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Jewish Identity and Palestinian Rights

Jewish Identity and Palestinian Rights

David Landy


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Book Details


Diaspora Jews are increasingly likely to criticise Israel and support Palestinian rights. In the USA, Europe and elsewhere, Jewish organisations have sprung up to oppose Israel’s treatment of Palestinians, facing harsh criticism from fellow Jews for their actions. Why and how has this movement come about? What does it mean for Palestinians and for diaspora Jews? Jewish Identity and Palestinian Rights is a groundbreaking study of this vital and growing worldwide social movement, examining in depth how it challenges traditional diasporic Jewish representations of itself. It looks at why people join this movement and how they relate to the Palestinians and their struggle, asking searching questions about transnational solidarity movements. This book makes an important contribution to Israel/Palestine and Jewish studies and responds to urgent questions in social movement theory.
'At last, we have an authoritative and incisive analysis that has to be an essential item of any reading list on Palestine and Israel in the future.' Ilan Pappe, Director of the European Centre for Palestine Studies 'David Landy's intriguing book strives to de-colonize Jewish thinking itself, transcending the deeply troubling Judeo-centric approaches to Palestine that often entrap it.' Omar Barghouti, human rights activist, author of 'Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS): The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights'. 'A must read for those on either side of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement as well as those engaged in navigating the future of Jews, Israel and Palestinians.' Marc H. Ellis, Director of the Center for Jewish Studies, Baylor University, Texas
David Landy is currently based at Lancaster University, where he teaches contemporary social and cultural theory, and race and migration.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
About the Author ii
Contents v
Acknowledgements vi
Introduction 1
Movement description 4
Researching the movement 12
Book plan 16
1 | Understanding and researching the social movement 20
Identity and distant issue movements 23
Bourdieu and social movements 28
Conclusion 39
2 | The conflict over diaspora Jewish identity 40
Identity and diaspora 42
The attractions of exile 46
Rejecting Zionism, ignoring Palestinians 55
Conclusion: The limits of identity talk 63
3 | The Jewish field and its dissidents 65
Rethinking ‘community’ 66
No longer ‘the club’: fragmented British Jewry 72
A history of the movement in Britain 85
Global Jewish opposition to Israel 99
4 | Activists between the universal and the community 120
Coming out activist 123
Confronting Zionists: conversing with the Other 129
Cultivating the Jewish field 139
Conclusion: a global space for the community? 148
5 | The terrain of activism 151
Boycott: ‘the middle-aged equivalent of wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt’ 156
‘It’s kosher to boycott Israeli goods’ 163
Conclusion: rooted cosmopolitans 176
6 | Rooted cosmopolitans: participants and Palestinians 181
Problems with Palestinians 182
Solidarity versus cosmopolitanism 195
Conclusion 204
Conclusion 208
How important is this movement? 210
Palestinian rights and Jewish identities 215
Notes 219
Introduction 219
Chapter 1 220
Chapter 2 220
Chapter 3 221
Chapter 4 223
Chapter 5 223
Chapter 6 224
References 226
Index 243