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Drug War Mexico

Drug War Mexico

Peter Watt | Roberto Zepeda


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Mexico is a country in crisis. Capitalizing on weakened public institutions, widespread unemployment, a state of lawlessness and the strengthening of links between Mexican and Colombian drug cartels, narcotrafficking in the country has flourished during the post-1982 neoliberal era. In fact, it has become one of Mexico's biggest source of revenue, as well as its most violent, with over 12,000 drug-related executions in 2011 alone. In response, Mexican president Felipe Calderón, armed with millions of dollars in US military aid, has launched a crackdown, ostensibly to combat organised crime. Despite this, human rights violations have increased, as has the murder rate, making Ciudad Juárez on the northern border the most dangerous city on the planet. Meanwhile, the supply of cocaine, heroin, marijuana and methamphetamine has continued to grow. In this insightful and controversial book, Watt and Zepeda throw new light on the situation, contending that the 'war on drugs' in Mexico is in fact the pretext for a US-backed strategy to bolster unpopular neoliberal policies, a weak yet authoritarian government and a radically unfair status quo.
'This is a superb, carefully documented analysis of how American drug and neoliberal policies have helped open up Mexico to crony capitalism, crony drug trafficking, increasing wealth disparity, impoverishment of the lower 50 percent, police and army corruption and domination, and now a murderous, fruitless, US-driven drug war. Concerned Americans should read this book, and get others to read it, as a step towards decriminalizing marijuana - the chief commodity of the Mexican cartels - to help end the nightmare.' Peter Dale Scott, author of American War Machine 'Peter Watt and Roberto Zepeda shed light on this dark moment in Mexican history, a drug war that has become one of the most brutal and mistunderstood conflicts of the twenty first century.' Ioan Grillo, author of El Narco: The Bloody Rise of Mexican Drug Cartels 'By carefully linking together the economic, political and criminal histories of Mexico over the past decades, Watt and Zepeda roll back the curtain on the "war on drugs". Their book offers a comprehensive analysis, examining overlapping facts that others have assumed unrelated and documenting step by step the hypocrisy and corruption rampant in this war of contradictions. With its cast of shady characters and stranger-than-fiction events, the book leads logically to the conclusion that there is much more than meets the eye to the US and Mexican governments' efforts to "defeat organized crime". The information presented here will be an important tool in understanding the real interests behind the drug war-it will be up to a new generation to use that tool to end this deadly and unjust war before the death toll climbs even higher.' Laura Carlsen, Director, Americas Program
Peter Watt is Lecturer in Hispanic Studies at the University of Sheffield. Roberto Zepeda holds a PhD in politics from the University of Sheffield and is currently working as a lecturer and academic researcher in Mexico.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
About the Authors ii
Figures and Tables vi
Figures vi
4.1 Number of parastatal enterprises in Mexico, 1930–1994 103
5.1 Governorship in Mexico by political party, 2011 148
5.2 Number of votes by party in the presidential elections, 1988–2006 152
5.3 GDP growth by decades in Mexico, 1940–2010 158
5.4 Maquiladora and non-Maquiladora jobs in Mexico, 1980–2006 159
6.1 Number of homocides related to narcotrafficking in Mexico, 2006–2011 181
6.2 Territories controlled by crime organisations, 2011 218
Tables vi
4.1 NAFTA, European Union and China, 2006 119
4.2 Main features of NAFTA members, 2006 119
5.1 Composition of the Senate by political party, 1982–2006 151
5.2 Composition of the Chamber of Deputies by political party in Mexico, 1988–2006 151
5.3 GDP growth rates in selected Latin American countries, 1980–2005 156
6.1 Government spending on security-related institutions 187
6.2 List of the most wanted narcotraffickers in Mexico, with data of captures to November 2011 189
6.3 Rise in crime, 2007 and 2010 192
6.4 Seizures of arms in Mexico, 1994–2011 198
6.5 Number of deaths related to narcotrafficking in Mexico by state, 2006–2011 224
Abbreviations vii
Acknowledgements xi
Map xii
Introduction 1
1 Drug Trafficking in Mexico – History and Background 10
Trafficking in the Early Twentieth Century 13
The Impact of Economic Integration, Capitalist Expansion and Changes in Land Ownership 16
The Post-Revolutionary Government and Smuggling 23
The Cold War Period 28
2 Cold War Expansion of the Trade and the Repression of Dissent 35
The Other Operation Condor 45
3 The Political Economy of the ‘War on Drugs’ 62
Traffickers and the PRI 64
Consumption in Mexico 69
The Economy, Free Trade, the Washington Consensus and the Cartels 70
US Involvement in Mexico 84
4 Getting Rich Quick – and Those Who Didn’t 97
‘Un Político Pobre es un Pobre Político’ (A Politician Who is Poor is a Poor Politician) 99
Figure 4.1. Number of parastatal enterprises in Mexico, 1930–1994 103
Table 4.1 NAFTA, European Union and China, 2006 119
Table 4.2 Main features of NAFTA members, 2006 119
‘A Guy of Absolute Unquestioned Integrity’ 128
‘The Zapatistas Have to be Eliminated’ 133
5 El Cambio (The Change) 141
Democratisation 143
Figure 5.1 Governorship in Mexico by political party, 2011 148
Table 5.1 Composition of the Senate by political party, 1982–2006 151
Table 5.2 Composition of the Chamber of Deputies by political party,1988–2006 151
Figure 5.2 Number of votes by party in the presidential elections, 1988–2006 152
Economic Factors 155
Table 5.3 GDP growth rates in selected Latin American countries,1980–2005 156
Figure 5.3 GDP growth by decades in Mexico, 1940–2010 158
Figure 5.4 Maquiladora and non-maquiladora jobs in Mexico, 1980–2006 159
Unemployment 161
‘We All Seem to Know This Except for the Authorities’ 168
6 War is Peace 179
Figure 6.1 Number of homicides related to narcotrafficking in Mexico, 2006–2011 181
‘A Danger for Mexico’ 182
Violent Crime and Human Rights 185
Table 6.1 Government spending on security-related institutions 187
Table 6.2 List of the most wanted narcotraffickers in Mexico, with data of captures to November 2011 189
Table 6.3 Rise in crime, 2007 and 2010 192
The Mérida Initiative 193
Table 6.4 Seizures of arms in Mexico, 1994–2011 198
Colombianización 198
Strengthening Institutions of Justice? 200
Vetting the New Police Force 202
Criminalising Dissent 204
‘Armouring NAFTA’ 209
Money Laundering 210
The Favoured Cartel 213
Figure 6.2 Territories controlled by crime organisations, 2011 218
Table 6.5 Number of deaths related to narcotrafficking in Mexico, by state, 2006–2011 224
7 Another Century of Drug War? 229
Bibliography 236
Index 249