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Languages of the Unheard

Languages of the Unheard

Stephen D'Arcy


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Martin Luther King once insisted that 'a riot is the language of the unheard.' Since 2011 swathes of protest, rebellion, and rioting have covered the globe. A new, disenfranchised generation is fighting for its voice as once again scores of police line the streets and pop icons demand a political revolution. Challenging us to consider arson attacks against empty buildings, black bloc street-fighting tactics, and industrial sabotage, amongst an array of other militant action, philosopher Stephen D'Arcy asks if it is ever acceptable to use or threaten to use armed force. Drawing a clear line between justifiable and unjustifiable militancy, Languages of the Unheard shows that the crucial contrast is between democratic and undemocratic action, rather than violence and non-violence. Both a consideration of the ethics and politics of militant protest and the story of dissidents and their actions post 1968, this book argues that militancy is not a danger to democratic norms of consensus-building. Instead, it is a legitimate remedy for elite intransigence and unresponsive systems of power that ignore, or silence, the people.
'Cutting across politically unhelpful and pernicious media-led divisions between supposedly "good" and "bad" protesters, Stephen D'Arcy presents a rigorous and convincing defence of militancy. By reframing the debate around democracy rather than violence, D'Arcy presents the case for tactics that oppose elites and give voice to the unheard and neglected. Anyone who takes protest and riot seriously needs to confront the issues that D'Arcy identifies - his arguments should give you much to think (and act) upon.' Nina Power, Roehampton University 'Are riots good for democracy? Stephen D'Arcy answers provocatively in the affirmative. With implacable logic, engaging prose, and a sensitivity to moral and ethical complexities, Languages of the Unheard demonstrates what radicals of all stripes intuitively know: to rebel is justified, and democracy - if it is to be found anywhere - is in the streets. By reframing debates concerning ''violence'' and militant protest in new and fertile ways, D'Arcy has made an invaluable contribution to the intellectual arsenal of activists everywhere.' Nikolas Barry-Shaw, co-author of'Paved with Good Intentions 'Contrary to those liberals and social democrats who argue that militant activism is antidemocratic, Stephen D'Arcy makes a sustained argument coming from within democratic theory that forms of militant disruptive protest can instead be seen as crucial to defending and expanding participatory forms of democracy. Giving voice to those who have not been heard and developing political autonomy, direct action politics can be seen as a civic virtue and a crucial part of democratic forms of revolutionary social transformation.' Gary Kinsman, author of The Regulation of Desire 'In this wide-ranging discussion of militancy, Stephen D'Arcy takes the reader through an argument that begins with civil disobedience and ends with armed struggle. To a democrat, D'Arcy argues, none of these should be taboo. You may part company with him at some stage, but if you are really committed to democracy you will have to consider his arguments.' Justin Podur, author of Haiti's New Dictatorship 'I highly recommend this book to all people, young and old, and especially to Indigenous youth who are at the forefront of this generation of activists. It is important to know when and where protests, blockades, or militant actions have been successful. And why!' Jeannette Corbiere Lavell, Ontario Native Women's Association
Stephen D'Arcy is an associate professor in the Department of Philosophy at Huron University College, at Western University, in London, Ontario. He teaches courses in moral and political philosophy, and publishes in the areas of democratic theory and practical ethics. He is a long-time social activist and protest organizer.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover Front cover
About the Author i
Title iii
Copyright iv
Contents vii
Introduction Militancy as a Civic Virtue 1
Part I | A Standard of Sound Militancy 11
One | The Militant’s Vocation 13
The Assemblies Movement: From the Arab Spring to Occupy and Beyond 15
The Battle of Seattle: “This is what democracy looks like!” 19
Voice to the Voiceless 21
What Is Militancy? 25
Four Styles of Militancy 28
Practically Sound or Unsound Protest 32
Two | The Liberal Objection 35
The Defence of Order 35
A Challenge from Within 37
Three Common Defences of Militancy 42
Three | The Democratic Standard 57
A Model Case of Sound Militancy 58
Principles for a Democratic Standard of Soundness 64
Rebuttal to the Liberal Objection 71
Part II Applications 75
Four | Civil Disobedience 77
The Salt March 79
The Obligation to Obey the Law 81
Civil Disobedience and Public Autonomy 85
Five | Disruptive Direct Action 89
The Logic of Disruption 90
Disruption in Action 92
Democracy or Blackmail? 98
Six | Sabotage 103
Monkeywrenching – The Logic of Sabotage 104
Tree-Spiking 107
Arson Attacks 110
Other Targets of Sabotage: Machinery and Roads 113
Is Democracy the Right Standard? 115
Respect for Persons, Not for Property 116
Seven | The Black Bloc 119
What Is a Black Bloc? 120
History of the Black Bloc 123
Criticisms of Black Blocs 125
Three Faces of the Black Bloc 128
Do Black Blocs Make a Strategic Contribution? 132
Eight | Rioting 139
From Riots to Rioting 140
What Is Rioting? 142
A Typology of Riot Genres 147
Rioting and Voice 151
Nine | Armed Struggle 159
Pacifism versus the Common View of Violence 160
The Common View and Defensive Force 164
Systemic Violence and the Right to Rebel 167
Some Examples of Armed Militancy 171
People’s Militias versus Clandestine Cells 178
Agency and Arms 180
Insurrectionism or Self-emancipation? 183
Acknowledgements 187
Notes 189
Index 209
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