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Beyond the Profits System

Beyond the Profits System

Harry Shutt


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Book Details


Since 2008, we have found ourselves confronted by an historic financial holocaust that world leaders have struggled to come to terms with. All have willfully ignored its long-term, systemic causes and are thus unable to chart a way to survival. As explained by Harry Shutt - who was almost alone in foreseeing such a disaster in the 1990s (in The Trouble with Capitalism) their continued denial stems from a vested interest in maintaining a capitalist profits system which is not only as destructive as it was in the 1930s but as outmoded as feudalism was in 1789. Thus it can now only be sustained by an increasing reliance to official misinformation, massive criminal fraud and the ever greater dependence of private corporations on state subsidy. This book makes clear why the desperate resort of Western governments to 'extraordinary measures' to try and avert economic collapse is bound to fail. It also forcefully demonstrates why our only hope of reversing the tide is to abandon the traditional economic logic of endlessly expanding production in favour of responding to the aspirations of ordinary people. Such a transformation, argues Shutt, would make possible the allocation of resources to more socially desirable ends, including the assurance of basic economic security for all as a right of citizenship.
Harry Shutt was Chief Economist at the Fund for Research and Investment for the Development of Africa (1977-79). Since then he has been an independent economic consultant. His books include The Myth of Free Trade: Patterns of Protectionism Since 1945 (1985), The Trouble with Capitalism: An Inquiry into the Causes of Global Economic Failure (Zed 1999), A New Democracy: Alternatives to a Bankrupt World Order (Zed 2001) and The Decline of Capitalism: Can a Self-Regulated Profits System Survive (Zed 2004).
'This has been the most interesting discussion with an economist I have ever had in my life.' George Galloway, Press TV

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
About the author ii
Introduction 1
1 Anatomy of a crisis 5
The roots of disaster 9
Speculative folly 14
The descent into criminality 20
The political nexus 24
Continuing denial 24
The post-millennium bubble – a terminal orgy? 26
A humanitarian crisis 27
2 The official response: a study in delusion 31
The first priority: bailing out the banks 34
Reflation of the bubble: a final throw of the dice 37
Market manipulation: the imperfectly hidden hand 38
The fraud of official statistics 41
Still cooking the books 43
Going for broke 46
Silence of the dissidents 47
3 Facing up to systemic failure 49
Poor prospects for long-term recovery 51
Resistance to devaluation of capital and labour 56
The need to abandon the growth obsession 59
Excess population growth – the undeclared menace 62
4 The price of profit-driven growth 65
The privatisation catastrophe 65
Forcing enterprises to service surplus capital 69
The private pensions vampire 71
Wasteful and costly over-investment 73
Profit-distorted priorities 76
Encouragement to speculation through liberalisation of markets 83
The ‘war’ on drugs: a profit-driven perversion of public policy 87
A pattern of resource misallocation 91
5 A new model: ending the tyranny of production 93
Origins of the expansionist bias 94
The work fetish 99
The new scarcity 105
A more rational ideology 107
6 Evolving a more rational economic system 111
Basic strategic orientation 111
A more rational globalisation 112
Restoring monetary order 115
The role of enterprise 116
Income distribution and employment 122
Basic income – an idea whose time has come 124
An end to the anarchy of the global ‘free’ market 127
Criteria for public choice 130
7 Ideology for the twenty-first century: cooperation, creativeness, equality 133
In place of the work ethic 135
Changing perceptions of the corporate sector 141
Marginalising the profit motive 144
Measuring welfare 146
8 Deepening democracy 149
Ending the power of money over the political process 150
Limiting media distortions 153
Restoring the rule of law 156
Enhancing participation and accountability 157
The measure of democracy 159
Governance in the developing world 160
9 Capitulation or catastrophe? 165
A glimmer of hope? 166
An emergency response 169
A compulsive hope 171
Index 175