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Global Governance and the New Wars

Global Governance and the New Wars

Mark Duffield | Antonio Donini


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Book Details


In this hugely influential book, originally published in 2001 but just as - if not more - relevant today, Mark Duffield shows how war has become an integral component of development discourse. Aid agencies have become increasingly involved in humanitarian assistance, conflict resolution and the social reconstruction of war-torn societies. Duffield explores the consequences of this growing merger of development and security, unravelling the nature of the new wars and the response of the international community, in particular the new systems of global governance that are emerging as a result. An essential work for anyone studying, interested in, or working in development or international security.
Mark Duffield is emeritus professor at the Global Insecurities Centre, University of Bristol. He has taught at the universities of Khartoum, Aston and Birmingham and held fellowships and chairs at Sussex, Leeds and Lancaster. Mark is currently a member of the Scientific Board of the Flemish Peace Institute, Brussels, and a fellow of the Rift Valley Institute, London and Nairobi. Outside of academia, during the 1980s he was Oxfam's country representative in Sudan. Duffield has advised government departments, including DFID, EU (ECHO), the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), and non-governmental organisations, such as CAFOD, International Alert, Comic Relief and Oxfam, along with UNICEF, UNOCHA, UNDP and UNHCR.
'Global Governance and the New Wars remains a must-read text for anybody wanting to interrogate the changing contours of global security governance. Anticipating with remarkable foresight the political consequences of the merger between security and development in zones of crises, its insightful  prose not only defined a critical canon to move us beyond the conceit of sovereign academics, the force of its message remains as prescient as ever.'  Brad Evans, University of Bristol 'What is needed is to move beyond the idea of war-as-breakdown towards a fundamental rethink about how local elites, ordinary people, and international governments are continuously adapting to war and to global economic change. This breathtaking tour-de-force from one of the leading thinkers in this field points the way forward.' David Keen, London School of Economics and Political Science 'Mark Duffield's book is a must for anyone grappling with the contemporary nature of war and humanitarianism. Taking us beyond the stilted confines of international policy to the politics of modern violence, the argument exposes the way talk of "complex political emergencies" fails to grasp the fundamental characteristics of "emergent political complexes". Duffield lays bare the failings of aid policy in this regard.' David Campbell, Beijing Foreign Studies University 'Duffield's well-written book offers groundbreaking research in the emerging field created by the intersection of international security and international development ...The book offers not only theoretical understanding of the problem but also good research to understand the problem in practice.' D. S. Reveron, Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover Front cover
critique influence change i
About the author iv
Title v
Copyright vi
Dedication vii
Contents ix
Acknowledgements xi
List of abbreviations xiii
Foreword xv
Preface to the critique influence change edition xix
1. Introduction: The New Development–Security Terrain 1
From a capitalist to a liberal world system 2
The ambivalence of Southern exclusion 5
The internationalisation of public policy 7
Liberal peace 9
The new wars 13
The merging of development and security 15
The organisation of this book 17
Notes 20
2. The Merging of Development and Security 22
The demise of alternatives to liberal governance 22
From inclusion to underdevelopment becoming dangerous 26
New imperialism or liberal peace? 31
The reproblematisation of security 35
The radicalisation of development 37
Concluding remarks 42
Note 42
3. Strategic Complexes and Global Governance 44
The qualification of nation-state competence 46
Liberal strategic complexes 50
Non-governmental organisations 53
Military establishments 57
The commercial sector 61
Multilateral and regional organisations 71
Donor governments 72
Consensus and governance networks 73
Notes 74
4. The New Humanitarianism 75
Requiem for the prophets 76
From cosmic machines to living systems 82
The politicisation of development discourse 85
The demise of operational neutrality 88
The rise of consequentialist ethics 90
Ethics and humanitarian conditionality 93
Politics as policy 95
Linking relief and development as a governance relation 98
Deepening the relations of liberal governance 102
Concluding remarks 106
Note 107
5. Global Governance and the Causes of Conflict 108
New barbarism and biocultural determination 109
Underdevelopment as dangerous 113
Conflict and the reinvention of development 117
Poverty and conflict 121
The poor as allies of liberal peace 126
The delegitimation of leadership 128
Notes 135
6. The Growth of Transborder Shadow Economies 136
Social regression or social transformation? 136
The limits of the formal economy 140
Non-formal economies 144
A complex transborder shadow economy: the coffee trade across Sudan’s war zone 153
Non-liberal characteristics of non-formal economies 156
Revisiting underdevelopment as dangerous 159
Notes 160
7. Non-Liberal Political Complexes and the New Wars 161
Complex political emergencies or emerging political complexes? 161
From nation states to multiple authorities 163
The privatisation of protection 170
Protection and authority among state incumbents 178
The new wars as network war 187
Note 201
8. Internal Displacement and the New Humanitarianism: Displacement and Complicity in Sudan (Part 1) 202
A note on the political economy of Northern Sudan 205
Development discourse and internal displacement 208
Wealth ranking and natural economy 213
De-ethnicisation and self-management 215
Internal displacement as economic migration 218
Rights-based development and consequentialist ethics 221
Protection and self-management 224
Minimum operational standards and complexity 225
Notes 229
9. Aid and Social Subjugation: Displacement and Complicity in Sudan (Part 2) 230
Advantages to dominant networks 230
Cheap and desocialised labour 231
Representation, debt and clientage 236
Looting and asset realisation 241
Institutional advantages 244
Dependency revisited 247
Aid policy and complexity 251
Concluding remarks: peace and the reinvention of development 254
Notes 256
10. Conclusion: Global Governance, Moral Responsibility and Complexity – Internal Displacement and the New Humanitarianism 257
A cosmopolitan politics? 257
Rediscovering research as a moral force 259
Organisational reform and complexity 261
Note 265
Bibliography 266
Index 280
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