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Beasts and Gods

Beasts and Gods

Roslyn Fuller


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Democracy does not deliver on the things we have assumed are its natural outcomes. This, coupled with a growing sense of malaise in both new and established democracies forms the basis to the assertion made by some, that these are not democracies at all.

Through considerable, impressive empirical analysis of a variety of voting methods, across twenty different nations, Roslyn Fuller presents the data that makes this contention indisputable. Proving that the party which forms the government rarely receives the majority of the popular vote, that electoral systems regularly produce manufactured majorities and that the better funded side invariably wins such contests in both elections and referenda, Fuller’s findings challenge the most fundamental elements of both national politics and broader society. 

Beast and Gods argues for a return to democracy as perceived by the ancient Athenians. Boldly arguing for the necessity of the Aristotelian assumption that citizens are agents whose wishes and aims can be attained through participation in politics, and through an examination of what “goods” are provided by democracy, Fuller offers a powerful challenge to the contemporary liberal view that there are no "goods" in politics, only individual citizens seeking to fulfil their particular interests.

'A visionary thought experiment...guaranteed to make you think differently about the trillion dollar bureaucracies we call democracy today.'

Beasts and Gods provides a fascinating contrast between democracy in theory and democracy in practice. It deconstructs the assumptions underlying representative democracy, and debunks the fiction that modern elections are “free and fair”. This provocative book draws on lessons from ancient Greece, while advocating direct democracy by decoupling economics from politics.’
Marjorie Cohn, professor of law, Thomas Jefferson School of Law

Beasts and Gods is a timely and provocative look behind the clichés of Western politics. It recognises that government of the people, by the people, is not what our current democracies feel like to most of their citizens. Fuller returns to the roots of democracy in classical republican practice and rediscovers the sources of the renewal that is urgently required. Her optimism makes this not just a challenging book but a heartening one.’
Fintan O’Toole, deputy editor, Irish Times

‘Every now and then Modern society throws up someone who questions its most cherished myths. The how and why of it deserves a book in its own right. Roslyn Fuller is one such, and, in this work, she takes on a holy cow, Democracy, that the West loves to believe it invented (like all good things). She is a young scholar, but gifted with the right intuition, attitude, and talent to take it on, full frontal, from A to Z. As such the book is a refreshing, and highly timely, tour de force, putting both conventional apologetics and hoary critiques to shame. It dares us to rethink the myth, and perhaps even to, finally, infuse some real content to it – before we are all entrapped in irreversible Oligarchy.’
Rajani Kanth, Harvard University

‘Everyone interested in rethinking democracy in the digital age should read this book. The old ways of governing are dying, and Beasts and Gods offers timely and provocative ideas on how to finally make people power a reality.’
Micah Sifry, author of Wikileaks and the Age of Transparency

‘Fuller takes the much needed leap from pointing out what’s wrong with our democracies to proposing a parallel system based on democracy’s original foundations. It’s a strong reminder that democracy is and must always be a work in progress, or it won’t be a democracy at all.’
Pía Mancini, democracy activist and co-founder of DemocracyOS

‘Fuller’s is a timely book, laying out the myriad problems with modern democracy in plain English. Anyone concerned with the lack of participation in our modern democracies must read this.’
Jillian York, director of International Freedom of Expression at the Electronic Frontier Foundation

'There is no doubting the timeliness of Fuller’s contribution to the ongoing debates over the future of democratic government.'
The European Legacy

Roslyn Fuller is currently a research associate at the Waterford Institute of Technology and has lectured in international law at Trinity College, Dublin and National University of Ireland, Maynooth. She is also legal correspondent for Russia Today, contributing a regular column on issues of international law.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Front cover
Half Title i
Title Page iii
Copyright iv
Contents v
Figures vii
Acknowledgements viii
Beasts and Gods i
Introduction: What Is Democracy? 1
Part I 19
1: Democracy in Athens: People Power is Born 21
How Athenian Democracy Worked 24
Random Power: The Key to Democratic Success in Athens\r 40
2: The Myth of Representation\r 43
First-Past-the-Post: The Winner Takes It All\r 45
Other Electoral Systems 68
Modern Democracy as Symbolic Democracy 84
3: Buying and Selling Elections\r 89
The High Cost of Campaigning 90
You Get What You Pay for: The Vicious Circle of Political Donations and Government Action\r 93
A Fistful of Euros: Buying Irish Local Elections 104
Representative Democracy: Second Place is the First Loser\r 107
Why Referenda Fail 108
Why Regulation Fails 114
Elections: The Perfect Habitat for Manipulation 120
4: Participation: Bought In or Locked Out? 122
The Struggle to Participate in Modern Democracy 123
Participation in Modern Democracy: Running to Stand Still 135
The Athenian View on Participation 137
Different But (More) Equal: Decision-Making in Athens 142
From Ancient Duty to Modern Privilege 148
5: Modern Democracy and the International System: A Perfect Storm 151
The United Nations 153
The World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund 171
At the International Casino the House Always Wins 205
6: Non-Governmental Organizations and the Civil Society Chimera\r 208
The Nature of Modern NGOs: Charity Begins in the Boardroom\r 210
The Dark Underbelly of NGO Lobbying: Roundtables, Drugs and Lots of Cash 221
Representative Democracy and the International System: Fertile Ground for Oligarchy 234
7: How Did Things Get to Be This Way? The Roman Republican System and the Founding Fathers of America\r 236
Roman Politics: Déjà Vu 239
All Sizzle and No Steak: The Roman System Rots at the Core\r 254
Forgotten Fathers: Anti-Federalists, Republicans and the Battle for the US Constitution\r 267
Part II \r 275
8: The Way Forward: Digital Democracy 277
The Long-Term Dangers of Electoral Democracy\r 277
Why International Power Cannot Fix Democracy\r 278
Digital Democracy Takes Off: Citizens’ Budgets and Crowdsourced Constitutions 281
The Next Frontier: Online Decisions with Loomio and DemocracyOS\r 286
9: Disinformed is Disenfranchised: Why Taming Mass Media is a Necessary Step Towards Democracy 290
The Medium and the Message: How Communication Methods Affect Decision-Making 290
Using Mass Media to Guide Public Discourse 300
The Meaning of Mass Media for Democracy 312
Battlefield Internet: How Many Soldiers Does It Take to Run a Facebook Account?\r 313
Reclaiming the Narrative by Funding Massive Participation Instead of Mass Media 318
Mass Media: The Single Biggest Threat to Democracy\r 323
10: Democracy and Dissent: The Balance Between Individual and Community\r 325
The Truth about Individual Rights in Athens\r 326
Fact is Stranger than Fiction: The Extraordinary Trial of Socrates\r 329
Protecting Democracy from Dissenters 339
A Fragile Balance: The Economy, the Rule of Law and Democracy\r 341
Rebalancing the Economy Today 351
The Old Bugbear: Tyranny of the Majority 360
Community and the Individual: Yin and Yang 365
11: Direct Democracy Today: Cutting the Gordian Knot 367
Bibliography 373
Index 403
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