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Chinese Migrants and Africa's Development

Chinese Migrants and Africa's Development

Doctor Ben Lampert | Doctor May Tan-Mullins | Daphne Chang | Giles Mohan


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China's recent stepping up of relations with Africa is one of the most significant developments on the African continent for decades. For some it promises an end to Africa's dependent aid relationships, as the Chinese bring expertise, technology and a stronger business focus. But for others it is no more than a new form of imperialism. This book is the first to systematically study the motivations, relationships and impact of this migration. It focuses not just on the Chinese migrants but also on the perceptions of, and linkages to, their African 'hosts'. By studying this everyday interaction we get a much richer picture of whether this is South-South cooperation, as political leaders would have us believe, or a more complex relationship that can both compromise and encourage African development.
Giles Mohan is professor of international development at the Open University. He has published extensively in geographical, development studies and African studies journals and has acted as a consultant for a range of BBC documentaries on issues of international development. Ben Lampert is a lecturer in the Development Policy and Practice Group at the Open University. May Tan-Mullins is a human geographer at the University of Nottingham Ningbo, China, having previously worked at the National University of Singapore and Durham University. Daphne Chang is a staff tutor and a faculty associate of the Development Policy and Practice Group at the Open University.
'This timely scholarly contribution to the evolving discourse on China-Africa relations puts centre stage the urgent need to "build bridges" between Chinese and African citizens through cross-cultural understanding.' Professor Fantu Cheru, senior researcher of the African Studies Centre, Leiden 'Chinese Migrants and African Development provides a thoughtful, richly informed and theoretically drawn assessment of a complex relationship in flux. The authors do a remarkable job of unpacking the array of actors and differing contexts that shape the engagement between Chinese migrants and African communities. An important contribution to the burgeoning field.' Chris Alden, associate professor of international relations, London School of Economics and Political Science 'Much is made, very carelessly and generally, of the "Chinese" in Africa. However, Africa is fifty-four separate states, each of great complexity; the "Chinese" presence is equally complex and can be staggeringly different from place to place and historical epoch to epoch. The authors have performed a huge service with this book, distinguishing groups, rationales and debates, to overcome previous, appallingly reductionist narratives.' Stephen Chan, School of Oriental and African Studies 'The discussion on China in Africa has for too long been dominated by stereotypes and misleading dichotomies. This book is one of the rare studies exploring real Chinese-African interactions, on the ground; it adds a welcome dimension, bringing aspects of this interaction to life.' Henning Melber, director emeritus, Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation 'With a multi-scalar approach, connecting the global, the national and the local; the application of theories of intersectionality and cosmopolitanism; and examples from their in-depth research, the authors help us to understand the complexities and nuances of Chinese migrant engagements with Africans and their impact on Africa's development. This is an invaluable contribution; I wish I'd written it first!' Yoon Jung Park, associate professor, African Studies Program, Georgetown University

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover Front cover
About the authors i
Title page iii
Copyright iv
Contents v
Abbreviations vi
1 The Chinese in Africa: migration and development beyondthe West 1
Introduction: African globalization and the emergence of China in Africa 1
The state of knowledge and the book’s themes 3
Table 1.1 Estimates of the number of Chinese people in selected African countries 4
Theories of ‘South–South’ migration 11
Methodology: qualitative, quantitative and comparative 18
Map 1.1 African case study countries and fieldwork locations 20
Outline argument and structure 28
2 China’s opening up: internationalization, liberalization andemigration 31
Introduction 31
China meets Africa: early contact and the ‘coolie trade’ 33
Conflict, revolution and closure: the rise of Communist China 37
China’s opening: liberalization and the ‘new’ Chinese migration 42
Conclusion 46
Table 2.1 Typologies of Chinese migrants in Africa 48
3 Africa as opportunity: Chinese interests, motives and aspirations 52
Introduction 52
‘China-in-Africa’: state interests and geopolitical drivers 53
Africa as frontier: economic opportunities at the edge of globalization 60
Broadening horizons: self-development and the desire for global experience 67
Conclusion 72
4 Chinese socio-economic life in Africa: networks and realities 74
Introduction 74
Chinese business organization in Africa: from ethnic networks to local embeddedness 75
Ethnic affinity and its limits: Chinese community organization and social life in Africa 86
Struggling for success: the mixed fortunes of Chinese migrants in Africa 95
Conclusion 98
5 Constructing the other: narratives of tension and conflictin Sino-African encounters 100
Introduction 100
Migration, integration and marginalization 101
Tension and conflict I: Chinese migrants versus crime and corruption 104
Tension and conflict II: Chinese traders versus African traders and manufacturers 110
Tension and conflict III: Chinese and African bosses versus African and Chinese workers 114
Conclusion 123
6 Building bridges: towards conviviality, cooperation and mutual benefit in Sino-African encounters 125
Introduction 125
Conviviality in context 125
Destabilizing the divide: nuancing accounts of tension, conflict and difference in Sino-African encounters 127
Building bridges: towards conviviality, cooperation and mutual benefit 140
Conclusion 149
7 Conclusion: everyday Sino-African encounters and the potential for African development 151
Introduction 151
Key themes and contribution 152
Emerging trends, gaps in our knowledge and policy implications 157
Bibliography 165
Index 179
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