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Sex at the Margins

Sex at the Margins

Laura María Agustin


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This groundbreaking book explodes several myths: that selling sex is completely different from any other kind of work; that migrants who sell sex are passive victims; and that the multitude of people out to save them are without self-interest. Laura Agustín makes a passionate case against these stereotypes, arguing that the label 'trafficked' does not accurately describe migrants' lives and that the 'rescue industry' disempowers them. Based on extensive research amongst migrants who sell sex and social helpers, Sex at the Margins provides a radically different analysis. Frequently, says Agustín, migrants make rational choices to travel and work in the sex industry. Although they are treated like a marginalised group they form part of the dynamic global economy. Both powerful and controversial, this book is essential reading for all those who want to understand the increasingly important relationship between sex markets, migration and the desire for social justice.
'Sex at the Margins rips apart distinctions between migrants, service work and sexual labour and reveals the utter complexity of the contemporary sex industry. This book is set to be a trailblazer in the study of sexuality.’ Lisa Adkins, Professor of Sociology, Goldsmiths, University of London 'In restoring those living on the fringes of western societies to their full humanity, this invigorating book undermines our stereotypes and provides a challenging but unforgettable picture' Jeffrey Weeks, London South Bank University 'Sex at the Margins elegantly demonstrates that what happens to poor immigrant working women from the Global South when they ‘leave home for sex’ is neither a tragedy nor the panacea of finding the promised land. Above all, Agustín shows that the moralizing bent of most government and NGO programs have little to do with these women’s experiences and wishes. This book questions some of our most cherished modern assumptions, and shows that a different ethics of concern is possible.' Arturo Escobar, University of North Carolina 'What a relief to have a different conversation about sex and economics outside of the usual morality/rescue mentality. My first reaction to reading the book was to want to meet the author, talk to her all day, and then take her on tour to discuss it with everyone else. This is the wave of the future, when it comes to discussing "prostitution," which already seems like quaint terminology. If you're someone who's interested in progressive sexual politics and how the world works, you are going to EAT THIS UP. The author does write like a scientific observer, an academic. I appreciated her style and perspective. I would almost say it's not beach reading but actually I read it lying under a mosquito net in one of the most beautiful beachside locations in California. Everyone kept passing me food and tabloid gossip magazines, and I refused them until I got to the last page.' Susie Bright "" (Santa Cruz, CA USA) 'Agustín's insightful study of commercial sex workers provides the most comprehensive and sophisticated treatment of this profoundly controversial topic...This is a bold and accessible book which raises many interesting questions and poses some challenging answers...Agustín confronts her readers with a thoughtful account of migration, sex and social justice.' Body & Society, 2008 'Agustin ... offers new insights into development' 'Critical reading for those studying mobility, migration and transportation ... of particular interest to international criminologists and development specialist, who may be surprised at the overlap with their work and the prevalence of possibly criminal income-generating activity' 'Agustín is a scholar of ideas focused on conceptions of migration and sex work. One of her strengths lies in her discussion of what these phenomena mean to people on the ground, particularly migrants and sex workers, who may be affected by others' conceptions of who deserves to be present in any place and what kind of work is acceptable....Agustín...recommends that do-gooders, scholars, researchers and policymakers 'leave home', or their comfort-zone, in order to expand their understanding.' Theoretical Criminology, 2008 'In Sex at the Margins, Agustín combines ethnographic observations, anthropological theory, and historical insights to critique the current trafficking regimes and moralizing discourses around migration and prostitution. Sex at the Margins reads primarily as a series of essays, each of which may be read independently and stands alone as a topic of interest.' International Migration Review, 2008 'This book should be recommended to everyone who works for any type of ‘rescue industry.' Gender and Development 'Agustin herself is a class act who deserves a wider audience.' The Erotic Review
Laura Agustín studies cultural and postcolonial issues linking commercial sex, migration, informal economies and feminist theory. She currently lives in London, researching the situation of migrant workers in the sex industry.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Praise for this Book i
About the Author ii
Table of Contents v
Acknowledgements vi
1 Sexual Commotion\r 1
Media Panic 2
Notes 9
2 Working to Travel, Travelling to Work\r 10
Travel and Travellers to Europe 12
Hybrid Categories: Tourists that Work and Working Travellers 15
What and Who Is a Migrant? 16
The Concept of Labour Migrations 19
‘Feminisation’ and Gender in Migration 23
Ways of Leaving and Arriving 27
Trips to Work in the Sex Industry 30
‘Trafficking’: A New Keyword 36
Autonomy in a Space of Flows 41
Living in More than One Place 43
Notes\r 48
3 A World of Services\r 53
Undefined Sectors, Undefinable Jobs 53
Introducing Sex into the Equation 57
Beyond Ideology 60
The Sex Industry 65
‘Different’ Identities: Gender, Age, Ethnicity 69
The Demand for Services 75
The Motivation to Buy Sex 79
Buying Services Away from Home 82
Marriage 87
Notes\r 90
4 The Rise of the Social - and of 'Prostitution'\r 96
Before the Invention of ‘Prostitution’ 99
The Rise of the Social – and the Family 102
The Drive to ‘Do Something about Prostitution’ 105
Occupied by Women: Cross-class Accounts 110
The Creation of Suitable Jobs for Women 115
The Work of Helping ‘Prostitutes’ 122
The Voice of the Subject 125
Notes 128
5 Grasping the Thing Itself: Methodology\r 134
Why Do Field Work? 136
Studying ‘Up’ 137
Standpoints 139
My Own (Shifting) Position in the Field 140
A Delicate Silence 143
Projects to Help People Who Sell Sex 144
Notes 150
6 From Charity to Solidarity: In the Field with Helpers\r 152
Item 1: Imposing Solidarity 154
Item 2: A Culture of Indignation 159
Item 3: The Religious Social 164
Item 4: Culture Clash 167
Item 5: The Bitterness of Betrayal 172
Item 6 Publications: Never for Women Who Sell Sex 176
Item 7: A Different Morality 180
Item 8: Pragmatism in the Provinces 183
Making Sense of the Field Work 186
Notes\r 187
7 Partial Truths\r 191
Notes 195
Works Cited 196
Primary Sources\r 228
Index\r 240