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Africa's New Oil

Africa's New Oil

Celeste Hicks


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Book Details


The development of Africa’s oil has greatly accelerated in recent years, with some countries looking at the prospect of almost unimaginable flows of money into their national budgets. But the story of African oil has usually been associated with conflict, corruption and disaster, with older producers such as Nigeria having little to show for the many billions of dollars they’ve earned. In this eye-opening book, former BBC correspondent Celeste Hicks questions the inevitability of the so-called resource curse, revealing what the discovery of oil means for ordinary Africans, and how China’s involvement could mean a profound change in Africa’s relationship with the West. A much-needed account of an issue that will likely transform the fortunes of a number of African countries – for better or for worse.
Celeste Hicks is a freelance journalist and former BBC correspondent, who has lived and worked across the Sahel and in Somalia.

'The new oil scramble in Africa is a hugely important development topic, and while there is now a vast and sophisticated literature on the political economy of the "older" petro-states across the continent (such as Nigeria, Angola, Algeria), there is no comparable analysis of the sort offered by Africa's New Oil. This book combines well both ethnographic and lived experiences in the narrative as well as more policy inflected and academic debates.'
Michael J. Watts, author of Curse of the Black Gold

'Through meticulous research, rigorous analysis and personable jargon-free language, Celeste Hicks lays bare one of the great development dilemmas of our time. Africa's New Oil is a must-read for anybody who wishes to see the wealth from the continent's natural resources fairly distributed, as well as being a practical handbook for those actively pressuring their governments to exploit those resources for the benefit of all.'
Pete Lewenstein, author and former deputy editor at BBC African Service

'A timely and deeply insightful look at the oil industry in Africa. Hicks aptly captures key policy decisions and outcomes from country to country, while highlighting the important contextual challenges that influenced these policy choices.'
Charles Wanguhu, coordinator, Kenya Civil Society Platform on Oil and Gas

'In this vivid account, Celeste Hicks clearly shows the complexities that are at the intersection of oil governance reform and the political realities of weak institutions, impunity, poor planning, conflict, corruption and entrenched elite interests. This is a must-read for all people that are at the frontlines of working towards reforming the governance of mining, oil, gas resources and revenues.'
Gilbert Makore, coordinator, Publish What You Pay-Zimbabwe

'Africa’s New Oil is a well-written journalistic introduction to the continent’s new oil producers and its case studies can offer something of value to academic and lay readers alike.'
Journal of Retracing Africa

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Front cover
African Arguments i
About the Author iv
Title Page v
Copyright vi
Contents vii
Maps and Figures viii
Acknowledgements ix
Abbreviations and Acronyms xi
Introduction 1
1: Chad: A Model Project 16
Revenue Management 18
Environment 19
The Political Context 20
A Law with Flaws 23
The Military Threat 25
The End of the Model Project 30
The End of the Rebels 32
Lessons Learned for the World Bank? 34
2: The Aftermath 39
Escaping the Resource Curse: Key Themes 39
Revenue Management 48
Civil Society: The Silver Lining 61
Environmental Protections 66
Development of Local Content and the Impact on the Wider Economy 68
Bringing it all Together: Is Chad Resource Cursed? 71
3: Lessons Learned for China? 78
‘We Don’t Understand Why the Western Media is so Critical’ 81
The Political Context: Guns, Money and Oil 84
The Chinese Contract 86
Local Content and Wider Economic Impact 90
Djérmaya Refinery 93
China and Transparency 94
The Deal Unravels 96
Environmental Concerns 97
4: Resource Nationalism in Niger 105
Local Content and Revenue Sharing 105
Political Context 108
Resource Nationalism: The Issue of the Moment 111
Civil Society and Journalism 116
Contracts and Revenue Transparency 119
Slow Progress 121
Future Success 123
Assessing China’s Success 125
5: Civil Society Power in Ghana 128
Ghana’s Black Gold 131
Transparency and Revenue Management 134
Contracts 136
Local Content 137
Pathway out of Poverty? The Impact on The Economy of the Oil-producing Region 139
Regional Compensation and The Environment 141
Eldorado Missed? 144
Accountability and Quality of Spending 146
The Limitations of Transparency 149
Ghana’s Transparency Scorecard 153
6: The East African Miracle? 156
Towards A Regulatory Framework: Uganda 158
Kenya 175
Women 188
Kenya Versus Uganda: Will They or Won’t They? 193
Conclusion 195
Breaking The Resource Curse: An Evaluation 196
Revenue Management 198
Chad: Lessons Learned 201
Beyond Transparency 205
Notes 210
Bibliography 216
Index 226
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