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Women, Sexuality and the Political Power of Pleasure

Women, Sexuality and the Political Power of Pleasure

Susie Jolly | Andrea Cornwall | Kate Hawkins


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This pioneering collection explores the ways in which positive, pleasure-focused approaches to sexuality can empower women. Gender and development has tended to engage with sexuality only in relation to violence and ill-health. Although this has been hugely important in challenging violence against women, over-emphasizing these negative aspects has dovetailed with conservative ideologies that associate women’s sexualities with danger and fear. On the other hand, the media, the pharmaceutical industry, and pornography more broadly celebrate the pleasures of sex in ways that can be just as oppressive, often implying that only certain types of people - young, heterosexual, able-bodied, HIV-negative - are eligible for sexual pleasure. Women, Sexuality and the Political Power of Pleasure brings together challenges to these strictures and exclusions from both the South and North of the globe, with examples of activism, advocacy and programming which use pleasure as an entry point. It shows how positive approaches to pleasure and sexuality can enhance equality and empowerment for all.
Andrea Cornwall is professor in anthropology and development at the University of Sussex, where she is an affiliate of the Centre for the Study of Sexual Dissidence and director of the Pathways of Women’s Empowerment programme. As a teenager, she harboured a secret desire to be an agony aunt when she grew up, inspired by clandestine readings of her mother’s Cosmopolitan, but became an anthropologist instead, focusing much of her research on gender, sexuality, sex and relationships. Joining the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) as a fellow in 1998, she supported the emergence of work on sexuality and helped establish the Sexuality and Development Programme. She has published widely on gender and sexuality in development and is executive producer of Save us from Saviours, a short film on Indian sex workers’ challenge of the rescue industry. Kate Hawkins is director of Pamoja Communications and a visiting fellow at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS). She has worked as a policy analyst and advocate on sexual and reproductive health and rights. With Susie Jolly, Andrea Cornwall and others, Kate has contributed to the Sexuality and Development Programme at IDS with a particular focus on how research influences policy and practice and the improvement of communication and knowledge exchange. Kate is on the Steering Committee of The Pleasure Project, an initiative which aims to make sex safer by addressing one of the major reasons people have sex: the pursuit of pleasure. Susie Jolly is a hybrid activist/researcher/communicator/trainer and is currently also a donor. From her different positions she consistently seeks to challenge the ‘straitjacket’ of gender and sexuality norms that disempower so many people. She currently leads the Ford Foundation sexuality and reproductive health and rights grant-making programme in China. Previously, she founded and led the Sexuality and Development Programme at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS). She has had extensive engagement with gender and development issues internationally, with six years’ experience at the BRIDGE gender information unit, IDS, as well as a lifetime of feminist activism.
'This book's holistic approach to sexuality in various third-world contexts is enormously refreshing. Development discourses have yoked discussions of women's sexuality primarily to disease, risk, violence and reproduction. Transcending this narrow conceptualisation, the contributors raise the importance of embodied desires, agency and empowerment in both personal and social transformation. Case studies from such varied contexts as India, Malawi, Turkey and Uganda demonstrate that political struggles are inextricably connected to the relations, contestations, discourses and institutions surrounding sexuality. Avoiding the dangers of universalising models of resistance and understandings of sexuality, the book opens up innovative methodological, theoretical and political paths for new interdisciplinary work on women, gender and development.' Desiree Lewis, University of the Western Cape 'This is one of those uncommon books which open up new perspectives on development. It pushes forward the frontiers of feminism, challenging convention and recognising pleasure as a right. Inclusively it embraces heterosexuals, LGBTQs, sex workers, the disabled, those who are HIV positive, those married to gay partners and others so often excluded. It confronts stereotypes and taboos with the grounded evidence of experiences, both awful and inspiring. The editors and contributors have remarkably produced a book with a new theme, putting sexual pleasure on the development agenda and presenting it in a manner that is at once sensitive, nuanced, and full of humanity. The result is a remarkable book, a gripping read, exhilarating and liberating in the way it celebrates pleasure, laughter and fun. We see pleasure as an empowering win-win. We are left wondering why sexual pleasure has only now come up in the development agenda. Development professionals: read, enjoy, be enlightened, and recognise women's sexual pleasure as a human right.' Robert Chambers, University of Sussex 'This volume pulls the threads of sexual pleasure in a variety of directions as to charter connections and gaps between bodies, communities and discourses. Sexual pleasure is a domain of life, theory and research -- particularly in the case of female sexuality -- constantly torn between danger and jouissance, between objectification and empowerment. The editors and authors do not evade these minefields but rather address them as nodes to be de-constructed when articulating social, gender and erotic justice. The final result is also to be appraised as a rich, diverse and hybrid global South and North tapestry of live worlds and voices.' Sonia Corrêa, Sexuality Policy Watch 'Finally women's pleasure is being taken seriously. What a relief! Women, Sexuality and the Political Power of Pleasure is a fantastic book, and will certainly be an important tool in creating a more pleasure-filled world, and isn't that what we all ultimately want? Highly intelligent, knowledgeable writers from the front lines of women's struggles from all corners of the globe make reading this collection of essays, well, deeply pleasurable, and extremely satisfying.' Annie Sprinkle, author and co-founder of

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Feminisms and Development i
About the Editors ii
Title page iii
Copyright iv
Contents v
Abbreviations vii
Acknowledgements viii
Preface ix
Introduction | Women, Sexuality and the Political Power of Pleasure 1
Why we need to talk about pleasure 4
How to talk about pleasure 7
Whose pleasure? 10
How to work with pleasure 13
How not to work on pleasure 19
Pleasure and/as empowerment 21
References 24
1 | Thinking with Pleasure: Danger, Sexuality and Agency 28
Telling stories, thinking with pleasure 36
The erotic project: commissioning brief 38
Conclusion 40
References 41
2 | Challenging the Pleasure versus Danger Binary: Reflections on Sexuality Workshops with Rural Women’s Rights Activists in North India 42
Why women’s organizations are not engaging with sexuality in positive ways 43
Brokering conversations about sexuality and pleasure 45
Larger lessons from the programme 52
Conclusion 54
References 57
3 | Sexual Pleasure as a Woman’s Human Right: Experiences from a Human Rights Training Programme for Women in Turkey 58
Women’s voices: Childhood, Menstruation 61
The Human Rights Education Programme for Women (HREP) 63
Women and sexuality within the HREP 66
Women’s voices: Lack of information/misinformation 69
Women’s voices: Virginity, the hymen (‘membrane of girlhood’) and the\r\nfirst night of marriage 71
Women’s voices: Pleasure 73
Notes 74
References 75
4 | Better Sex and More Equal Relationships: Couple Training in Nigeria 76
Studying women’s sexual pleasure 77
The INCRESE Sexual Pleasure Project 82
Lessons learnt 88
Implications for programming for women’s health andrights 90
References 91
5 | Building a Movement for Sexual Rights and Pleasure 93
Pink Space NGO: uniting marginalized sexual identities, organizing beyond identity politics 95
An exchange between lesbians and women living with HIV: finding common ground 98
Exchanges between gay men’s wives 101
Developing an analysis: marriage normativity and compulsory heterosexuality 103
How we worked with pleasure 105
Conclusion 109
Note 110
Reference 110
6 | Enabling Disabled People to Have and Enjoy the Kind of Sexuality They Want 111
The context of our experience 114
Defining sexuality and sexual health 117
Valuing sexual pleasure and intimacy 120
Importance of practitioner awareness 121
Practitioner comfort, knowledge and skills 123
Developing service policies 125
The Recognition Model 127
Table 6.1 The Recognition Model 128
Sex work, surrogacy and the legal framework 132
Conclusion 135
Notes 137
References 138
7 | Desires Denied: Sexual Pleasure in the Context of HIV 142
Women in their place: opposite sides of the same coin – forced sex and forced asexuality 143
Belief systems, sex and women 145
Influences of belief systems on the law 149
Influences of belief systems on medicine and health care 150
Medical traditions, scientific advances and the tyranny of belief systems 150
Legal approaches to asexuality of women with HIV 153
Consequences of these policies and practices for women with HIV 155
Human rights: reframing the medical and legal landscape 156
Acknowledgements 158
Notes 158
References 160
8 | Sex is a Gift from God: Paralysis and Potential in Sex Education in Malawi 161
Scaring the desire out of them: secular initiatives 162
Sex is a gift from God: the potentials of faith-based prevention 169
Conclusion: possible alliances? 178
Acknowledgements 180
Notes 180
References 181
9 | Why We Need to Think about Sexuality and Sexual Well-Being: Addressing Sexual Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa 184
Strange bedfellows? Sexual violence, sexuality, sexual well-being 185
Discourses and their discontents 186
Sexuality and sexual well-being: arguments for keeping them in the conversation 190
Final thoughts 195
Note 197
References 197
10 | Could Watching Porn Increase Our Expectations of (Safe) Pleasure? An Exploration of Some Promising Harm-Reduction Practices 200
What is pornography? 201
What if porn is inherently bad? 202
Pornography is big business 203
People learn about sexuality from pornography 205
Hooking into the power of pleasure 208
Condom use in pornographic films 213
Pornography that highlights what the mainstream overlooks 217
A future research agenda? 222
Conclusion: bridging the pleasure divide 223
Notes 224
References 224
11 | Challenging Clitoraid 229
Reparative surgery for FGM/C: does it exist? 230
Investigating Clitoraid 233
Support for Clitoraid: Betty Dodson and Good Vibrations 235
Asking critical questions 237
The role of social media 239
The Raelians respond 241
Catching up on Clitoraid: where are we now? (Summer 2012) 247
Where next? 248
Acknowledgements 248
Notes 248
References 249
12 | How Was It for You?Pleasure and Performance in Sex Work 251
Giving pleasure 252
Getting pleasure 254
Pleasure and power 258
Sharing pleasure 261
Conclusion 262
Notes 263
References 263
13 | Eroticism, Sensuality and ‘Women’s Secrets’ among the Baganda 265
Ssenga: past and present 267
‘Mortar-pestle dialogues’: metaphorically speaking 272
Gender/sexuality non-conformity: poking holes in patriarchy 274
The cultural labia 278
Eroticism and sexual etiquette in the marital chamber 280
Concluding remarks 282
Acknowledgements 283
Notes 283
References 284
14 | Laughter, the Subversive Body Organ 286
Up against the soap operas 286
Discovering laughter 287
Learning with the body 288
Reflecting lives in stories 290
A missing link to empowerment 291
The anatomy of pleasure: part of the human story 292
Laughter reveals, but also heals 294
About the Contributors 296
Index 301