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The Politics of Indigeneity

The Politics of Indigeneity

Sita Venkateswar | Emma Hughes | Avril Bell | Katharine McKinnon | Simron Jit Singh | Elizabeth Allen | Justin Kenrick | Benno Glauser | Hine Waitere | Christopher Kidd | Teanau Tuiono


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Provocative and original, The Politics of Indigeneity explores the concept of indigeneity across the world - from the Americas to New Zealand, Africa to Asia - and the ways in which it intersects with local, national and international social and political realities. Taking on the role of critical interlocutors, the authors engage in extended dialogue with indigenous spokespersons and activists, as well as between each other. In doing so, they explore the possibilities of a 'second-wave indigeneity' - one that is alert to the challenges posed to indigenous aspirations by the neo-liberal agenda of nation-states and their concerns with sovereignty. Timely and topical in its focus on global indigenous politics, and featuring a variety of first-hand indigenous voices - including those of indigenous activists, scholars, leaders and interviewees - this is a vital contribution to an often contentious topic.
Sita Venkateswar is Director, International in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and Senior Lecturer in the Social Anthropology programme at Massey University. Her ethnography Development and Ethnocide: Colonial Practices in the Andaman Islands is based on her PhD fieldwork in the Andaman Islands from 1989-1992. She has since been involved in research on child labour in Nepal and poverty and grassroots democracy in Kolkata, India. She is currently involved in exploring indigenous politics related to climate change as well as questions of displacement and belonging in relation to refugee resettlement in New Zealand and Europe. Emma Hughes spent several years living in Egypt and working with women's rights groups in Egypt and East Africa where she was involved with development and advocacy projects addressing women’s rights issues. In New Zealand she worked firstly for the Centre for Indigenous Governance and Development at Massey University, and currently as a research adviser. As a visiting research scholar at the American University in Cairo in 2008 she returned to Egypt to document the Nubian case.
'What is indigeneity? How should it be articulated? How does one make it matter? 'The Politics of Indigeneity' is a bold and a challenging book. Multi layered and thought provoking it constantly forces the reader to re-engage and recalibrate, re-think and re-articulate assumptions and notions about many things including, importantly, indigeneity itself - a must read!' - Pankaj Sekhsaria, author of 'Troubled Islands' and editor of the Jarawa Tribal Reserve Dossier. 'This book is based on an engagement with indigenous peoples across the globe, which starts with listening to what they have to say on the subject. The authors do ask questions, occasionally challenge, but with respect and sensitivity and thus an attitude so different from underlying mainstream academic discourses in which the claim of objectivity too often is but a disguise for arrogance.' - Dr Christian Erni, Social Anthropologist, International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs 'This path breaking volume exploring the exciting emergence of a new ''second wave" of indigeneity and activism is a must read for all those interested in contemporary indigenous politics.' - Jeff Sluka, Associate Professor, Social Anthropology Programme, Massey University

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
About the editors i
Figures and table vii
Figures vii
1.1 Ayoreo territory 22
1.2 Aquino Aquiraoi Picanerai 39
1.3 Mateo Sobode Chiquenoi II 40
3.1 Batwa ancestral territories 78
4.1 New Nubia 127
4.2 Old Nubia 128
5.1 Thailand 166
6.1 The Nicobar Islands 174
6.2 Chupon and Simron Singh 183
7.1 The Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal 240
Table vii
4.1 Political timeline for Nubia 142
Abbreviations viii
Additional materials ix
Introduction 1
Invocation: What the spirit said to Ibegua Chiqueñoro 16
Credits 17
Part One | Settler: South America \rand New Zealand 19
1 | Being indigenous: the concept of indigeneity, a conversation with two Ayoreo leaders 21
Introduction 21
Figure 1.1 Ayoreo territory 22
Methodology 23
The interview 26
Figure 1.2 Aquino Aquiraoi Picanerai 39
Figure 1.3 Mateo Sobode Chiquenoi II 40
Conclusions 40
Comment 42
Simron Jit Singh 42
Reply 44
Acknowledgments 44
2 | Beyond indigenous civilities: indigenous matters 45
A response from the wilderness 49
The backstory: Gareth’s challenge 49
Reclamation of the discursive terrain: shifting across two different plains of interaction 60
The reclamation of language and the imaginative space – \nclaiming a right to the future 62
Moana Jackson’s response 63
Helen Te Hira’s response 65
Helen Potter’s response 66
Kane Te Manakura’s response 67
Ian Takarangi’s response 68
Comment 68
Avril Bell 68
Reply: Teanau Tuiono 70
Reply: Avril Bell 71
Conclusion 72
Glossary 73
Acknowledgements 74
Part Two | Post-colonial: Africa and Asia 75
3 | Mapping everyday practices as rights of resistance: indigenous peoples in Central Africa 77
Introduction 77
Figure 3.1 Batwa ancestral territories 78
Interview 1 78
Interview 2 86
The difficulty in acceptance 92
A legitimate alternative 97
Conclusion 107
Comment 110
Benno Glauser 110
Reply 111
4 | Displacement and indigenous rights: \nthe Nubian case 113
Introduction 113
Interview 1: Suad Ibrahim Ahmed, 11 April 2008, Khartoum 114
Interview 2: Dr Ahmed Sokarno, lecturer in linguistics at South Valley University, Aswan, 1 April, Aswan 122
Figure 4.1 New Nubia 127
Figure 4.2 Old Nubia 128
Division, relocation and gendered change 129
Relationship with the state – the line you cannot cross 131
Politicization of identity 134
Visions for the future 138
Comment 140
Christopher Kidd 140
Reply 141
Table 4.1 Political timeline for Nubia 142
Acknowledgements 144
5 | Being indigenous in northern Thailand 145
Highlanders as indigenous peoples 145
The challenges of being indigenous in northern Thailand 149
Working to claim indigeneity 153
NGO/activist views 154
Village views 162
Figure 5.1 Thailand 166
Analysis 167
Comment 170
Sita Venkateswar 170
Reply 171
Glossary 171
Acknowledgements 171
6 | Chupon’s dilemma: a dialogue 172
Prologue 172
Figure 6.1 The Nicobar Islands 174
Chupon’s dilemma 174
Figure 6.2 Chupon and Simron Singh 183
Epilogue 184
Comment 185
Benno Glauser 185
Reply 186
Acknowledgements 187
Part Three\r | International 189
7 | Indigeneity and international indigenous rights organizations and forums 191
Interview 1: Stephen Corry, Survival International, 4 December 2007 193
Interview 2: discussion between Sita Venkateswar and IWGIA members Lola García-Alix and Jens Dahl, Copenhagen, Denmark, 12 December 2007 206
Interview 3: discussion with Ida Nicolaison, Nordic Institute, Copenhagen, 13 December 2007 230
Commentary 234
Teanau Tuiono 235
Emma Hughes 237
Reflections and analysis 238
Figure 7.1 The Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal 240
Conclusion 243
Acknowledgements 245
Conclusion. Naming and claiming second-wave indigeneity: a dialogue and reflections 246
Naming and claiming: a dialogue on second-wave indigeneity 246
Reflections on second-wave indigeneity 249
Gathering the threads to weave a mutual future 255
Notes 256
Introduction 256
Invocation 257
1 Being indigenous 257
2 Beyond indigenous civilities 259
4 Displacement and indigenous rights 261
5 Being indigenous in northern Thailand 261
6 Chupon’s dilemma 262
7 Indigeneity and international indigenous rights organizations 262
Conclusion 263
Bibliography 264
About the contributors 273
Index 276
About Zed Books 284