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Crisis and Class War in Egypt

Crisis and Class War in Egypt

Sean F. McMahon



In 2011, capital’s crisis erupted in Egyptian society. This eruption, and subsequent politics, have been misrepresented as revolutionary, as the working class was – and is increasingly so – devalued and disempowered.

In Crisis and Class War in Egypt, Sean F. McMahon critically analyses Egypt's recent political history. He argues that the so-called 'revolution' was the appearance of capital's destruction of the value of the Egyptian working class and an existential crisis for capital. In response, productive capital in the form of the military used, disposed of and replaced its junior partners in governing; first the predatory capital of the Mubarak state with the commodity capital of the Muslim Brotherhood, and then commodity capital with the finance capital of the Gulf Cooperation Council. These reconfigurations have been expressed in all manner of reactionary governmental arrangements including constitutions, legislation and currency reform.

Extending today's analysis into the near future, McMahon sees the war of Egyptian society intensifying, and increasingly violent lives for Egyptian workers.

Sean F. McMahon is assistant professor of political science. He is editor, with Dan Tschirgi and Walid Kazziha, of Egypt's Tahrir Revolution (2013) and the author of The Discourse of Palestinian–Israeli Relations: Persistent Analytics and Practices (2010).

'Employing the labour theory of value, McMahon delves into the underlying causes of the continuing crisis in Egypt. The analysis stands in stark contrast to the shallowness of Orientalist and neoliberal explanations of events. McMahon also predicts that an eruption between capital and labour is looming.’
Ibrahim Aoude, editor, Arab Studies Quarterly

‘Provides a remarkably detailed analysis of the neoliberal policies – both within Egypt and at a global level – that undermined the well-being of Egyptian workers and produced the desperation behind the uprising in 2011.’
Harry Cleaver, University of Texas at Austin (Emeritus)

'Offers an insightful perspective that is not often found in studies of Egyptian politics … Crisis and Class War in Egypt is a thought-provoking read that raises critical questions about Egypt’s recent past and carries important implications for its future.'
Muslim World Book Review

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Halftitle i
About the author ii
Title page iii
Copyright iv
Dedication v
Book epigraph vi
Contents vii
Figures and tables ix
Acknowledgments x
1. Introduction 1
Appearance and essence 1
Analytical framework: Materialist dialectics 3
Vulgar and fetishistic literature 10
Structure of the book 27
2. Dialectical development of Egypt’s crisis moment 30
Introduction 30
Producing the crisis of reproduction 32
Conclusion 69
3. Fetishisms and factions 71
Fetishisms 71
Factions of capital 76
Egypt’s social war 99
Conclusion 109
4. Realignments and reform 111
Historicizing changing relations and their political forms of expression 112
Reform through crisis 120
2013 political transmutation 142
Conclusion 164
5. The coming eruption of crisis 166
Expressions of war 166
Contradictions at a higher stage 170
The sharper, the nearer 175
Notes 177
Bibliography 205
Index 215