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African Conflicts and Informal Power

African Conflicts and Informal Power

Mats Utas | Maya Mynster Christensen | Koen Vlassenroot | Gerhard Anders | Anders Themnér | Henrik Vigh | Mariam Persson | Ruben de Koning | Sandrine Perrot | Ilmari Käihkö | Karel Arnaut | Morten Bøås


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In the aftermath of an armed conflict in Africa, the international community both produces and demands from local partners a variety of blueprints for reconstructing state and society. The aim is to re-formalize the state after what is viewed as a period of fragmentation. In reality, African economies and polities are very much informal in character, with informal actors, including so-called Big Men, often using their positions in the formal structure as a means to reach their own goals. Through a variety of in-depth case studies, including the DRC, Sierra Leone and Liberia, this comprehensive volume shows how important informal political and economic networks are in many of the continent’s conflict areas. Moreover, it demonstrates that without a proper understanding of the impact of these networks, attempts to formalize African states, particularly those emerging from wars, will be in vain.
'This important collection of great articles on 'Bigmanity' will certainly become a central reference for different disciplines. Informal networks with 'big men' as their nodes, are certainly not the only game in town' in African polities and societies, but they clearly merit stronger attention. This book offers a multitude of entry points to this important topic.' Andreas Mehler, Director of the Institute of African Affairs at the German Institute of Global and Area Studies 'This is an important book for anyone who cares about the mechanics of African conflicts and the possibilities for post-conflict stability. Through rich case studies and comparisons these chapters help us understand some of the most troubling issues on the continent today. Tracing the informal networks that allow Big Men to achieve, exercise and sometimes lose power demonstrates just how shallow our thinking about Africa is when we refuse to move beyond the language of failed states and criminal enterprises. This volume is exactly the kind of interdisciplinary scholarship that helps us think more critically and creatively about who benefits from African crises - and why outside interventions so often fail.' Danny Hoffman, University of Washington, author of 'The War Machines' 'This fascinating and important set of studies emphasises the critical role of Big Men, and the networks that they operate, in the struggles for control of Africa's resources that increasingly define the contours of conflict on the continent - and provides essential insights for anyone who seeks to establish fairer and more peaceful structures for resource management.' Christopher Clapham, Cambridge University. 'This is an excellent collection of essays on a vitally important yet oft-neglected aspect of armed conflict in Africa: the role of informal networks and power structures as keys to a deeper understanding both of the dynamics of violence and the prospects for peace. Carefully researched case studies provide the reader with a unique, and uniquely valuable, insight into the nature of contemporary armed conflict on the continent.' Professor Mats Berdal, King's College London
Mats Utas is a senior lecturer at Uppsala University, and formerly a senior researcher at the Nordic Africa Institute.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Africa Now i
About the editor ii
Introduction: Bigmanity and network governance in African conflicts 1
The African state and other forms of governance 2
Big Men 6
Network 9
Big Men and networks of governance in African conflicts 14
Big Men, networks and post-conflict 18
The chapters 21
Notes 27
References 28
PART ONE: Country case studies 33
1  |  Ugandan military entrepreneurialism on the Congo border 35
Pre-war trans-border networks 37
Intervening in the DR Congo: the rise of ‘entrepreneurs of insecurity’ 38
The dynamics of military entrepreneurialism: Big Men, Big Women 41
Reconfiguration of domestic political powers 44
What after war? 46
Conclusion 52
Notes 54
References 56
2  |  Big Man business in the borderland of Sierra Leone 60
At the checkpoint 60
Introduction 60
Sovereignties unsettled, patrimonial networks consolidated 61
Post-war borderland governance: in need of a warlord? 63
The district council chairman and his ‘task force’ of remobilized combatants 65
From militias to officials: civil–military shape-shifting 67
Negotiating local power constellations and competing claims to authority 69
Manoeuvring intertwined networks and zones of ir/regularity 71
Redirecting militarized networks 74
Notes 75
References 76
3  | Corps habillés, Nouchis and subaltern Bigmanity in Côte d’Ivoire 78
Militias and pre-peace networking 79
Military triangulations 81
‘Marcus Garvey’, networker and ‘Nouchi’ 83
Corps habillés 85
Subaltern mobility: going in circles? 90
Incrementalism, impersonation and the field 92
Afterthoughts in lieu of a conclusion 97
Acknowledgements 98
Notes 98
References 98
4  | Demobilized or remobilized? Lingering rebel structures in post-war Liberia 101
Introduction1 101
Informal security networks 102
Vigilantism – the antithesis of formal security provision? 103
State-sanctioned use of informal security networks and rebel groups 105
Liberia: from war to demobilization 105
Liberia’s security reality 106
Former rebel structures in post-war vigilantism 107
Vigilante groups in Voinjama and Monrovia 107
Former rebel structures in the post-war rubber industry 110
Lingering chains of command at Guthrie 111
‘The monitors’ – the informal security providers at the Guthrie rubber plantation 112
Commander Y 113
General X 114
Concluding remarks – political Big Men as mobilizers of informal security networks 115
Notes 117
References 117
5  |  Castles in the sand: informal networks and power brokers in the northern Mali periphery 119
Map 5.1 Mali and its neighbours 120
The Tuareg rebellion and the National Pact 120
Northern Mali – networks of patronage as elusive front lines in \nthe sand? 124
Kidal – marginal, but still integrated into the illicit global political economy 127
Some tentative conclusions 131
Notes 132
References 133
PART TWO: Thematic case studies 135
6  |  Critical states and cocaine connections 137
Shipwrecked proof 137
The historical dimension: faction and fraction 139
Political dynamics and critical states 145
Geography and demography 148
From cartels to patrimonial networks 151
Conclusion 154
Notes 155
References 156
7  |  Bigmanity and international criminal justice in Sierra Leone 158
Big men in Africanist and Melanesian studies 159
Finding a place: the aftermath of the civil war, 1999–2003 161
Norman and Taylor – African Big Men in the dock 168
Conclusions 176
Notes 177
References 179
8  |  Big Man bargaining in African conflicts 181
The formal reality and the uncertain survival of leaders 184
The informal reality and the survival of leaders 186
Big Men and networks 188
Personified politics 189
Co-option and the formal and informal strategies of elite survival 190
Dimensions of power-sharing 191
Power-sharing and ‘opposition’ 192
Results of co-option: changes to statehood 193
A questionable concept of legitimacy 195
Violence as a manoeuvre 196
Irrelevance of co-option 197
Conclusions 200
Notes 202
References 202
9  |  Former mid-level commanders in Big Man networks 205
Big Men and ex-combatants: the benefits of cooperation 207
Former mid-level commanders as intermediaries: recruitment outsourced 208
Intermediaries for many occasions 212
Intermediaries of peace? 217
Notes 220
References 221
10  |  Big Men commanding conflict resources: the Democratic Republic of the Congo 224
Conflict resources in Africa: detaching, fracturing and realigning networks of control 225
Box 10.1 Defining conflict resources in Africa 228
Dealing with the Big Men commanding war economies 229
The eastern DRC war economy: between warlordism and network enterprise 232
Box 10.2 Nande traders’ self-protection 236
Conclusions and recommendations 242
Notes 244
References 245
About the contributors 248
Index 251
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