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Michael Berger


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Book Details


Nanotechnology: The Future is Tiny introduces 176 different research projects from around the world that are exploring the different areas of nanotechnologies. Using interviews and descriptions of the projects, the collection of essays provides a unique commentary on the current status of the field. From flexible electronics that you can wear to nanomaterials used for cancer diagnostics and therapeutics, the book gives a new perspective on the current work into developing new nanotechnologies. Each chapter delves into a specific area of nanotechnology research including graphene, energy storage, electronics, 3D printing, nanomedicine, nanorobotics as well as environmental implications.

Through the scientists' own words, the book gives a personal perspective on how nanotechnologies are created and developed, and an exclusive look at how today's research will create tomorrow's products and applications. This book will appeal to anyone who has an interest in the research and future of nanotechnology.

The book is recommended not only to all interested scientists, but also to students who are looking for a quick and clear introduction to various research areas of nanotechnology
Mathias Seifert
Once you start reading you will find it very difficult to stop.
Peter Myers, University of Liverpool
I really liked this book and have no hesitation in recommending it as a really good read.
Peter Myers, University of Liverpool

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Nanotechnology The Future is Tiny i
Preface v
Contents vii
Chapter 1 - Generating Energy Becomes Personal 1
1.1 Forget Batteries, Let a T-Shirt Power Your Smartphone 2
1.1.1 Self-Powered Smartwear 2
1.1.2 Cotton T-Shirts As Batteries 4
1.1.3 Graphene Yarns Turn Textiles into Supercapacitors 5
1.1.4 Silky Substrate Makes Flexible Solar Cells Biocompatible 6
1.1.5 Folding Origami Batteries 8
1.1.6 Towards Self-Powered Electronic Papers 9
1.1.7 Light-Driven Bioelectronic Implants Don't Need Batteries 11
1.1.8 A Stretchable Far-Field Communication Antenna for Wearable Electronics 13
1.1.9 Reversibly Bistable Materials Could Revolutionize Flexible Electronics 14
1.1.10 Nanogenerators for Large-Scale Energy Harvesting 16
1.2 A Much More Sophisticated Way to Tap into the Sun's Energy 18
1.2.1 Solar Cell Textiles 18
1.2.2 Complete Solar Cells Printed by Inkjet 20
1.2.3 Solar Paint Paves the Way for Low-Cost Photovoltaics 21
1.2.4 Paper Solar Cells 23
1.2.5 Recharging Wearable Textile Battery by Sunlight 24
References 27
Chapter 2 - No More Rigid Boxes—Fully Flexible and Transparent Electronics 28
2.1 Ultra-Stretchable Silicon 29
2.2 Rewritable, Transferable and Flexible Sticker-Type Organic Memory 30
2.3 Roll-to-Roll Production of Carbon Nanotube-Based Supercapacitors 31
2.4 Foldable Capacitive Touch Pad Printed with Nanowire Ink 33
2.5 Computer Memory Printed on Paper 34
2.6 Nanopaper Transistors 36
2.7 Approaching the Limits of Transparency and Conductivity with Nanomaterials 37
2.8 Adaptive Electronics for Implants 38
2.9 Integrating Nanoelectronic Devices onto Living Plants and Insects 40
2.10 Nanoelectronics on Textiles, Paper, Wood and Stone 42
References 43
Chapter 3 - Nanofabrication 44
3.1 Fabricating Complex Micro- and Nanostructures 44
3.1.1 Assembling Nanoparticles into 3D Structures with Microdroplets 45
3.1.2 A Design Guide to Self-Assemble Nanoparticles into Exotic Superstructures 47
3.1.3 3D Nanopatterning with Memory-Based, Sequential Wrinkling 49
3.1.4 Spraying Light—the Fabrication of Light-Emitting 3D Objects 51
3.1.5 Microfabrication Inspired by LEGO™ 52
3.1.6 Atomic Calligraphy 54
3.1.7 Complex Assemblies Based on Micelle-Like Nanostructures 56
3.1.8 Precise Manipulation of Single Nanoparticles with E-Beam Tweezers 57
3.1.9 Trapping Individual Metal Nanoparticles in Air 59
3.1.10 Plant Viruses Assist with Building Nanoscale Devices 61
3.1.11 Sculpting 3D Silicon Structures at the Single Nanometer Scale 62
3.1.12 Probing the Resolution Limits of Electron-Beam Lithography 64
3.1.13 Foldable Glass 65
3.1.14 Plasmonic Biofoam Beats Conventional Plasmonic Surfaces 67
3.1.15 Nanotechnology in a Bubble 69
3.1.16 Self-Assembly Machines—A Vision for the Future of Manufacturing 70
3.2 Nanotechnology and 3D Printing 72
3.2.1 Getting Closer to 3D Nanoprinting 72
3.2.2 The Emergence of 3D-Printed Nanostructures 74
3.2.3 Printing in Three Dimensions with Graphene 75
3.2.4 Fully 3D-Printed Quantum Dot LEDs to Fit a Contact Lens 76
3.2.5 3D-Printed Programmable Release Capsules 79
3.2.6 Embedded 3D-Printing for Soft Robotics Fabrication 81
References 83
Chapter 4 - The Future is Flat—Two-Dimensional Nanomaterials 85
4.1 Graphene 86
4.1.1 New Synthesis Method for Graphene Using Agricultural Waste 87
4.1.2 Inkjet Printing of Graphene 88
4.1.3 Graphene from Fingerprints 90
4.1.4 Graphene Laminate Drastically Changes Heat Conduction of Plastic Materials 91
4.1.5 Graphene Quantum Dot Band-Aids Disinfect Wounds 94
4.1.6 A Nanomotor that Mimics an Internal Combustion Engine 95
4.1.7 The Most Effective Material for EMI Shielding 96
4.1.8 Eavesdropping on Cells with Graphene Transistors 98
4.1.9 Graphene Beats Polymer Coatings in Preventing Microbially-Induced Corrosion 101
4.1.10 Janus Separator: A New Opportunity to Improve Lithium–Sulfur Batteries 103
4.2 Beyond Graphene 105
4.2.1 MAX Phases Get Two-Dimensional as Well 106
4.2.2 Transistor Made from All-2D Materials 108
4.2.3 Novel Mono-Elemental Semiconductors: Arsenene and Antimonene Join 2D Family 109
4.2.4 Vanadium Disulfide—A Monolayer Material for Li-Ion Batteries 111
4.2.5 Chemically Enhanced 2D Material Makes Excellent Tunable Nanoscale Light Source 112
References 114
Chapter 5 - The Medicine Man of the Future is Tiny 115
5.1 Honey, I Swallowed the Doctor 116
5.1.1 Magnetic Nanovoyagers in Human Blood 116
5.1.2 Microrobots to Deliver Drugs on Demand 118
5.1.3 First Demonstration of Micromotor Operation in a Living Organism 120
5.1.4 Multiplexed Planar Array Analysis from Within a Living Cell 121
5.1.5 Self-Powered Micropumps Respond to Glucose Levels 123
5.1.6 Sneaking Drugs into Cancer Cells 124
5.1.7 Nanoparticle-Corked Nanotubes as Drug Delivery Vehicles 126
5.1.8 Plasmonic Nanocrystals for Combined Photothermal and Photodynamic Cancer Therapies 128
5.1.9 Remotely Activating Biological Materials with Nanocomposites 130
5.1.10 Pre-Coating Nanoparticles to Better Deal with Protein Coronas 132
5.2 Sensors and Nanoprobes for Everything—Down to Single Molecules 134
5.2.1 A Quick and Simple Blood Test to Detect Early-Stage Cancer 134
5.2.2 Nanoparticles Allow Simple Monitoring of Circulating Cancer Cells 138
5.2.3 Multiplexing Biosensors on a Chip for Human Metabolite Detection 139
5.2.4 Multimodal Biosensor Integrates Optical, Electrical, and Mechanical Signals 141
5.2.5 Detecting Damaged DNA with Solid-State Nanopores 142
5.2.6 Wearable Graphene Strain Sensors Monitor Human Vital Signs 144
5.2.7 Biosensor Detects Biomarkers for Parkinson's Disease 146
5.2.8 Breath Nanosensors for Diagnosis of Diabetes 147
5.2.9 Ultrafast Sensor Monitors You While You Speak 151
5.2.10 Detecting Flu Viruses in Exhaled Breath 152
5.2.11 Nanosensor for Advanced Cancer Biomarker Detection 154
5.2.12 Optical Detection of Epigenetic Marks 156
5.2.13 Nanosensor Tattoo on Teeth Monitors Bacteria in Your Mouth 158
5.2.14 Tracking Nanomedicines Inside the Body 159
5.2.15 Measuring Femtoscale Displacement for Photoacoustic Spectroscopy 161
5.2.16 Reduced Graphene Oxide Platform Shows Extreme Sensitivity to Circulating Tumor Cells 163
5.3 Analyzing and Manipulating Single Cells Becomes Possible 165
5.3.1 Untethered Active Microgripper for Single-Cell Analysis 165
5.3.2 New Technique Precisely Determines Nanoparticle Uptake into Individual Cells 166
5.3.3 Optical Sensor Detects Single Cancer Cells 168
5.3.4 Catch and Release of Individual Cancer Cells 169
5.3.5 Sensing of Single Malaria-Infected Red Blood Cells 171
5.3.6 Novel Mechanobiological Tool for Probing the Inner Workings of a Cell 173
5.3.7 Snail-Inspired Nanosensor Detects and Maps mRNA in Living Cells 175
5.3.8 Silicon Chips Inserted into Living Cells Can Feel the Pressure 176
5.3.9 Direct Observation of How Nanoparticles Interact with the Nucleus of a Cancer Cell 179
5.3.10 A Precise Nanothermometer for Intracellular Temperature Mapping 180
5.3.11 Direct Observation of Drug Release from Carbon Nanotubes in Living Cells 182
5.3.12 Functionalizing Living Cells 184
5.4 A Glimpse at the Numerous Benefits that Nanomedicine Has in Store for Us 186
5.4.1 High-Tech Band-Aids 186
5.4.2 Surface-Modified Nanocellulose Hydrogels for Wound Dressing 188
5.4.3 Curcumin Nanoparticles as Innovative Antimicrobial and Wound Healing Agents 190
5.4.4 Multifunctional RNA Nanoparticles to Combat Cancer and Viral Infections 192
5.4.5 Replacing Antibiotics with Graphene-Based Photothermal Agents 194
5.4.6 Nanotechnology Against Acne 196
5.4.7 Biofunctionalized Silk Nanofibers Repair the Optic Nerve 198
5.4.8 Move Over Chips—Here Come Multifunctional Labs on a Single Fiber 200
5.4.9 Nanoparticles Accelerate and Improve Healing of Burn Wounds 203
5.4.10 A Nanoparticle-Based Alternative to Viagra 204
5.4.11 Light-Triggered Local Anesthesia 206
5.4.12 Toward Next-Generation Nanomedicines for Cancer Therapy 207
References 209
Chapter 6 - A Foray into the Multifaceted World of Nanotechnologies 212
6.1 Nanorobotics—Motors and Machines at the Nanoscale 213
6.1.1 A Nanorobotics Platform for Nanomanufacturing 213
6.1.2 Graphene-Based Biomimetic Soft Robotics Platform 215
6.1.3 How to Switch a Nanomachine On and Off 217
6.1.4 Understanding Springs at the Nanoscale 219
6.1.5 Fast Molecular Cargo Transport by Diffusion 220
6.1.6 Micro- and Nanomotors Powered Solely by Water 222
6.1.7 Self-Propelled Microrockets Detect Dangerous Bacteria 224
6.1.8 Repair Nanobots on Damage Patrol 227
6.2 Inspired by Nature, the Greatest Nanotechnologist of All 228
6.2.1 Smart Materials Become “Alive” with Living Bacteria in Supramolecular Assemblies 228
6.2.2 From Squid Protein to Bioelectronic Applications 230
6.2.3 An Octopus Might Point the Way to Stealth Coatings 232
6.2.4 Battery Parts Grown on a Rice Field 233
6.2.5 Turning Trash into Treasure—Bioinspired Colorimetric Assays 235
6.2.6 Flesh-Eating Fungus Produces Cancer-Fighting Nanoparticles 237
6.2.7 Upconverting Synthetic Leaf Takes Its Cues from Nature 238
6.2.8 Replicating Nacre Through Nanomimetics 239
6.3 DNA Nanotechnology 241
6.3.1 DNA-Templated Nanoantenna Captures and Emits Light One Photon at a Time 242
6.3.2 DNA Nanopyramids Detect and Combat Bacterial Infections 244
6.3.3 3D-Printed “Smart Glue” Leverages DNA Assembly at the Macroscale 246
6.3.4 DNA Origami Nanorobot with a Switchable Flap 248
6.3.5 Fuzzy and Boolean Logic Gates Based on DNA Nanotechnology 250
6.4 Sensors for Everything, Everywhere 252
6.4.1 Cheap Paper-Based Gas Sensors 252
6.4.2 Plasmonic Smart Dust to Probe Chemical Reactions 253
6.4.3 A Human-Like Nanobioelectronic Tongue 256
6.4.4 Electronic Sensing with Your Fingertips 258
6.4.5 Electronic Skin Takes Your Temperature 260
6.4.6 Nanocurve-Based Sensor Reads Facial Expressions 262
6.4.7 Selective Gas Sensing with Pristine Graphene 263
6.4.8 Detecting Single Nanoparticles and Viruses with a Smartphone 265
6.4.9 Smartphone Nano-Biosensors for Early Detection of Tuberculosis 266
6.4.10 One-Step Detection of Pathogens and Viruses with High Sensitivity 268
6.4.11 A Nanosensor for One-Step Detection of Bisphenol A 269
6.4.12 Optical Sensor Platform Based on Nanopaper 271
6.4.13 Ultrahigh-Resolution Digital Image Sensor Achieves Pixel Size of 50 Nanometers 272
6.5 Metamaterials 274
6.5.1 Topological Transitions in Metamaterials for More Efficient Solar Cells, Sensors, and LEDs 274
6.5.2 New Cloaking Material Hides Objects Otherwise Visible to the Human Eye 276
6.5.3 The Thinnest Possible Invisibility Cloak 277
6.5.4 Novel Nanosphere Lithography to Fabricate Tunable Plasmonic Metasurfaces 279
6.6 Nanotechnology Research Knows No Boundaries 281
6.6.1 Superlubricity 281
6.6.2 Microfluidics Without Channels and Troughs 283
6.6.3 Truly Blond—Hair As a Nanoreactor to Synthesize Gold Nanoparticles 285
6.6.4 A Virus-Sized Laser 286
6.6.5 High-Resolution Holograms with Nanoscale Pixels 288
6.6.6 Exploring the Complexity of Nanomaterial/Neural Interfaces 289
6.6.7 Skin-Inspired Haptic Memory Devices 292
6.6.8 Light-Emitting Nanofibers Shine the Way for Optoelectronic Textiles 294
6.6.9 Protecting Satellite Electronics with Reinforced Carbon Nanotube Films 295
6.6.10 A Nanoscale Color Filter 297
6.6.11 Self-Healing Hybrid Gel System 299
6.6.12 Nanowire Structures Lead to White-Light and AC-Operated LEDs 301
6.6.13 Spiders Inspire Better Adhesives for High-Humidity Environments 303
6.6.14 Studying Phase Transformations of a Single Nanoparticle at the Atomic Level 305
References 308
Chapter 7 - Nanotechnology to the Rescue—Environmental Applications 312
7.1 A Simple Test Kit for the Detection of Nanoparticles 312
7.2 Low-Cost Nanotechnology Water Filter 315
7.3 Carbon Nanotube Ponytail Cleanser 316
7.4 Just Shake It! A Simple Way to Remove Nanomaterial Pollutants from Water 319
7.5 The Challenge of Testing Nanomaterial Ecotoxicity in Aquatic Environments 321
7.6 Water Quality Testing with Artificial “Microfish” 323
7.7 Microscale Garbage Trucks 324
7.7.1 About Fenton Reactions 326
7.8 Nanomaterials that Capture Nerve Agents 327
7.9 Replacing Chemical Disinfectants with Engineered Water Nanostructures 329
7.10 Nanotechnology Could Make Battery Recycling Economically Attractive 330
7.11 Bioinspired Nanofur Reduces Underwater Drag of Marine Vessels 332
7.12 Risk-Ranking Tool for Nanomaterials 334
References 336
Subject Index 337