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Power Shift

Power Shift

Richard Falk


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Book Details


This book depicts the challenges associated with the emergence of a new global order in which patterns of conflict and the role of traditional military power are in the process of radical flux. 

Our ideas about global order have yet to catch up with these new behavioral trends, including the rise of non-state transnational political actors in the context of neoliberal globalization. In this historical setting the modern territorial sovereign state is confronted by multiple challenges ranging from climate change to mass migration to transnational political extremism. 

The existing global order seems currently overwhelmed by these challenges, resulting in widespread stress and chaos that is transforming global security in ways that endanger democratic governance. The future will be determined by whether the peoples of the world make their weight felt in support of sustainable global justice and overcome the impact of oppressive and exploitative patterns of corporate and state behavior. It is this problematic set of circumstances that Power Shift addresses.

'Falk has brought powerful moral and legal insights to debates about order and justice in world politics.'
Foreign Affairs

‘Eloquently written by the world’s leading international lawyer, Richard Falk’s new book is an absolute must read for anyone seeking to understand power shifts in the world order and our human condition in the early twenty-first century.’
Stephen Gill, author of Power and Resistance in the New World Order

‘Original, eloquent, challenging and hopeful, Richard Falk is always worth reading.’
W. Michael Reisman, Yale Law School

'Richard Falk is always ahead in identifying the perils of our time. Emerging but neglected issues are here addressed with passion and rationality.'
Daniele Archibugi, Italian National Research Council and Birkbeck, University of London

‘These elegantly written and erudite essays expose the myopic and embedded character of geopolitical and statist framings and, at the same time, identify openings for a different kind of future offered by the citizen pilgrim. The critique of drone warfare and how it undermines international law is particularly devastating.’
Mary Kaldor, London School of Economics

'Power Shift … is full of interesting insights and displays an impressive degree of rhetorical power. For all those who are in search of a forceful, mostly Left critique of the status quo, this book is a must-read.'
Ethics and International Affairs

Richard Falk is Albert G. Milbank professor emeritus of international law at Princeton University, the author of over thirty books and a specialist on the role of international law in global politics. The United Nations Human Rights Council appointed Falk as the United Nations special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Palestine from 2008 to 2014.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
About the Author i
Title Page iii
Copyright iv
Contents vii
Acknowledgements ix
Introduction. Globalism and Globalization: Terrorism and State Terror 1
1. Toward a New Geopolitics 9
2. The Post-Secular Divide 20
Preliminary Considerations 20
Secularism” as an Unwelcome Identity in the Aftermath of the Arab Spring 29
Religion and Politics in Iran 34
The Global Dimensions of the Transition to a Post-Secular World 39
3. Why Drones Are More Dangerous Than Nuclear Weapons 44
Threats to International Law and World Order 44
Contradictory Narratives: Chiaroscuro Geopolitics 47
Children of Light 49
Children of Darkness 56
Drones and the Future of World Order 60
Drone Warfare and International Law: Diminishing Returns 62
A Concluding Note 70
4. Contours of New Constitutionalism 72
Points of Departure 73
Distinguishing Legality and Legitimacy 76
International Law and the “Old” Constitutionalism 79
Managing Nuclear Weaponry and New Constitutionalism 87
International Criminal Accountability 90
The Post-9/11 Counterterrorist Challenge 91
Imperial New Constitutionalism 94
Neoliberal Globalization and the New Constitutionalism 95
A Concluding Comment 99
5. Horizons of Global Governance 101
Critiquing Horizons of Feasibility 101
Hard Power Fallacies 106
Neoliberal Fallacies 107
Delimiting Horizons of Necessity 108
The Emergence of Horizons of Desperation 109
The Role of Horizons of Desire 110
Geopolitical Management of World Politics 111
Reframing the Search for Policy in a Globalizing World 119
Concluding Conjectures 123
6. Responding to the Global Crisis 129
Living Together on the Planet 129
Reconfiguring the Global Imaginary: A Postmodern Paradigm 134
Responding to the Global Crisis 142
Dangers and Opportunities in a Period of Transition 144
Conclusion 149
7. Toward a Global Imaginary 151
A Lemming Moment? 151
Explaining the Gaps 155
Modifying Expectations 163
8. Framing an Inquiry: Strong Societies/Weak States 169
Introductory Perspectives 169
Conceptual Clarification 174
Global Setting 178
International Law, United Nations Authority 179
Modernity and Development 181
Time and Space 183
Conclusion 184
9. Disruptive Legacies of World War I 186
Identity Politics a Century Later 186
Learning from the First World War 191
Conclusion 210
10. The 4+ Logics of Global Order 213
Statist Logic 215
Geopolitical Logic 217
Cosmopolitan Logic 220
Civil Society Logic 222
11. Questioning Perpetual War in an Era of Drone Warfare 224
12. Changing the Political Climate: One Individual at a Time 233
Points of Departure 233
Citizens and States 234
Global Citizenship: Not a Reality, but an Aspiration 238
Material Conditions of Urgency 244
Recreating Political Community 246
Citizen Pilgrims as Nonviolent Warriors of the Great Transition 249
13. Does the Human Species Wish to Survive? 253
Imagining Threats to the Planet 254
Preventing Human Catastrophe 256
The Persistence of Statism 258
Can the Human Species Learn to Survive? 260
Notes 263
Index 284