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Breathing Space

Breathing Space

Mark Everard


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In this book Mark Everard argues that governments and citizens too often take the air we breathe for granted. Air and the wider atmosphere are vital in protecting us from radiation, maintaining climate and weather patterns, dispersing water, seeds and pollen, and serving as an alternative source of energy.

Breathing Space overturns conventional thinking on the atmosphere, and is the first book to properly integrate air into the wider environmental discourse. Outlining the structure and development of the atmosphere, Everard assesses its importance within the environment as a whole.

Everard’s work represents the long overdue incorporation of air into our wider understanding of ecosystems, and argues persuasively for the need for governments to recognise the importance of air as a resource. A must read for scholars, students and activists.

'Breathing Space is a revelation, laying bare the science and cultural significance of that one part of the natural world we take most for granted. Mark Everard brings a lifetime's experience to bear in urging us to think more systemically about "this great connector", and to get our act together in sorting out the multiple abuses of the atmosphere that continue to this day.'
Jonathon Porritt, founder and director of Forum for the Future

'Breathing Space considers air and the atmosphere as a contiguous ecosystem interdependent with all life forms. This is novel and important, particularly in recognising that humanity - including economic activity - is increasingly modifying natural processes vital for our continuing health. Breathing Space offers unique insights into the interdependent workings of this atmospheric ocean, our uses and abuses of it, and the means for interacting with it more sustainably.'
Professor James Longhurst, University of the West of England

'Everard takes us on a journey of atmospheric rivers, jet streams and giant dragonflies. He shows that ecosystem services must be put at the heart of our planning system if we are to protect the habitats we all rely on. This book is an important read for decision-makers at all levels because, as Everard makes clear, protecting the atmosphere is crucial to everything we do.'
Mike Childs, head of science, policy and research at Friends of the Earth

'Breathing Space provides a clear overview of the atmosphere and of how we use it, abuse it and need to safeguard it. It explains how the atmosphere and air pollution work, and their place in history, philosophy and culture. This is an excellent and thought-provoking book that celebrates the atmosphere as a key service provider to people and planet Earth.'
Roger Timmis, honorary professor in environmental sciences, University of Lancaster

'For too long, our airspace has been overlooked unless it pollutes, but no longer, now that Mark Everard's engaging book is on the scene. It places air at the heart of an ecosystem of interconnected human interactions and biodiversity. Rules that shape our treatment of air need to change urgently and this book challenges us with a blueprint to do it. Essential reading for environmental students and practitioners alike.'
John Merefield, University of Exeter

Dr Mark Everard's work in all four sectors of society – private, public, academic and voluntary – has taken him across five continents to undertake applied research, policy development and capacity-building relating to the ways in which people connect with ecosystems. The author of 14 other books, including Common Ground (Zed Books, 2011) and The Hydropolitics of Dams (Zed Books, 2013), over 60 peer-reviewed scientific papers and over 250 technical magazine articles, Mark is also a communicator on sustainability and wider environmental and resource-use matters on TV and radio. He has served on numerous government advisory and expert groups in the UK, as well as advising other governments and multinational corporations on sustainability matters. His speciality is systemic thinking, particularly around connections between the water environment and other environmental media and the human activities that depend on and influence them. Mark’s work includes environmental ethics and economics as a means to bring our intimate interdependencies with ecosystems into the mainstream of public awareness and government thinking.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Front cover
About the Author i
Title Page iii
Copyright iv
Contents v
Acknowledgements vi
Introduction 1
1: Air and the Making of the Atmosphere 6
What is Air? \r 6
Unseen Oceans of Gas 8
How Did All this Air Get Here? 9
Clearing the Air 9
The Structure of the Atmosphere 11
Life and the Evolving Atmosphere 14
Physical Forces of Change 18
Meteorological Marvels 19
A Natural Greenhouse 21
Forecasting the Weather 22
The Great Natural Cycles 23
Land, Water and Air 24
The Deep Interdependence of All Things 25
2: Living in a Bubble 26
Our Biological Indivisibility 26
The Great Connector 28
Air and the Human Senses 29
The Divine Wind 31
A Vital Element 33
The Shaping of Places and People 35
The Art of Air 36
The Language of Air 37
Air and Technology 37
Air, Exploration, Trade and Travel 40
Mining the Air 42
Air and Warfare 43
And More Factors Besides . . . 45
3: What Does Air Do for Us? 46
Frameworks for Systemic Understanding 46
Systemic Assessment of the Value of Air 48
Lessons Learned from this Analysis 49
The Economic Value of Air 52
4: Abuses of the Air 55
What Goes Around Comes Around 55
Spreading a Bad Odour 56
Fouling the Industrial and Urban Airspace 57
Seeing the Wood for the Trees\r 61
Downsides of Land Use 62
The Role of Wetlands 64
Other Indirect Contributions 65
Reversing Evolution 66
Complex Substances, Complex Interactions 66
Winds of Change 70
Less Tangible Problems 76
Emerging Challenges 79
Into the Anthropocene 81
5: Managing Our Impacts on Air 83
A Slow Start 83
Responding to Growing Concerns About Local Air Pollution 84
Acting Across National Borders 86
A Climate of Change 90
The Voice of Civil Society 98
Emerging Issues 100
The Legal Status of Air 101
Missed Connections 108
6: Thinking in a Connected Way 111
Thinking as if the World Were Real \r 111
The Journey to a Systemic Approach 112
The Ecosystem Approach 113
From ‘Outside In’ to ‘Inside Out’ \r 116
So How Might We Do Things Differently? 118
Lessons Emerging from Case Studies 133
7: Rediscovering Our Place in the Breathing Space 136
Important Aspects of the Paradigm Shift 136
What does this Mean in Practice? \r 141
Valuing the Future 150
Revolution or Evolution? 151
Securing Our Shared ‘Breathing Space’ \r 153
8: Resolution for Integrated Management of the Airspace 154
Building on Prior Successes 154
A Resolution for Integrated Management of the Airspace 155
Supporting the Resolution 157
Annex: Ecosystem Services and the Ecosystem Approach \r 158
The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Classification of Ecosystem Services 158
The Ecosystem Approach 158
The 12 Principles of the Ecosystem Approach 160
The Five Points of Operational Guidance of the Ecosystem Approach 163
Notes 166
Bibliography 172
Index 185
Back Cover Back cover