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Garry Leech


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Book Details


In the wake of the global financial crisis, and ongoing savage government cuts across the world, Garry Leech addresses a pressing and necessary topic: the nature of contemporary capitalism, and how it inherently generates inequality and structural violence. Drawing on a number of fascinating case studies from across the world - including the forced displacement of farmers in Mexico, farmer suicides in India, and deaths from preventable and treatable diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa, as well as the unsustainable exploitation of the planet's natural resources - Leech provocatively argues that global capitalism constitutes a form of genocide against the poor, particularly in the global South. Essential and eye-opening the book questions the legitimacy of a system that inevitably results in such large-scale human suffering, while going beyond mere critique to offer a more egalitarian, democratic and sustainable global alternative.
'Capitalism has long been known as unfair, exploitative and wasteful; and more recently as ecologically destructive. Garry Leech now moves the indictment to the next, and final, stage. With the precision of a skilled prosecutor and the moral force of an Old Testament prophet, Leech reveals the power that moves the world to be actively and structurally genocidal, responsible in its greed and cold calculation for no less than ten million excess deaths a year. As people now increasingly move to take on this deadly system now in profound crisis, they will find this an indispensable guide.' Joel Kovel, author of The Enemy of Nature 'Leech argues, using convincing empirical evidence, of the destructive effects of contemporary capitalism, showing that the only plausible alternative is a socialist perspective.' Samir Amin 'At this time of mass rebellions against the global status quo, Garry Leech puts forth a devastating critique of the capitalist system and the ravages it has inflicted on hundreds of millions of people around the world. This timely study will be of great interest to scholars and students. Beyond the academy, its rigorous analysis of the root cause of suffering and injustice on a mass scale and the vision of a socialist alternative based on human development and ecological sustainability will be vital for those on the frontlines of the current global revolt. This is a must read for those participating in the Arab Spring, the Occupy movement, the Latin American revolutions, the anti-austerity protests in Europe, and for all those fighting against the depredations of the genocidal system that is global capitalism.' William I. Robinson, Professor of Sociology, Global Studies, and Latin American Studies, University of California at Santa Barbara 'Nearly short enough to be read in one sitting, but so powerful that its arguments will survive the ages' Labor Studies Journal
Garry Leech is the  director of the Centre for International Studies and a lecturer in the Department of Political Science at Cape Breton University, Canada. He is the author of numerous books including The FARC: The Longest Insurgency (Zed Books, 2011) and Crude Interventions: The United States, Oil and the New World (Dis)Order (Zed Books, 2006).

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
About the Author ii
Acknowledgements vi
Introduction 1
1 What is Structural Genocide? 9
Defining Structural Genocide 12
Conclusion 18
2 The Logic of Capital 21
The Neoliberal Era 32
Conclusion 40
3 Structural Genocide: The Cases of Mexico and India 42
Forced Displacement in Mexico 44
Farmer Suicides in India 55
Conclusion 62
4 Structural Genocide: The Case of Sub-Saharan Africa 64
The Business of Health Care 68
The AIDS Epidemic 74
The Millennium Development Goals 80
Conclusion 82
5 The Truly Inconvenient Truth 85
The Impossible Dream 86
The Climate Change Crisis 89
Conclusion 92
6 Legitimizing the Illegitimate 94
The Art of Consent 97
The Art of Coercion 106
Conclusion 107
7 The Socialist Alternative 108
There is a Revolutionary Alternative 108
Defining Socialism 112
Socialism for the Twenty-first Century: Venezuela 122
Socialism for the Twenty-first Century: Cuba 131
Ecosocialism for the Twenty-first Century 143
Conclusion 147
Conclusion 149
Notes 158
Introduction 158
Chapter 1 158
Chapter 2 160
Chapter 3 162
Chapter 4 164
Chapter 5 166
Chapter 6 167
Chapter 7 168
Conclusion 172
Bibliography 173
Index 179