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Social and Solidarity Economy

Social and Solidarity Economy

Peter Utting | Suzanne Bergeron | Stephen Healy | Carina Millstone | Bénédicte Fonteneau | Georgina Gómez | Marguerite Mendell | Paul Nelson | John-Justin McMurtry | Cecilia Rossel | Abhijit Ghosh | Ananya Mukherjee-Reed | Jean-Louis Laville | Justine Nannyonjo | Professor Bina Agarwal | Béatrice Alain | Cristina Grasseni | Francesca Forno | Silvana Signori | Darryl Reed | Roldan Muradian | José Luis Coraggio | Milford Bateman


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As economic crises, growing inequality and climate change prompt a global debate on the meaning and trajectory of development, increasing attention is focusing on 'social and solidarity economy' as a distinctive approach to sustainable and rights-based development. While we are beginning to understand what social and solidarity economy is, what it promises and how it differs from 'business as usual', we know far less about whether it can really move beyond its fringe status in many countries and regions. Under what conditions can social and solidarity economy scale up and scale out - that is, expand in terms of the growth of social and solidarity economy organizations and enterprises, or spread horizontally within given territories? Bringing together leading researchers, blending theoretical and empirical analysis, and drawing on experiences and case studies from multiple countries and regions, this volume addresses these questions. In so doing, it aims to inform a broad constituency of development actors, including scholars, practitioners, activists and policy makers.

'Social and Solidarity Economy is essential reading for understanding this growing international citizen-based movement for a more inclusive and democratic economy. Each chapter illustrates how the social and solidarity economy can actively contribute to the emergence of a new, more sustainable and equitable development model for our planet.'
Nancy Neamtan, Chantier de l'économie sociale of Quebec

'This book is a major pioneering work which critically documents the role and potential, as well as the challenges, of the social and solidarity economy in a worldwide perspective. It also reflects the leadership of UNRISD and the persistent efforts of Peter Utting to place SSE in the debates within and around the United Nations system.'
Jacques Defourny, Centre for Social Economy, HEC-University of Liege, Belgium

'The growing presence of the social and solidarity economy on all continents points to the real possibility of social, civic, ecological and technological changes that are conducive to more human-oriented growth models. This book demonstrates clearly how the social and solidarity economy can play its full role, without borders, as a friend of the Earth and of humankind.'
Thierry Jeantet, president of the the Mont-Blanc Meetings and author of Des Croissances

'Coming at a time when citizens around the world are searching for economic and organizational alternatives to the prevailing neoliberal economic model, and full of convincing examples and practical solutions, this book is a source of inspiration for everyone.'
Jürgen Schwettmann, director, Department for Partnerships and Field Support, International Labour Organization

'By examining the conditions for scaling up social and solidarity economy, this book brings the politics of emancipation into the sustainable, inclusive and right-based development agenda. It does so in a reflexive and inspiring manner, pointing to spaces and strategies for capacity building, institutional innovation and social change, without neglecting either the internal constraints or the oppositional forces.'
Isabelle Hillenkamp, IRD-CESSMA

'This book provides a progressive assessment of the history, theory, practice and potential of SSE over a wide geographical range. It is particularly good on scaling up to meet the challenges of competition and partnership with state, corporate and popular economies today.'
Keith Hart, London School of Economics and Political Science and the University of Pretoria

Peter Utting is international coordinator of the Center for Social Economy (Centro para la Economía Social or CES), based in Nicaragua, and a senior research associate of the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD). Until August 2014 he was the deputy director of UNRISD, where he coordinated international research projects on social and solidarity economy and corporate social responsibility. He was instrumental in establishing the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy in 2013. Recent publications include Business Regulation and Non-State Actors: Whose Standards? Whose Development? (co-edited with Darryl Reed and Ananya Mukherjee-Reed, 2012), The Global Crisis and Transformative Social Change (co-edited with Shahra Razavi and Rebecca Varghese Buchholz, 2012) and Corporate Social Responsibility and Regulatory Governance (co-edited with José Carlos Marques, 2010).

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Front cover
Just Sustainabilities i
About the Editor ii
Title Page iii
Copyright iv
Contents v
Figures and Tables vii
Abbreviations and Acronyms viii
Preface x
Introduction: The Challenge of Scaling Up Social and Solidarity Economy 1
Introduction 1
About this book 11
Part I: History, Theory and Strategy 39
1: Social and Solidarity Economy in Historical Perspective 41
Introduction 41
Market and Solidarity in Nineteenth-Century Europe\r 41
Bringing in The Twentieth-Century State\r 43
Crisis, Civil Society and Social Innovation 44
Social and Solidarity Economy: A New Twenty-First-Century Synergy?\r 47
The Challenges of Realising Democratic Solidarity 51
Conclusion: Towards Democratic Solidarity 55
2: Prometheus, Trojan Horse or Frankenstein? Appraising the Social and Solidarity Economy 57
Introduction 57
Defining the SSE 58
Theorising the SSE 59
Connecting The Dots: Liberal Philosophy and the SSE 61
Economics: The Playground of Liberal Assumptions 65
The SSE in Action: Thinking beyond the Individual 67
Conclusion: Towards an Ethical Value-Added Framework\r 69
3: Beyond The Business Case: A Community Economies Approach to Gender, Development and Social Economy 72
Introduction 72
The Business Case for Gender and Development: Social Justice or ‘Business as Usual’? 74
Beyond the Business Case: Reimagining Economy and Development\r 77
Taking Back the Economy\r 78
Economic Difference 80
Community Economies and Subjects-in-becoming 82
Conclusion 84
4: Can Social and Solidarity Economy Organisations Complement or Replace Publicly Traded Companies? 86
Introduction 86
The SSE Landscape and Publicly Traded Companies 87
Characteristics of SSE Organisations that Drive and Hinder Growth\r 90
Opportunities for Growth for SSE Organisations 91
Risks to SSE Organisations Associated with Growth \r 94
Conclusion 98
5: Scaling the Social and Solidarity Economy: Opportunities and Limitations of Fairtrade Practice 100
Introduction 100
What Does Scaling the SSE Mean?\r 100
The Potential Contributions of Ft to Scaling the SSE\r 104
Limits of FT as a Vehicle for Scaling the SSE 109
Conclusion 114
6: The Potential and Limits of Farmers’ Marketing Groups as Catalysts for Rural Development 116
Introduction 116
The Nature and Impacts of Agricultural Cooperatives 118
Structural Tensions Affecting Agricultural Cooperatives 122
Coping with Tensions in Farmers’ Organisations 127
Conclusion 128
7: Institutionalising the Social and Solidarity Economy in Latin America 130
Introduction 130
Three Countries, Three Processes 132
The Reality and Prospects of SSE: A Comparative Perspective 141
Conclusion 147
8: Rebuilding Solidarity-driven Economies after Neoliberalism: The Role of Cooperatives and Local Developmental States in Latin America 150
Introduction 150
Cooperative Enterprises as the Core of the SSE Model\r 151
Cooperative Enterprise Development as an Aspect of Local Economic Development Policy 155
The LDS Model and Cooperative Enterprise Development in Latin America\r 158
Conclusion 164
9: Enabling the Social and Solidarity Economy through the Co-Construction of Public Policy 166
Introduction 166
Findings: Why Co-Construction?\r 168
Requirements for Effective Co-Construction\r 172
Conclusion 181
Part II: Collective Action and Solidarity in Practice 183
10: Beyond Alternative Food Networks: Italy’s Solidarity Purchase Groups and the United States’ Community Economies 185
Introduction 185
The Emergence of Solidarity Purchase Groups in Italy 186
Solidarity Purchase Groups as Family-Driven Collectives\r 188
Re-Embedding The Economy into Society\r 191
Solidarity Purchase Groups as Laboratories for Sustainable Citizenship 194
Conclusion: Towards an Agenda for Comparative Analysis 198
11: Social and Solidarity Investment in Microfinance 202
Introduction 202
The Components: Microfinance and Pro-Social Investment\r 203
Pro-Social Investment\r 206
Microfinance, Investment and the Elements of SSE\r 211
Conclusion 219
12: Balancing Growth and Solidarity in Community Currency Systems: The Case of the Trueque in Argentina 221
Introduction 221
SSE as Institutional Innovation 223
Scaling Up SSE 224
Scaling Up in the Trueque 226
Conclusion 233
13: State and SSE Partnerships in Social Policy and Welfare Regimes: The Case of Uruguay 236
Introduction 236
SSE as Social Service Deliverer: Rationale and Limits 237
Providing Welfare Services through NGOs and Other SSE Actors in Uruguay \r 239
Recent Trends: From ‘Retrenchment Allies’ to ‘Welfare Adjustment Enablers’?\r 242
Enabling or Disabling SSE through Policy Partnerships?\r 244
Conclusion 248
14: Extending Social Protection in Health through SSE: Possibilities and Challenges in West Africa 250
Introduction 250
The Development of Mutual Health Organisations in West Africa 251
The Link between Public Authorities and MHOs\r 256
Towards a New Model to Extend Social Protection in Health\r 257
SSE Organisations as the Main Actors in the Extension of Social Health Protection in West Africa \r 258
Conclusion 264
15: Enabling Agricultural Cooperatives in Uganda: The Role of Public Policy and the State 266
Introduction 266
The Development of Agricultural Cooperatives 267
Contemporary Cooperative Structure, Activities and Challenges 271
Enabling Cooperatives: Key Issues and Challenges for the State\r 275
Further Challenges for Government 281
Conclusions and Policy Implications 282
16: Embeddedness and the Dynamics of Growth: The Case of the Amul Cooperative, India 284
Introduction 284
Background to the Case Study 286
The Growth of Amul 287
Conclusion 297
17: Taking Solidarity Seriously: Analysing Kerala’s Kudumbashree as a Women’s SSE Experiment 300
Kudumbashree: A State-Wide Anti-Poverty Programme\r 300
Agency and Solidarity 302
Kudumbashree: An Emerging Social and Solidarity Economy? 304
Conclusion: Challenges and Future Directions 309
18: Demonstrating the Power of Numbers: Gender, Solidarity and Group Dynamics in Community Forestry Institutions 313
Introduction 313
Some Conceptual Issues 314
The Impact of Numbers: Data and Findings 315
Enhancing Women’s Presence, Voice and Influence 323
Conclusions 328
Notes 330
About the Contributors 339
Bibliography 341
Index 372
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