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Disappearing Palestine

Disappearing Palestine

Jonathan Cook


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Book Details


Palestine is fast disappearing. Over many decades Israel has developed and refined policies to disperse, imprison and impoverish the Palestinian people in a relentless effort to destroy them as a nation. It has industrialized Palestinian despair through ever more sophisticated systems of curfews, checkpoints, walls, permits and land grabs. It has transformed the West Bank and Gaza into laboratories for testing the infrastructure of confinement, creating a lucrative 'defence' industry by pioneering the technologies needed for crowd control, surveillance, collective punishment and urban warfare. In this insightful and authoritative new book, leading journalist Jonathan Cook examines the many different guises in which these experiments on the Palestinians are being carried out. Accessible and comprehensive, this is a powerful analysis of one of the most enduring and entrenched conflicts in contemporary world politics.
Jonathan Cook is the only western journalist to be based in Nazareth, the capital of the Palestinian minority in Israel. He was previously a staff journalist on the Guardian and Observer newspapers, and has written about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict also for the Times, Le Monde diplomatique, the International Herald Tribune, Al-Ahram Weekly, Counterpunch and He is the author of Blood and Religion (2006) and Israel and the Clash of Civilisations (2008).
'I have been reading Jonathan's work on the internet for years. On Palestine and Israel, I can think of no more reliable source.' - John Pilger 'This is an impressive and timely book written by one of the most knowledgeable writers on the Palestine-Israel conflict. Its insight into the devastating impact of Zionist settler colonialism and its account of the current reality on the ground are unique. A must read for those seeking peace and justice in the Middle East.' - Nur Masalha, Director of the Holy Land Research Project, St Mary's University College (UK), and author of The Bible and Zionism (2007) 'No one is a keener observer of Zionism's true goals, from its bald usurpation of land and resources to its bad faith about seeking real peace. The book provides an unusual depth of evidence and sharp analysis, and a devastating indictment of Zionism. It is a penetrating piece of scholarship and a gem of easy readability.' - Kathleen Christison, former CIA analyst and author of Perceptions of Palestine (1999)

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Acknowledgements vii
Maps ix
Introduction 1
Part I 11
1 The Road to Dispossession 13
Zionism’s Denial of History 15
The Clash of Nationalisms 18
‘A land without a people’ 22
Rise of the Jewish State 26
Unwelcome Citizens 30
Judaizing the Land 34
The JNF Shell Game 39
A Demographic Timebomb 43
2 Greater Israel’s Lure 46
A ‘Miraculous’ Victory 49
Facts on the Ground 51
Redrawing the Map 55
Blueprints for the Future 57
Occupation’s Legal Infrastructure 60
Two Systems of Rule 67
3 Dunam after Dunam 71
Theft by Stealth 73
A Civilian Army 76
The Great ‘State Lands’ Swindle 79
Goals of Colonization 83
Subsidizing the Settlers 86
Hollow Pledges 89
The Final Pieces in Place 93
4 Disappearing Palestine 97
Separation versus Transfer 101
Sharon’s Conversion to Hafrada 104
Ruling through Division 108
Revival of the Jordanian Option 114
Fruits of Occupation 121
‘Palestine is finished’ 132
Part II 137
5 Zionism and Its Meanings 139
Finishing the Job (November 2002) 140
Minister of Strategic Threats (October 2006) 151
The Persecution of Azmi Bishara (June 2007) 157
6 Life under Occupation 167
Watching the Checkpoints (February 2007) 168
Israel’s Latest Bureaucratic Obscenity (July 2006) 179
An Experiment in Human Despair (July 2006) 182
The Struggle for Palestine’s Soul (October 2006) 186
7 Compromised Critics 191
Hollow Visions of the Future (November 2006) 192
Bad Faith (September 2006) 200
No Right to Non-violent Resistance (November 2006) 205
8 Our Embedded Media 212
Kidnapped Correspondents (June 2006) 213
Covering up Gaza (July 2006) 223
9 Anti-Semitism and Its Abuses 229
Hatred and Holocaust (September 2006) 230
The Purging of Palestinian Christians (January 2007) 236
Afterword: Two-state Dreamers 244
Notes 252
Introduction 252
Chapter 1\r 253
Chapter 2 261
Chapter 3 263
Chapter 4 266
Chapter 5 269
Chapter 6 273
Chapter 7 276
Chapter 8 278
Chapter 9 280
Afterword 282
Bibliography 284
Index 289