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Aziz Choudry | Dip Kapoor


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The growth and spread of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) at local and international levels has attracted considerable interest and attention from policy-makers, development practitioners, academics and activists around the world. But how has this phenomenon impacted on struggles for social and environmental justice? How has it challenged - or reinforced - the forces of capitalism and colonialism? And what political, economic, social and cultural interests does this serve? NGOization - the professionalization and institutionalization of social action - has long been a hotly contested issue in grassroots social movements and communities of resistance. This book pulls together for the first time unique perspectives of social struggles and critically engaged scholars from a wide range of geographical and political contexts to offer insights into the tensions and challenges of the NGO model, while considering the feasibility of alternatives.
'NGOization brings together voices not often heard in academia. This is a must read for anyone who is concerned about the future of democracy and wants to learn about the struggles of communities around the world to reclaim it.' Radha D'Souza, University of Westminster 'Often conflated with social movements and other formations constituted by and representing the interests of the disempowered, NGOs require critical examination. Choudry and Kapoor have assembled an urgently timely and significant contribution in this regard and is a must-read for students and activists alike, especially in this moment of accelerating and deepening inequalities within and between countries.' Robyn Rodriguez, associate professor, Asian American Studies, University of California Davis 'While deploying context-specific approaches to theorizing NGOs, social movements, and their complex inter-relations, this insightful and provocative collection demonstrates that it is imperative to analyze NGOs' complicity with capital and coloniality, especially in the current global crisis of neoliberalism. Perhaps most innovative is the argument - advanced by the editors and taken on squarely by richly detailed case studies from an impressive range of world regions - that NGOs are not external to state, market or society. Rather, in the early twenty-first century, they have come to constitute "one more institutional form through which class relations are being contested and reworked." A most welcome addition to the critical literature on NGOization.' Sonia E. Alvarez, Leonard J. Horwitz professor of Latin American politics and society, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Aziz Choudry is assistant professor in the Department of Integrated Studies in Education at McGill University, Canada. He is co-author of Fight Back: Workplace Justice for Immigrants (Fernwood, 2009), and co-editor of Learning from the Ground Up: Global Perspectives on Social Movements and Knowledge Production (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010) and Organize! Building from the Local for Global Justice (PM Press/Between the Lines, 2012). With over 25 years of experience as a social, environmental and political activist, educator and researcher, he currently sits on the boards of the Immigrant Workers Centre, Montreal and the Global Justice Ecology Project. He is also a co-initiator and part of the editorial team of, a website supporting resistance against bilateral free trade and investment agreements. Dip Kapoor is professor of international education in the Department of Educational Policy Studies at the University of Alberta, Canada. He is Research Associate and Founding Member of the Centre for Research and Development Solidarity CRDS), an Adivasi (original dweller)-Dalit rural peoples’ organization in Orissa, India. His relationship with the Adivasi-Dalit Ekta Abhijan (ADEA) land and forest movement in Orissa goes back to the early 1990s. Recent co-edited collections nclude: Education, PAR, and Social Change; Education, Decolonization and Development; Indigenous Knowledge and Learning in Asia/Pacific and Africa; Learning from the Ground Up: Global Perspectives on Social Movements and Knowledge Production and Globalization, Culture and Education in South Asia: Critical Excursions.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
About the Editors i
Title iii
Copyright iv
Contents v
Acknowledgments vii
Preface viii
References xii
Introduction NGOization: Complicity, Contradictions and Prospects 1
A non-typology and short recent history of NGOs 2
Grappling with NGOization 9
NGOs as agents of capitalist colonization of material space 12
The professionalization of dissent and knowledge colonization for capital 14
Prospects: Looking ahead 18
References 20
1 Saving Biodiversity, for Whom and for What? Conservation NGOs, Complicity, Colonialism and Conquest in an Era of Capitalist Globalization 24
Introduction 24
Intellectual property rights and the genetic goldrush 27
Not seeing the forest for the trees: Silences and blinkers in environmental NGO discourse 28
Conservation International: Leading brand of green imperialism? 31
Conclusion 39
Notes 41
References 41
2 Social Action and NGOization in Contexts of Development Dispossession in Rural India: Explorations into the Un-civility of Civil Society 45
Introduction 45
The anatomy of NGOization and the un-civility of civil society in rural contexts of development dispossession 48
From NGOization to social action: Prospects, possibilities and concluding reflections 65
Table 2.1: Lok Adhikar Manch (LAM) 67
Notes 72
References 72
3 NGOs, Indigenous Peoples and the United Nations 75
Introduction 75
Indigenous Nations: Inherent rights 75
Colonization 77
United Nations 79
Non-governmental organizations 81
1977 NGO conference 83
1981 NGO conference 86
Working Group on Indigenous Peoples (WGIP) 87
Declaration drafting by the WGIP 88
Intersessional Working Groups 90
Concluding remarks 92
Appendix 3.1 94
Appendix 3.2 98
Notes 100
References 101
4 From Radical Movement to Conservative NGO and Back Again? A Case Study of the Democratic Left Front in South Africa 102
Politics and interventions in grassroots struggles in South Africa 105
The DLF’s relationship to grassroots organizations 109
Conclusion 113
Notes 115
References 115
5 Philippine NGOs: Defusing Dissent, Spurring Change 118
Historical sketch of Philippine NGOs 119
NGOs and civil society in the Philippines today 123
Neoliberal governance and state-NGO ties 129
NGOization today 131
Philippine neocolonialism and underdevelopment 133
Conclusion 137
Notes 139
References 140
6 Disaster Relief, NGO-led Humanitarianism and the Reconfiguration of Spatial Relations in Tamil Nadu 144
NGOs in post-tsunami reconstruction 146
World Vision and ‘service delivery’ 149
Artisanal fishers and SNEHA: A background 151
Post-tsunami engagements 154
Discussion 156
Notes 159
References 161
7 Seven Theses on Neobalkanism and NGOization in Transitional Serbia 163
The New Balkanism 164
Empire lite: Military humanitarianism 165
Swords of empire: NGOization, democracy promotion and the new balkanism 168
The dance of neoliberalism and nationalism 170
Critiques of NGOization by activists and organizers in Serbia 171
The remnants of transition: Workers, displaced peoples, and privatization 179
Emergent potentialities, incipient struggles 180
Acknowledgments 182
Notes 183
References 183
8 Peace-building and Violence against Women: Tracking the Ruling Relations of Aid in a Women’s Development NGO in Kyrgyzstan 185
Introduction 185
Using institutional ethnography to explicate ruling relations 186
Kyrgyzstan and its contemporary setting for development 188
The organizational setting of the research 190
A puzzle emerges from ethnographic data 193
Ruling relations and Sophia’s direction of the Network 196
Development NGOs and the ruling practices of peacebuilding 201
Notes 204
References 204
9 Alignment and Autonomy: Food Systems in Canada 207
The food movement 209
Two essential statements about context 210
Shaping by capital 211
Breaking away, or trying to 212
Beginnings of a movement 214
Getting organized 215
Corporate-national policy 217
A closer look at the landscape and actors 219
Whole-farm organizations 221
Conclusion: The importance of context, or framing 223
Notes 225
References 226
About the Contributors 227
Index 230