Jihad has helped fill this glaring gap. A well-researched and accessible mediation on Palestinian hacktivism."
Gabriella Coleman, author of Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: The Many Faces of Anonymous

"In his stunning and engaging new book, Erik Skare reveals how the Palestinian struggle has adapted to an era of instant and nearly ubiquitous communication that has spawned hacktivism as a major force for those challenging the status quo. An original and trailblazing study, this is a must read."
Robert W. McChesney, co-author of People Get Ready: The Fight Against a Jobless Economy and a Citizenless Democracy

"This excellent book provides a fascinating insight into the new generation of young Palestinians and their daily battle in cyberspace for the liberation of Palestine. A must read for anyone who wants to understand future trends in the evergreen Palestine conflict."
Ilan Pappé, editor of Israel and South Africa: The Many Faces of Apartheid

"This groundbreaking book takes us into the secret world of Palestinian hacktivism. Through a series of in-depth interviews, Skare presents a well-balanced and original account of Palestinian hacktivists, their ideology and role in the resistance."
Anne Stenersen, Director of Terrorism Research, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment

"An impressively engaging account of how 'facts on the ground' are being reverse-engineered, in true hacker style, to 'questions in cyberspace'. A fascinating exploration of the complex inter-weaving of both the social and technical aspects of an ever-evolving conflict."
Paul Taylor, author of Hacktivism and Cyberwars: Rebels with a Cause?

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Front cover
About the Author i
Title Page iii
Copyright iv
Dedication v
Contents vii
Acknowledgments ix
Editorial Note xiii
Prologue xv
Introduction 1
Part I: Heading for the Military–Digital Complex\r 11
1: The Resistance Develops 13
2: The Shahīd and the Normalization of Occupation 23
3: A Digital Fortress: The Israeli Military–Digital Complex 31
4: The Istishhadi and the Emergence of Palestinian Electronic Jihad 51
Part II: Palestine 2.0 and the New Cyber-Warriors 63
5: Gaza Hacker Team: Electronic Jihadists and Script Kiddies 65
6: From the Nation to the Umma 87
7: Islamic Jihad and Hamas: The Palestinian Cyber-Brigades 111
8: Does Matter Really Matter? Palestinian Ambivalence about Electronic Jihad 131
Part III: When the Guns Fall Silent 147
9: A Continuation of the Armed Struggle? 149
10: Final Thoughts 167
Epilogue 183
Notes 187
Index 212
Back Cover Back cover