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Media and Development

Media and Development

Martin Scott


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Media matters. From encouraging charitable donations and delivering public health messages to promoting democratic participation and state accountability, the media can play a crucial role in development. Yet the influence of the media is not always welcome. It can also be used as a mechanism of surveillance and control or to disseminate hate speech and propaganda. How then should we respond to the growing importance of the media - including journalism, radio, television, community media and social media - for poverty and inequality? The first step is to acquire an informed and critical understanding of the multiple roles that the media can have in development. To help achieve this, this book provides concise and original introductions to the study and practice of communication for development (C4D), media development and media representations of development. In doing so it highlights the increasing importance of the media, whilst at the same time emphasising the varieties, complexities and contingencies of its role in social change. The broad and interdisciplinary focus of this book will make it attractive to anyone with an interest in media, communication, development, politics and social change.
Martin Scott is a lecturer in media and international development at the University of East Anglia. His research is primarily concerned with media coverage of development and the global South. He has also written about entertainment education, media literacy and the role of popular culture in engaging young people in politics.
'Martin Scott has written an excellent book which will go straight to the top of student reading lists. It is lucid, readable and clear, parsing complex debates and voluminous literatures with an easy mastery. It is also thoroughly thought-provoking. You could not ask for a better introduction to this topic.' Daniel Brockington, University of Manchester 'This book is innovative, relevant and very useful for students wishing to understand the complex relations between media and development. Martin Scott delivers accessible narratives, interesting insights and nuanced arguments. But not least, he writes well. A good communicator offering an important contribution to the field!' Thomas Tufte, Roskilde University 'Martin Scott offers a compelling and original constructive critique of media development, artfully integrating critical attention to communication for development with concerns with communication about development. This work offers a valuable contribution to communication, humanitarian, and development work.' Karin Wilkins, University of Texas at Austin 'Insightful and eloquent, Martin Scott's book comes a long way in addressing the notoriously slippery question of how exactly media matter in development. By clearing conceptual ground, synthesising debates and formulating new challenges, the book also powerfully demonstrates just how valuable interdisciplinary scholarship can be.' Lilie Chouliaraki, London School of Economics and Social Science

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover Front cover
Development Matters i
Title page iii
Copyright iv
Contents v
Figures and tables vi
Acknowledgements vii
Introduction 1
Three ways of thinking about media and development 2
Integrating media studies and development studies 7
Defining media and development 8
1 Media for Development: Magic Bullet or Corporate Tool? 13
Defining features of the M4D approach 15
1.1 Makutano Junction viewers’ response to the notion that ‘all parents have the right to become school committee members’ 23
1.2 Percentage of viewers and non-viewers of Makutano Junction who claim to own a mosquito net 24
Critiques of the M4D approach 27
M4D hybrids 41
1.3 Adam Smith International’s approach to development communication 44
Conclusion 46
2 Participatory Communication in Development: More Questions than Answers 47
What is participatory communication? What is development? 48
Participatory communication and Paulo Freire 51
Participatory communication and diffusion 56
Table 2.1 Key distinctions between diffusion and participatory approaches to development communication 57
Table 2.2 Arnstein’s ladder of participation 62
New technologies and participatory communication 64
Conclusion 73
3 Defining Media Development: Nailing Jelly to a Wall 75
Defining media development 77
Defining media development through media for development 92
External interventions or domestic initiatives? 95
The affordances of different technologies within media development 97
Measuring media development 99
Conclusion 106
4 From Media Development to Development: A Long and Winding Road 108
Democracy, good governance and media development 109
Empirical evidence linking media development to democracy and good governance 122
Media development and economic development 124
‘We communicate, therefore we are’ (Panneerselvan and Nair 2008) 128
Community media 132
Conclusion 135
5 Strategies of Humanitarian Communication: Choose Wisely 138
‘Shock effect’ appeals 140
Deliberate positivism 149
Post-humanitarian communication 153
Humanitarian communication online 157
Conclusion 165
6 Media Coverage of the Global South: Who Cares? 167
The media’s influence on foreign aid budgets 169
The media’s influence on cosmopolitan attitudes 176
The media’s influence on global relations of power 183
Conclusion 191
Conclusion 194
Media and development: three fields or one? 195
References 205
Index 223
About Zed Books 232
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