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Africa and the War on Drugs

Africa and the War on Drugs

Neil Carrier | Gernot Klantschnig


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Nigerian drug lords in UK prisons, khat-chewing Somali pirates hijacking Western ships, crystal meth-smoking gangs controlling South Africa's streets, and narco-traffickers corrupting the state in Guinea-Bissau: these are some of the vivid images surrounding drugs in Africa which have alarmed policymakers, academics and the general public in recent years. In this revealing and original book, the authors weave these aspects into a provocative argument about Africa's role in the global trade and control of drugs. In doing so, they show how foreign-inspired policies have failed to help African drug users but have strengthened the role of corrupt and brutal law enforcement officers, who are tasked with halting the export of heroin and cocaine to European and American consumer markets. A vital book on an overlooked front of the so-called war on drugs.
'A fresh, ambitious, and critical survey of drug use and trafficking in Africa, where globalization has added cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine to local staples like beer, khat, and cannabis. Carrier and Klantschnig explore the continent's changing drug ecologies, the mixed implications for development, and policy responses that have ranged from more drug wars to state complicity in the traffic.' David T. Courtwright, presidential professor, Department of History, University of North Florida 'In a world in which progress on addressing the global illicit drug problem is non-existent, this important volume seeks to move the discourse on drug flows and use in sub-Saharan Africa from a domain tightly controlled by the punitive language and narrow mind frames of the US-driven war on drugs towards a more nuanced, balanced, research-based and both historically and culturally informed perspective. Thus, it is a breath of fresh air for an arena of contemporary social life dominated by failed policy, preconceived ideas, human rights violations, and lack of rigorous on-the-ground research. Patterns of drug use in Africa have been changing, and certainly the globalization of illicit drugs is part of this story, but, as this volume effectively demonstrates, it is on a small part of a much more complex narrative.' Professor Merrill Singer, Department of Anthropology, University of Connecticut Storrs 'Nuanced, insightful and clear-headed, this book offers a devastating challenge to the war on drugs and its apologists.' Jonny Steinberg, University of Oxford 'Reliable data on the use of drugs in Africa is notoriously hard to find, and this is a topic which tends to attracts sensationalism and political opportunism rather than rational commentary and debate. In this readable and thorough book, Carrier and Klantschnig offer a calm and reasoned review of the existing evidence and develop an effective critique of the "war on drugs" approach. Picking apart many common assumptions about psycho-active substances in Africa, they effectively challenge the value of supply-side regulatory approaches and attempts at prohibition, and argue for policies based on harm-reduction. This book will be essential reading for anyone interested in drugs policy in Africa.' Justin Willis, Durham University
Neil Carrier is a departmental lecturer in African anthropology based at the African Studies Centre, Oxford. Gernot Klantschnig is a senior lecturer in the Department of Social Policy and Social Work at the University of York.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
African Arguments i
About the authors iv
Title page v
Copyright vi
Introduction 1
Why Africa? Why now? 1
The global war on drugs 2
Africa and the drugs war 11
1 | Africa’s drug habit 16
Sources for African drug consumption 17
Understanding drug use 19
Key substances 23
Table 1.1 Drug seizures in Africa (kilograms), 2005–09 34
Consumption and crisis 47
2 | Drugs and development: a new threat or opportunity? 50
Received wisdom 50
‘Green gold’ and the ‘cow of the ground’: Africa’s drug crops 58
Productive consumption 75
3 | Drug barons, traffickers and mules: Africa as entrepôt 78
Africa in the history of the drug trade 81
The emerging heroin and cocaine connection 87
Figure 3.1 Annual cocaine seizures in West Africa (kilograms), 2000–07 93
Barons, traffickers and mules 94
Figure 3.2 Distribution of global cocaine seizures by region (tonnes and percentage of total), 2009 103
A future Colombia? 101
4 | African states and drugs: complicity, neglect and repression 106
‘Weak African states’ and drugs 106
The complicit state – Guinea-Bissau 110
The neglectful state – Lesotho 115
The repressive state – Nigeria 120
Implications of the global war on drugs 126
Conclusion: alternatives to the drug war? 130
What is the historical depth to African drug production, trade, consumption and policy? 130
What is the extent of drug consumption in Africa? What sub­stances are consumed in what socio-cultural settings? And how fearful should we be? 131
How damaging to development are the production, trade and use of drugs in Africa? 131
Will Africa’s role as entrepôt in the trade of heroin and cocaine further expand and lead to the emergence of ‘narco-states’? 132
How has the war on drugs manifested itself in different African countries? And how have different states actualized ­inter­national drug policy? 133
What room is there in Africa for alternative perspectives and policies that diverge from the received wisdom of prohibition? 133
Notes 139
Introduction 139
1 Africa’s drug habit 141
2 Drugs and development 146
3 Africa as entrepôt 150
4 African states and drugs 153
Conclusion 158
Bibliography 159
Index 170