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Alternative Energy Sources for Green Chemistry

Alternative Energy Sources for Green Chemistry

Georgios Stefanidis | Andrzej Stankiewicz



The use of alternative energy forms and transfer mechanisms is one of the key approaches of process intensification. In recent years, significant amounts of research have been carried out in developing chemical processing technologies enhanced by plasma, electric and magnetic fields, electromagnetic and ultra-sound waves and high gravity fields. Discussing the broad impact of alternative energy transfer technologies on reactions, separations and materials synthesis, this book reports on recent breakthrough results in various application areas. It provides a comprehensive overview of the current developments in the field. The book enables industrialists, academics and postgraduates in alternative-energy based processing to see the potential of alternative energies for green chemistry and sustainability of chemical manufacturing.

Andrzej Stankiewicz is Professor of Process Intensification at Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. His research focuses on the application of alternative energy forms and transfer mechanisms for the intensification of chemical reactions.

Giorgos Stefanidis is Assistant Professor at the Chair of Intensified Reaction and Separation Systems of Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. His research focusses on process intensification, chemical reactor design and alternative energy forms.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Alternative Energy Sources for Green Chemistry i
Preface vii
Contents xi
Chapter 1 - Microwave-Assisted Green Organic Synthesis 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Solvent-Free Reactions 4
1.3 Microwave Susceptors 8
1.3.1 Graphite As a Microwave Susceptor 8
1.3.2 Silicon Carbide (SiC) As a Microwave Susceptor 10
1.3.3 Other Microwave Susceptors 14
1.4 Reactions in Solution 15
1.4.1 Reactions in Water 16
1.4.2 Reactions in Ionic Liquids (ILs) 19
1.4.3 Fluorous Chemistry 22
1.5 Flow Chemistry 24
1.6 Conclusions 30
References 30
Chapter 2 - Microwave-Assisted Plant Extraction Processes 34
2.1 Introduction 34
2.2 Microwave Heating Foundations 35
2.2.1 Volumetric Heating Term 37
2.3 Microwave-Assisted Extraction Systems 39
2.3.1 Usage of Modified Domestic Microwave Ovens 40
2.3.2 Usage of Commercial Microwave Reactors 41
2.3.3 Continuous and High-Scale Microwave Applicators for MAE 43
2.4 Plants and Components of Interest for Microwave-Assisted Extraction Processes 43
2.4.1 Essential Oils from Herbs 43
2.4.2 Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidants 44
2.4.3 Oils, Lipids and Fatty Acids 44
2.4.4 Polysaccharides and Pectin Extraction 45
2.5 Microwave-Assisted Extraction Techniques 45
2.5.1 Solvent-Free Microwave Extraction 47
2.5.2 Microwave-Assisted Extraction 48
2.5.3 Microwave Pre-Treatment 50
2.6 Extraction Fundamentals 50
2.6.1 Heat Generation 51
2.6.2 Mass Transfer 52
2.6.3 Kinetics Modelling 54
2.7 Operating Variables 55
2.7.1 Time 55
2.7.2 Microwave Power and Energy 56
2.7.3 Temperature 57
2.7.4 Particle Size 57
2.7.5 Solvent 58
2.7.6 Pressure 58
2.8 Conclusions 59
References 59
Chapter 3 - Low-Temperature Microwave Pyrolysis and Large Scale Microwave Applications 64
3.1 Microwave Technology 64
3.1.1 Microwave Technology Applications 65
3.1.2 History of Heating Application of Microwave Irradiation 66
3.1.3 Microwave Equipment 67
3.2 Heating 68
3.2.1 General Discussion 68
3.2.2 Mechanism of Microwave Heating 69
3.3 Microwave Pyrolysis/Torrefaction 72
3.3.1 Introduction 72
3.3.2 Low-Temperature Pyrolysis of Constituent Biomass Components 73 Cellulose 73 Hemi-Cellulose 78 Lignin 79
3.3.3 Microwave Pyrolysis of Lignocellulosic Biomass 80 Wood 80 Wheat Straw and Rice Straw 81 Macro and Micro Algae 83 Oil Palm 83
3.4 Commercial Applications of Microwaves 84
3.4.1 Drying Apparatus 85
3.4.2 Other Processes 86
3.4.3 Microwave-Assisted Biomass Activation 87
3.5 Conclusion 89
Acknowledgements 89
References 90
Chapter 4 - Microwave Reactor Concepts: From Resonant Cavities to Traveling Fields 93
4.1 Introduction: The Limitations of Thermal Reactor Activation 93
4.2 Resonant Microwave Cavities 95
4.2.1 Multimode Cavities 97
4.2.2 Single Mode Cavities 100 CEM Discover 100 TE10n Cavities 103
4.3 Advanced Non-Cavity Applicator Types 110
4.3.1 Internal Transmission Line 111
4.3.2 Traveling Microwave Reactor 112 Liquid Phase Process Configuration 115 Gas–Solid Phase Process Configuration 119
4.4 Conclusions 121
Acknowledgements 122
References 122
Chapter 5 - Greener Processing Routes for Reactions and Separations Based on Use of Ultrasound and Hydrodynamic Cavitation 126
5.1 Introduction 126
5.2 Mechanism of Cavitation-Based Process Intensification 128
5.3 Reactor Configurations 130
5.3.1 Sonochemical Reactors 130
5.3.2 Hydrodynamic Cavitation Reactors 133
5.4 Guidelines for the Selection of Cavitational Reactor Designs and Operating Parameters 136
5.5 Comparison of Two Modes of Cavity Generation 138
5.6 Overview of Intensification of Chemical Synthesis 140
5.7 Overview of Applications in the Area of Wastewater Treatment 143
5.8 Overview of Cavitational Reactors for Intensified Separations 147
5.8.1 Crystallization 147
5.8.2 Extraction 150
5.8.3 Adsorption 153
5.8.4 Distillation 155
5.9 Summary 156
References 157
Chapter 6 - Magnetically Assisted Separations in Chemical Industry and Biotechnology: Basic Principles and Applications 161
6.1 Introduction 161
6.1.1 Magnetic Separations at a Glance 162
6.1.2 Topics Analyzed at a Glance 162 Mechanical Magnetic Separations 163 Separations Involving Non-Tailored Magnetic Solids 163 Separations Involving Magnetic Solids with Tailored and Functionalized Surfaces 163
6.2 Mechanical Magnetic Separations 163
6.2.1 Magnetically-Assisted Fluidization (MAF) 164 Operating Modes 165 Magnetic Fields Used 165 Hydrodynamic Background 167 Solids Flow Through the Reactor: Operating Modes.There are two operating modes with respects the solids flow through the reactor... 167 Fluidization Vessels.In general, fluidization is performed in cylindrical vessels (columns) allowing a homogeneous gas distribut... 167 Bed Regimes Map.Commonly, the original studies are motivated by the need to operate either: at high working velocities, impossib... 168
6.2.2 Magnetically-Assisted Particle–Particle Separations by Density 169 Batch-Solids Separations 169 Continuous Cross-Flow MSB for Particle–Particle Separations 170
6.2.3 Particle Separation from Flow 171 Magnetic Matrix Filters 171 MSB-Based Aerosol Filters 172 Aerosols Capture in Magnetization FIRST Mode: Axial Fields.This is the oldest application of MSB filters based on the doctoral t... 173\rAerosols Capture in Magnetization LAST Mode: Axial Fields.The group of Tien58–60 developed the idea for MSB filters in more deta... 174 Aerosols Capture in Magnetization FIRST Mode: Transverse Fields.In axial fields, in order to create an almost homogeneous partic... 174 Aerosol Filtration by Magnetically Semi-Fluidized Beds 174 Magnetically-Assisted Cake Filtration 175
6.2.4 Magnetically-Assisted Gravity Sedimentation 176
6.3 Magnetic Separations Involving Magnetic Solids with Non-Tailored Surfaces 177
6.3.1 Magnetic Seeding 177
6.3.2 Adsorption: Focusing on Magnetite as Adsorbent 178 Adsorption of Hazardous Species: Examples 180\rRadioactive contaminants 180
Cesium. Milonjic and Ruvarac86 reported the adsorption of cesium (Cs), cobalt (Co2+ as less than 5 wt%) and cerium (Ce+) by magn... 180
Cobalt. Cotten and Navratil88 observed the adsorption of cobalt in a static field of a neodymium–iron–boron permanent magnet irr... 180
Uranium. Uranium and associated radionuclides, in particular radium and radon, pose significant health risks to humans due to bo... 180
Europium. Being a typical member of the lanthanide series, europium (Eu), usually assumes the oxidation state of +3, but due to ... 181\rHeavy Metals 181
Chromium. Namdeo and Bajpai93 investigated deposition of a hexavalent chromium Cr(vi) onto synthetic magnetite nanoparticles fro... 181
Selenium. Selenium (a metalloid found in group VI of the periodic table below sulfur) is a natural trace element found in bedroc... 181
Arsenic. Arsenic is a heavy metal occurring in the environment in different oxidation states and form various species, e.g., As ... 181\rPost-Adsorption Separations.The next step, after the adsorption, is the removal of the magnetic adsorbents from the solution. Co... 182\rCoarse Particles vs. Nanoparticles As Adsorbents.The main problem in the sorption by nanoparticles is the impossibility to organ... 183\rMagnetically-Assisted Fluidization: An Alternative in the Adsorption Separations.The sorption with magnetic adsorbents should co... 183
6.3.3 Metal Recovery by Cementation 183 Copper Cementation by Iron 184 Silver Cementation by Iron 185
6.4 Magnetic Separations Involving Tailored and Functionalized Magnetic Solids 185
6.4.1 Why Magnetic Beads 186
6.4.2 Magnetic Bead Manufacturing 186
6.4.3 Examples of Bio-Separation Processes 188 Affinity Chromatography 188 MSB-Based Cell Affinity Separations 189 Magnetic solid-phase extraction 189
6.4.4 Magnetic Membrane Separations 189
6.5 Final Comments 190
References 191
Chapter 7 - Prospects of Magnetic Nanoparticles for Magnetic Field-Assisted Mixing of Fluids with Relevance to Chemical Engineering 198
7.1 Introduction 198
7.2 Mixing Based on Ferrohydrodynamics (FHD) 199
7.2.1 FHD Transport Equations 201
7.2.2 Mixing with Static Magnetic Fields (SMF) 202
7.2.3 Mixing with Oscillating Magnetic Fields (OMF) 207
7.2.4 Mixing with Rotating Magnetic Fields (RMF) 211 Comparison of RMF with OMF and SMF in Lateral Nanomixing of Ferrofluid Capillary Flows 214
7.3 Lorentz Force-Driven Mixing 217
7.4 Conclusion 223
Nomenclature 224
References 225
Chapter 8 - Photocatalysis: Past Achievements and Future Trends 227
8.1 Introduction 227
8.2 Catalyst Development 230
8.3 Photocatalytic Reactors 246
8.3.1 Suspended Systems 246
8.3.2 Immobilised Systems 247 Flat Plate 247 Honeycomb Monolith Photocatalytic Reactor 248 Optical Fiber Photocatalytic Reactors 249 Annular Reactors 252 Packed-Bed Photocatalytic Reactors 252 Microreactors 253
8.3.3 Light Sources 254 Solar-Based Photocatalytic Reactors 255 Artificial Light Sources 258
8.4 Conclusions 259
References 260
Chapter 9 - Photocatalytic Reactors in Environmental Applications 270
9.1 Introduction 270
9.2 Wastewater Treatment 272
9.2.1 Slurry Reactors 273 Multi-Lamp Reactor (MLR) 276 Rotating Annular Reactor (RAR) 278 Fountain Reactor (FR) 279 Photocatalytic Membrane Reactor (PMR) 280
9.2.2 Immobilized Catalyst Reactors (ICR) 282 Parallel Plate Reactor (PPR) 284 Microreactor 285 Optical Fibre Reactor (OFR) 286 Foam Reactor (FR) 286 Spinning Disc Reactor (SDR) 288
9.3 Benchmarking Wastewater Treatment Reactors 290
9.4 Conclusions 292
References 293
Chapter 10 - Plasma-Assisted Nitrogen Fixation Reactions 296
10.1 Introduction 296
10.1.1 Background – Nitrogen Fixation 296
10.1.2 Timeline of N-Fixation Process Development 297
10.1.3 Introduction to Plasmas 302
10.2 Plasma-Assisted Nitrogen Fixation 303
10.2.1 Plasma Nitric Oxide Synthesis 303 Industrial-Scale Plasma Nitric Oxide Synthesis Processes 303 Laboratory Studies on Plasma Nitric Oxide Synthesis 306\rPlasma Reactor Configurations.Various plasma types have been investigated to perform the nitric oxide synthesis. Table 10.2 summ... 306\rPlasma Catalysis for Nitric Oxide Synthesis.The combination of catalyst and the plasma reactor has not been investigated thoroug... 310 Mechanism of Plasma Nitric Oxide Synthesis 313 Energy Efficiency of Plasma Nitric Oxide Synthesis 316 Applications Beyond Nitric Acid 318\rDirect Agricultural Fertilizer.The NO produced with lower concentrations in plasma processes can be used directly as a fertilize... 318\rMedical Use.Inhaled NO has been extensively used in clinical treatment of pulmonary hypertension, high altitude pulmonary edema,... 318\rIn Liquid.In a typical plasma nitric oxide process, NO is first oxidized to NO2, then NO2 is absorbed in water to form HNO3. Ins... 319\rLightning.Fixation of nitrogen by lightning is of great importance to understand the environmental chemistry and evolution of th... 319
10.2.2 Plasma Ammonia Synthesis 319 Laboratory-Scale Efforts to Improve Plasma NH3 Synthesis Process 319\rPlasma Reactor Configurations.Non-equilibrium plasmas which operate at ambient temperature are widely investigated as a promisin... 320\rPlasma Catalysis for Ammonia Synthesis.As can be learnt from the above section, the surface reaction of N and H is an important ... 327 Energy Requirement for Plasma Ammonia Synthesis 329 Applications of Plasma NH3 Synthesis 329
10.2.3 Hydrogen Cyanide Synthesis 329 Conventional Hydrogen Cyanide Processes 329 Plasma Hydrogen Cyanide Process 330 Kinetics and Mechanism of Plasma HCN Synthesis 330
10.3 Conclusions and Outlook 332
Acknowledgements 333
References 333
Chapter 11 - Higee Technologies and Their Applications to Green Intensified Processing 339
11.1 Introduction 339
11.2 Spinning Disc Reactor (SDR) 340
11.2.1 Design and Operating Principles 340
11.2.2 Green Processing Applications of SDR 343 Polymerisations 343 Reactive Precipitations 346 Catalytic/Enzymatic Transformations 347
11.2.3 Rotor–stator SDR 349
11.3 Rotating Packed Bed (RPB) 349
11.3.1 Design and Operating Principles 349
11.3.2 Green Processing Applications of RPB 351 Absorption Processes 352\rCarbon Capture Applications.Although distillation was one of the earliest applications of the RPB,40 there has been much renewed... 352\rSO2 and NOx Absorption.Although the focus lately has primarily been on CO2 sequestration in order to meet environmental legislat... 352 Reactive Precipitations 353
11.3.3 Novel Variations of RPB designs 353
11.4 Concluding Remarks 354
References 355
Chapter 12 - High-Gravity Operation in Vortex Chambers for the Generation of High-Efficiency Fluidized Beds 360
12.1 Introduction on Fluidization in a High-G Field 360
12.2 Rotating Fluidized Beds in a (Static) Vortex Chamber 362
12.3 Hydrodynamic Characteristics 363
12.3.1 Fluidization in the Tangential and Radial Direction 363
12.3.2 Free Vortex Versus Solid Body Type Rotation and Flexibility in the Solids Loading 364
12.3.3 Flexibility in the Gas Flow Rate 366
12.3.4 Large-Scale Non-Uniformities and Bed Stability 368
12.3.5 Meso-Scale Non-Uniformities 369
12.3.6 Further Remarks on the Gas and Solids Phase Flow Pattern 371
12.4 Design Aspects 375
12.4.1 Design Objectives 375
12.4.2 Gas Inlets 375
12.4.3 Gas Outlet/Chimney 381
12.4.4 Solids Inlet 384
12.4.5 Solids Outlet 387
12.4.6 Other Design Aspects 388
12.5 Intensification of Interfacial Mass and Heat Transfer 388
12.6 Intensification of Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions 394
12.7 Extensions of the Concept and Multi-Zone Operation 396
12.8 Conclusions and Outlook 400
References 402
Subject Index 405