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The Trouble with Aid

The Trouble with Aid

Jonathan Glennie


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Africa is poor. If we send it money it will be less poor. It seems perfectly logical, doesn't it? Millions of people in the rich world, moved by images on television and appalled by the miserable conditions endured by so many in other countries, have joined campaigns to persuade their governments to double aid to Africa and help put an end to such shameful inequality. It seems simple. But it isn't. In this book, Jonathan Glennie argues that, along with its many benefits, government aid to Africa has often meant more poverty, more hungry people, worse basic services and damage to already precarious democratic institutions. Moreover, calls for more aid are drowning out pressure for action that would really make a difference for Africa’s poor. Rather than doubling aid to Africa, it is time to reduce aid dependency. Through an honest assessment of both the positive and negative consequences of aid, this book will show you why.
'Readable, reasoned yet radical; Glennie urges governments, campaigners and others to look beyond aid and consider other ways to help impoverished nations and citizens stand on their own feet.' Alex Wilks, European Network on Debt and Development 'Jonathan Glennie's excellent and immensely readable new book presents a compelling case for those of us who care about Africa not to demand ever more aid, but rather to seek the more fundamental changes in the global economy which could reduce dependency on aid and contribute to the ultimate eradication of poverty.' David Woodward, former head of New Global Economy Programme 'Jonathan Glennie offers a refreshing and insightful departure from the polarized views that have dominated the aid debate. Clearly and succinctly he challenges both aid optimists and aid sceptics with an in-depth analysis of the 'complex impacts' of aid on the lives of the poor and the institutions and governments of recipient countries. A must read' Samuel Gayi, UNCTAD 'At last a book that speaks frankly to the fundamentals of aid and how it is delivered. Ignore this book at your peril; this is an issue we cannot relegate to the sidelines of development' Charles Mutasa, Africa Forum and Network on Development and Debt (AFRODAD) 'The Trouble with aid certainly hits the spot. A concise and forthright critique and summary of the aid dilemma, its lack of prohibitive jargon and lofty rhetoric afford it wide and deserved appeal' New Agriculturalist
Jonathan Glennie has worked as a policy analyst in several international development charities. He is currently Christian Aid’s country representative in Colombia. He has played a key role in campaigns in the United Kingdom and around the world, including the Make Poverty History campaign in 2005.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Acknowledgements viii
Abbreviations ix
1 | Time to think again xi
2 | The new aid era 10
Aid is going up again 11
What’s it all for? 14
Emergency aid 15
Development aid 16
Development takes time 18
From independence to dependency 21
3 | All aid’s impacts: the bigger picture 25
Direct impacts 28
4 | Pulling the strings: the reality of aid conditionality 36
Imposing ideology 37
The ‘Ten Commandments’ of the Washington Consensus 38
Rolling back the state 38
Undermining basic service provision 42
Don’t blame us! 44
Reform or rehash? 46
The ‘good governance’ agenda 49
In the balance 52
5 | Institutions, institutions, institutions 54
The theory 56
Policymaking capacity 59
The will of the people? 63
Parallel development 67
Aid and corruption 70
Keeping people in power 72
No representation without taxation 73
6 | Aid, growth and confused academics 78
Growth does not equal poverty reduction 78
Methodological problems 81
Contradictory evidence 82
Macroeconomic impacts 83
7 | A better future? 88
The ‘Paris Agenda’ 89
The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness: five principles 90
General Budget Support 91
New era, same problems 96
Less and better aid 99
8 | Why is aid really going up? 102
Aid is easy 104
Aid buys friends 106
Aid is a good investment 110
Recipient governments 113
Campaigners 115
9 | What is to be done? 123
Plugging the leaks 125
Untapped opportunities 130
From dependency to independence 133
Should rich countries just keep the aid money? 136
Real generosity 139
Notes 145
Chapter 1 145
Chapter 2 145
Chapter 3\r 147
Chapter 4 147
Chapter 5 148
Chapter 6 150
Chapter 7 151
Chapter 8 152
Chapter 9 153
Bibliography 155
Index 167