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Anders Breivik and the Rise of Islamophobia

Anders Breivik and the Rise of Islamophobia

Sindre Bangstad


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In late July 2011, Norway was struck by the worst terror attacks in its history. In a fertilizer-bomb attack on Government Headquarters in Oslo and a one-hour-long shooting spree at the Labour Party Youth Camp at Utøya, seventy-seven people, mostly teenagers, were killed by Anders Behring Breivik. By targeting young future social democratic leaders, his actions were meant to lead to the downfall of Europe’s purportedly multiculturalist elites, thus removing an obstacle to his plans for an ethnic cleansing of Muslims from Europe. In this highly original work, leading Norwegian social anthropologist Sindre Bangstad reveals how Breivik's beliefs were not simply the result of a deranged mind, but rather they are the result of the political mainstreaming of pernicious racist and Islamophobic discourses. These ideas, currently gaining common currency, threaten equal rights to dignity, citizenship and democratic participation for minorities throughout contemporary Europe. An authoritative account of the Norwegian terror attacks and the neo-racist discourse that motivated them.
Sindre Bangstad is a Norwegian social anthropologist. He worked as an associate professor at Oslo University College in Oslo, Norway from 2008 to 2010, and from 2010 to 2013 was a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo, Norway. He is the author of the award-winning book The Faces of Secularism.
'Anders Breivik and the Rise of Islamophobia' is an important book. Its theoretical and analytical approaches elegantly combine with a rich data presentation to elucidate a horrible trend in Europe.' American Anthropologist 'Disappointingly few lessons have been learnt from the atrocities of the right-wing terrorist attack of 22 July 2011 in Norway, but Sindre Bangstad is intent on teaching us some. He does so with erudition, verve and gusto in this authoritative book, which shows that far from being merely the act of a deluded individual, the terrorist attack has to be understood in the context of radical Islamophobia. It says something not about individual psychology but about ideology and politics in today's Europe. An important book.' Professor Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo 'Sindre Bangstad provides us with an important analysis to allow us to understand the tragic events of Norway's 22/7. This book is essential reading for all those who want to understand racism and the rise of the anti-Islam far right in contemporary Europe.' Professor Maleiha Malik, King's College London 'Bangstad takes on the question that baffled the world after the massacre of young Norwegians by Anders Behring Breivik on 22 July 2011: how could such a peaceful country produce such a monstrous act of terrorism? Bangstad's response is a passionate, balanced and incisive analysis of how far-right politicians and writers have shaped a climate of fear and loathing for the Muslim Other.' Professor John R. Bowen, Washington University of St. Louis

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover Cover
About the author i
Title Page iii
Copyright iv
Contents v
In Memoriam vi
Acknowledgements viii
Preface x
Dedication xvi
1 Human Terror 1
Terror unexpected: Oslo and Utøya, 22 July 2011 1
A terrorist among us 3
Marketing terror 6
Never again 10
The 22/7 Commission report 13
Islamophobic discourse and Islamophobia’s mainstreaming 16
Norway and the rise of the far right 25
Freedom of expression 29
Fighting words, fighting deeds 31
The weight of words 31
2 Muslims in Norway 33
What is a Muslim? Norwegian Muslims between categorization and self-identification 48
Muslims and everyday discrimination 50
Narratives of victimhood: the rise of Salafism in Norway 53
IslamNet: puritan-activist Salafis 56
The Prophet’s Ummah: angry brown men 63
A centre which cannot hold? 69
3 The Fear of Small Numbers: On Reading a Terrorist Tract 71
A declaration of independence 71
Propaganda by deed 75
Behring Breivik’s main influences 76
‘Fjordman’s’ identity revealed 80
The properties of language 86
Political correctness 87
Cultural Marxists 88
The ‘heroic’ visionary 90
Multiculturalism 92
The question of racism 93
The construction of Islam and of Muslims 95
A pro-Zionist anti-Semite 104
Why social democrats, and not Muslims? 105
4 Convergences 107
The aftermath 107
The Progress Party and the mainstreaming of Islamophobic discourse in Norway 113
Islamization by stealth 127
The rhetoric intensifies: 2010 to 2011 129
The role of other parties 133
The role of the media 136
5 Dusklands: The Eurabia Genre 144
Introducing ‘Eurabia’ 144
The letter to Lady Liberty 152
Connecting the US–Euro dots: Bruce Bawer 155
Introducing ‘Eurabia’ to Norwegian television viewers 165
Truth, lies and a documentary 166
The documentary 168
Instrumentalizing white heat 171
The PP’s parliamentary motion on the hijab 172
Conclusion 173
6 The Weight of Words 175
Words and acts 175
Freedom of speech in the era of the internet 191
Norwegian conceptions of the public sphere 195
The first Commission on Freedom of Expression and The Dangerous Freedom of Expression, 1993 196
The Commission on Freedom of Expression, 1996–99 199
Habermas, rationality and modern public spheres 207
Concluding credo 211
Notes 220
References 245
Index 276
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