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Beyond US Hegemony

Beyond US Hegemony

Samir Amin


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In this major new work - the result of a lifetime of intellectual engagement - one of the developing world's most famous thinkers reflects on the times we live in. He argues that US hegemony has reached a dangerous new level under George Bush Jr, and that the US President's hubristic militarism will both lead to a never-ending cycle of wars and block all hopes of social and democratic progress, not just in developing countries, but in the North as well. Samir Amin also rejects the highly ideological notion that the current form of neoliberal capitalism - 'really existing capitalism' in which imperialism is an integral and permanent part - is an inevitable future for humanity, or in fact socially or politically tolerable. At the same time, he is not opposed to globalization as such; indeed he believes the whole world today is irrevocably connected, and that solidarity in diversity is the key to the struggle for a better world. In the body of the book, Amin provides a perspicacious analysis of tendencies within the rich countries - the US, Europe and Japan; the rising powers - China and India; the likely future trajectory of post-Soviet Russia; and the developing world. The central question he pursues is whether there are other hegemonic blocs that may emerge in time to circumscribe American power, and constrain free market capitalism and force it to adjust to demands other than its narrow central economic logic. This important and thought-provoking book identifies the key global campaigns Samir feels progressives should launch around the world. 'Another world is possible.' But, he warns, the diverse citizens' movements loosely gathered together in the World Social Forum must bite the political bullet and recognise that they can only transform the world if they seek political power.
Samir Amin is Director of the Third World Forum in Dakar, Senegal; and a co-founder of the World Forum for Alternatives.
' assuredly not lacking in ambition. This would only be a beginning however.' Frank Lee, Chartist

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents v
Introduction 1
Being clear about the nature of capitalism and imperialism 2
Is there a desirable form of globalization? 5
1. The triad: America, Europe and Japan – united or fragmented? 8
The project of the American ruling class 9
The shifting sands of the European project 14
The clash of political cultures 17
And Japan? 22
2. Does the rise of China challenge the imperialist order? 25
China’s rise: revolution or opening to the world? 25
Market socialism: transition, or short-cut to capitalism? 28
So, what is to be done? 39
An uncertain future 46
3. Russia out of the tunnel? 49
Basic characteristics of the Soviet system 50
New forms of capitalism in Russia 54
Is there a worthwhile alternative in Russia today? 64
4. India, a great power? 69
The colonial inheritance 69
Success and limitations of the populist national project 72
The liberal and culturalist drift 77
The long and difficult march of alternative globalization 79
5. Can solidarity be rebuilt among the countries of the South? 84
A critical balance sheet of the ‘Bandung era’, 1955-75 85
The roots of Africa’s exclusion 92
Is South Africa the weak link in the system? 95
Can the slide of the Arab world be reversed? 98
Latin America and the Caribbean in a tricontinental perspective 103
The East as a new South? 105
A new basis for solidarity among the peoples of the South 106
6. Reform of the UN as a part of multipolar globalization 112
Managing national sovereignty within the UN framework 112
A balance sheet of UN activity between 1945 and 1980 115
Conflict and overlap between economic and political management 119
The empire of chaos: sovereignty, social justice and development go by the board 121
The alternative: constructing social justice, international justice and a new popular sovereignty 126
Proposals for a renaissance of the UN 131
A plan for action 144
7. Conclusions 146
The difficulties of constructing a multipolar world 146
Can Washington’s military project be thwarted? 148
Thinking long-term 151
Four conditions to be satisfied 157
The great strength of the global ‘movement’ 160
Appendix I. Multipolarity in the twentieth century 165
The drama of the great revolutions 166
The weight of imperialism, the permanent stage of the global expansion of capitalism 167
Defence of the post-revolutionary states central to the vanguard’s strategic choices 168
Nation-building and/or socialist construction in the radical countries of the periphery 170
Opening debate on the long transition to world socialism 172
Appendix II. Further reading 175
On the nature of actually existing capitalism 175
On the transformation of contemporary capitalism and the critique of mainstream discourse 176
On contradictions within the contemporary triad 178
On the socialist perspective and the critique of ‘actually existing socialisms’ 179
On the global insertion of the various regions of ‘the South’ 181
On present conflicts and thegeometry of possible alliances 183
Index 185